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Many Afghans See Their Future with India, Not Pakistan

The Afghan Government is under so much pressure that they love making up fake stories. Apparently yesterday 89 socalled Taliban submitted there guns to the Governor in Ghor Province, however please note from the picture below that the guns given in are from the 1st Afghan-Anglo War:)

This is such a shame they are excellent show-pieces. I would like to hang one as decoration on a wall. They are being handed over to be destroyed.
Such a loss of a beautiful ornament.

The Afghan gov must be really desperate.
So hows your relation with Nepal and Srilanka going on these days

Source: Many Afghans See Their Future with India, Not Pakistan | Page 2
Their Govt. are largely in favor of India despite scapegoating. The Indians have disputes outside diplomatic. As far as SAARC is concerned, Pakistan is the black sheep.
Hopefully pressure from the civilian govt. and washingtons backing have already made a change in FO in Pakistan.
Although the US had to threaten Pakistan with bombs, it worked. America took the carrot stick approach and it worked.
Perhaps the PA wasn't as stupid as we assumed.

This is such a shame they are excellent show-pieces. I would like to hang one as decoration on a wall. They are being handed over to be destroyed.
Such a loss of a beautiful ornament.

The Afghan gov must be really desperate.

Source: Many Afghans See Their Future with India, Not Pakistan | Page 2
I know. Ship them to the US and get rich. Damn shame. But these guns are still used. Great for defence, and overall, less murders and blood killing. So there mush be shift in attitude. If they are giving up en-fields , whos providing security/? ANA? Or are they upgrading to AK-47 knock offs?
Also this is good tactic. PA should learn. Pay for their guns, shame them into giving them up. It works. Not everyone wanted to fight. Fighting is a last resort.
First of all this is not a report from a proper news outlet.
It's a copy paste job from somebody's blog. This is how they are described.

Global Voices is an international network of bloggers, translators, and citizen journalists that follow, report, and summarize what is going on in the blogosphere.

And the author is this guy here.

Rustam Ali Seerat

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joined 27 December 2015 · 1 posts
Rustam Ali Seerat is a student of International Relations at the South Asian University in New Delhi.

Email Rustam Ali Seerat

The poll which he quotes is unavailable, so I have my doubts regarding that.
We need to find out what was the question of this poll, where was it conducted, the geographic spread etc. To have any idea what kind of attitudes we are talking about.

All in all a very poor report based on some unavailable polling data. By a student blogger residing in New Delhi.

You can find similar poll which is little bit older from this site
BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries

screen shot

Most of these ungrateful afghans would be speaking russian and would have russian fathers if it weren't for us and at that time afghans supported CIA and pakistan in gettign rid of soviets

it is Pakistanis that are ingrates. Russians would have taken over north and west parts of Pakistan in a very bloody battle had they not been stopped in Afghanistan. Thus Afghanistan saved your skins by having the battle there.

BTW it is Pakistan that tried to profit out of Afghani blood - how shameful it is for a country to block food and supply routes to that war torn neighbor!
This is such a shame they are excellent show-pieces. I would like to hang one as decoration on a wall. They are being handed over to be destroyed.
Such a loss of a beautiful ornament.

The Afghan gov must be really desperate.

These guns are highly valued in the western world and price is dependent on the condition of the said hardware. This event was a propaganda piece to stop the rising panic in Kabul, however they have failed spectacularly and now look extremely stupid. The guns will be kept in a special locker where they will be used in the next fake surrender ceremony.
Not historical,there are several ethnic Pashtuns communities lived all over india for hundreds of yeras notably Bangash pashtun and Rohillas.

Our former FM salman Khursheed was from a pashtun background.
at that time pak bangla afghan india was 1 so dont compare
Great, lets send all these thankless vermin back to their great rock age country or to India and see for how long the Indians shall sing this brotherly love tune when they have to live with these barbaric backward minded savages and their culture of BS.
The reason why the Afghan see greater prospects of development with Bharat is that Pakistan has always been on the hit list of the international conspiracies whereas Bharat has always been the most supported country of the Western bloc.
India supports Afghan in many ways especially with infrastructure, security etc etc....

Pakistan on the other hand as a reputation of supporting Taliban in the past and present....and India's propaganda machine is much much powerful than Pakistan's propaganda machine ....May this is one of the reason why Afghan side with India...
Afghanistan never even share a single border with India. India influence will be very limited. It is very easy for Pakistan to cut off India support of Afghanistan.
Definitely! we are causelessly falling to that "Afghan bait" posted by Bharoti.....current afghan gov is mirror image of Northern alliance which lack big support from 60% Pashtuns population....
it is Pakistanis that are ingrates. Russians would have taken over north and west parts of Pakistan in a very bloody battle had they not been stopped in Afghanistan. Thus Afghanistan saved your skins by having the battle there.

BTW it is Pakistan that tried to profit out of Afghani blood - how shameful it is for a country to block food and supply routes to that war torn neighbor!
Trying to teach history here which Islamabad and Kabul created for themselves towards the end of cold war era...same as a mousse trying desperately to become an elephant....Afghanistan has never faced shortage of food thanks of open borders they enjoyed during the last 5 decades...but now let them also grow rice and wheat along with opium which they are literally in love to increase their GDP....let them enjoy their along with their new friends..!!:toast_sign:
So much for your strategic depth. It did not work in the long run. Generations of Afghans have had bad impression about your country.
They never liked Pakistan since 1947. Their dislike predates Pakistani interference into Afghanistan during the Soviet times and after.
It was Afghanistan who drew first blood by attempting destabilisation in the early years of Pakistan.
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