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Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

M. Sarmad

Oct 27, 2013
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Baba Jan, a popular leader of the struggle leads a April 19 protest rally in Aliabad, Hunza Valley, in support of the charter of demands of the Awami Action Committee.

By Peter Boyle

April 21, 2014 -- Green Left Weekly -- A powerful popular protest is sweeping through the Pakistani-occupied disputed territory of Gilgit Baltistan. Since April 15, an indefinite sit-in strike (dharna) has been waged, uniting for the first time groups from a range of political and religious backgrounds against the removal of a longstanding wheat subsidy. On April 22 protesters will converge in a "long march" on Gilgit, the territory’s capital to surround the offices of local puppet government authority.

During the British colonial era, Gilgit Baltistan was occupied by the British-backed feudal ruler of Kashmir but Pakistan has occupied the territory since 1948.

Syed Asad Hasan, a progressive journalist in Gilgit Baltistan, told Green Left Weekly in an exclusive interview that the new protest movement had gathered so much support that even Pakistan’s major opposition parties have come under pressure to declare their support. A central protest leader, advocate Ahsan Ali, informed him that people will come from all the districts to "convert Gadi Bagh [the main square in Gilgit] into a new Tahrir Square".

So what is the background to this protest?

“In 1972 under the Shimla Pact between India and Pakistan, the former prime minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave the subsidy on wheat to Gilgit Baltistan because India was giving such a subsidy to Indian occupied Kashmir already. Moreover, according to the conventions of UNO Pakistan is bound to provide subsidies to this disputed area," Hasan explained.

“The ordinary people, most of whom are very poor and depend on the subsidy, believe the subsidy is their right.

“In order to put pressure against government’s action, the Jauhar Ali Khan Memorial Society (named after a nationalist leader of the 1950s) called all parties’ conference in which all religious, social, and political and student organisations were present. After a long debate they formed the Gilgit Baltistan Awami Action Committee to fight for the rights of people. The first item on the committee’s agenda was the reinstatement of the wheat subsidy.

“As the people of Gilgit Baltistan demonstrated that the AWC had the popular mandate, the committee, gradually increased the charter of demands to include the removal of tax, load shedding, fees in hospital and reinstatement of the subsidy on transportation which had been removed earlier.

“The AWC is calling for the removal of taxes because according to international law, there should be no taxation without representation. As an occupied territory Gilgit Baltistan is exempt from all type of taxes but government has imposed taxes on people of Gilgit Baltistan illegally.”

Hasan explained that “according to some political activists Pakistan has removed the wheat subsidy in under pressure from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, as Gilgit Baltistan is a disputed territory it is exempt from all these laws.”

He also agreed that a significant part of the wheat subsidy had been diverted through government corruption. But added: “First of all the people should be aware of their rights in the context of a disputed territory, secondly they should support the action committee’s struggle to get their rights in full.”

When negotiations with government failed, the action committee launched the sit in protest which are still going on throughout Gilgit Baltistan.

A local news publication, the Pamir Times, said this is the longest protest in the territory’s history. It reported that Gilgit's shops and roads had been closed for two days by the strike.

Farooq Tariq, the general secretary of the left-wing Pakistani party, the Awami Workers Party, told Green Left Weekly that his organisation strongly supported the protest and that one of its leaders, Baba Jan (who was previously jailed and tortured in Gilgit Baltistan), was playing a leading role the movement.





“The AWC is calling for the removal of taxes because according to international law, there should be no taxation without representation. As an occupied territory Gilgit Baltistan is exempt from all type of taxes but government has imposed taxes on people of Gilgit Baltistan illegally.”

Hasan explained that “according to some political activists Pakistan has removed the wheat subsidy in under pressure from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, as Gilgit Baltistan is a disputed territory it is exempt from all these laws.”

Ha....so the Gilgit Baltistani all parties representation considers themselves part of a disputed territory.....So much for "Azad" Kashmir and the constant rhetoric of Pakistanis that Pakistan Occupied Kashmiris consider themselves a part of the Pakistani nation....
Ha....so the Gilgit Baltistani all parties representation considers themselves part of a disputed territory.....So much for "Azad" Kashmir and the constant rhetoric of Pakistanis that Kashmiris consider themselves a part of their nation....

Wrong interpretation my friend. They are saying if they cannot be made a fifth province of Pakistna(which they always demand) then why impose tax on them?

They want complete provincial status and then would pay taxes. Your interpretation is wrong.
Wrong interpretation my friend. They are saying if they cannot be made a fifth province of Pakistna(which they always demand) then why impose tax on them?

They want complete provincial status and then would pay taxes. Your interpretation is wrong.

Broheim...I am quoting the said individuals...."disputed territory" is the exact terminology used by them...I dont believe that there are too many varying meanings for the same...

also, your version regarding provincial status is missing from this report...
Can you point out the conditional demand as stated because i did not find it in my read...
Broheim...I am quoting the said individuals...."disputed territory" is the exact terminology used by them...I dont believe that there are too many varying meanings for the same...

also, your version regarding provincial status is missing from this report...
Can you point out the conditional demand as stated because i did not find it in my read...

I just presented you the actual situation of that area. there demand is right. If they cannot be given provincial status then govt has no right to impose taxes on them too. Even this news says the same.

“The AWC is calling for the removal of taxes because according to international law, there should be no taxation without representation.

As for their demand for being made a province.

GBLA approves resolution demanding provincial status for gilgit-baltistan | PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities
Puppet government? These "nationalists" hardly received any votes.

So when you can't defeat someone democratically, you go on the streets. Typical Pakistani behaviour. Looks like these people are just as Pakistani as their fellow citizens in Karachi.

Gilgit–Baltistan has never been formally integrated into the Pakistani state and does not participate in Pakistan's constitutional political affairs . Officially, Pakistan has rejected Gilgit–Baltistani calls for integration with Pakistan on the grounds that it would prejudice its international obligations with regard to the Kashmir dispute.
Broheim...I am quoting the said individuals...."disputed territory" is the exact terminology used by them...I dont believe that there are too many varying meanings for the same...

also, your version regarding provincial status is missing from this report...
Can you point out the conditional demand as stated because i did not find it in my read...

Maybe giving the source a read would be worthwhile as would checking out some other wonderful specimen of journalism by them : Green Left Weekly

Likewise the understanding that we've centered the entire article around a 'progressive journalist' who no one has heard of and a
a party that managed to get 18,650 votes out of more than 84 million votes cast shedding some light on their electoral credentials ! :unsure:

There are protests there just like there are protests here in Lahore about the hike in petrol prices - Nothing to spin a story of perpetual agony out of ! :undecided:
I just presented you the actual situation of that area. there demand is right. If they cannot be given provincial status then govt has no right to impose taxes on them too. Even this news says the same.

As for their demand for being made a province.

GBLA approves resolution demanding provincial status for gilgit-baltistan | PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities

The GBLA is the legislative assembly of the Gilgit Baltistan region.....
on the other hand GB AWC is a boots on ground representation of all parties, two completely different organization...

n order to put pressure against government’s action, the Jauhar Ali Khan Memorial Society (named after a nationalist leader of the 1950s) called all parties’ conference in which all religious, social, and political and student organisations were present. After a long debate they formed the Gilgit Baltistan Awami Action Committee to fight for the rights of people. The first item on the committee’s agenda was the reinstatement of the wheat subsidy

In addition, there is no connection i see here that states that these current demands will be dropped based on the provincial status demand being completed..only you seem to be drawing this connection...

It seems the averege person in Gilgit Baltistan considers it a disputed territory
Maybe giving the source a read would be worthwhile as would checking out some other wonderful specimen of journalism by them : Green Left Weekly

Likewise the understanding that we've centered the entire article around a 'progressive journalist' who no one has heard of and a
a party that managed to get 18,650 votes out of more than 84 million votes cast shedding some light on their electoral credentials ! :unsure:

There are protests there just like there are protests here in Lahore about the hike in petrol prices - Nothing to spin a story of perpetual agony out of ! :undecided:

The Longest protest in history of the territory is just like any protest on hike of petrol prices in Lahore ??? You are better than that But Sahib ......


The Longest protest in history of the territory is just like any protest on hike of petrol prices in Lahore ??? You are better than that But Sahib ......



Yes; especially of its being forwarded as a continuation of the poor...poor Left championing the rights of the downtrodden and the oppressed against the evil Capitalistic system where the entire prognosis rests on the party that no one gives a foOk about and a progressive journalist that no one has heard of ! :)

Its a protest against the withdrawal of wheat subsidy - Nothing to do with the people of GB venting their anger at the pretext of being a part of Pakistan !
The GBLA is the legislative assembly of the Gilgit Baltistan region.....basically speaking, Pakistan appointed representatives to the state assembly..
on the other hand GB AWC is a boots on ground representation of all parties, two completely different organization...


In addition, there is no connection i see here that states that these current demands will be dropped based on the provincial status demand being completed..only you seem to be drawing this connection...

It seems the averege person in Gilgit Baltistan considers it a disputed territory

Again you are misinterpreting things just because you are Indian. This is Indian spin to the story, Purely made in India. :)

GBLA is the representative of the people of GB. They are as much as boots of ground as this unknown GB AWC. Also most of the demands of the people are pretty normal and are similar as any other region of Pakistan. What are their demands. Wheat subsidy, load shedding, fees in hospital and reinstatement of the subsidy on transportation. These are all valid demands and have nothing to do with any "disputed territory" BS.

The average GB guy hates to be associated with the Kashmir issue and consider that they are lagging behind just because they are made a party to this dispute. You might never find a Balti or Gilgiti who calls himself a Kashmiri or consider himself a party to the dispute.
Its a protest against the withdrawal of wheat subsidy - Nothing to do with the people of GB venting their anger at the pretext of being a part of Pakistan !

Did the report say so or did you assume it yourself ?? Why so defensive and insecure ?

Yes; especially of its being forwarded as a continuation of the poor...poor Left championing the rights of the downtrodden and the oppressed against the evil Capitalistic system where the entire prognosis rests on the party that no one gives a foOk about and a progressive journalist that no one has heard of !

So you want to say that you do not give a foOk about what people of Gilgit Baltistan want ?

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