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Mango trees cutting incident


Apr 28, 2014
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United Kingdom
Who is cutting these precious trees? if DHA is involved, are they out of their mind. Whether you can pay or not, cutting down productive trees mustn't be allowed.
On one hand we are planting trees which will take a decade to return anything back, and on the other they are cutting already mature trees.

In UK there is no shortage of trees, but to make high-speed railways, they have already planted the amount which is going to be cut down for the future track.

Extremely shortsightedness, and plain stupidity
It is very unfortunate
Thousand mango trees went down for PARCO Refinery, Multan.
DHA vandalised kilometers of mango orchards in Multan. They did not fulfilled any corporate social responsibility. They had enough resources to build the DHA on sad dunes by leveling their ground but they chose the fertile mango farm soil to achieve their goal. This is one of the largest environmental disasters we have seen in current century.

People of Multan will face its consequences in less than 2 decades. This area was considered to be lungs of Multan which was helping an already hot city to fight the hot climate.
I personally hate all the stupid grass parks or dirt parks , with no trees , folks need to understand Trees can't be chopped
This news which showed up on internet made me angry
This trend is nothing new although massive in size. Rules/ policies and implementation is the weakest part here. Cities expanding without planning at the mercy of land mafias has taken away the beauty and health. I have seen the rules in middle east where a certain area is designated for any future development and no other area can be used for any other purpose.
My native town(Potohar) had to face a similar environmental disaster when cement plants were allowed ruthlessly without proper water and other planning. The result is complete destruction of environment.
Multan Development Authority is responsible for approving this disaster/deforestation:

1. Loss of mango trees,
2. decrease in mango exports,
3. loss of agricultural land,
4. air pollution and
5. global warming.
wow so many blatantly lying members.
trees were cut down by city housing society multan
will the rampaging members now appologize.
Army has literally planted millions and millions of trees in past 2, 3 years. nobody noticed that, the knee jerk reactions here without varifying is shameful
@waz @The Eagle please dont allow propaganda
DHA vandalised kilometers of mango orchards in Multan. They did not fulfilled any corporate social responsibility. They had enough resources to build the DHA on sad dunes by leveling their ground but they chose the fertile mango farm soil to achieve their goal. This is one of the largest environmental disasters we have seen in current century.

People of Multan will face its consequences in less than 2 decades. This area was considered to be lungs of Multan which was helping an already hot city to fight the hot climate.
You sure its dha ?
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