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Malaysian Missing plane could have been hijacked to Pakistan: US media

Obviously you hold a very simple mind. In such a scenario I'd be a lot more worried about what the implications would be for Pakistan in the global geopolitical arena. I won't be worried about my insignificant insecurities.

My dear it is you who needs to grow up some brain cells. You people are the reason Pakistan is facing stone age image in outside world. People like you should not represent Pakistan for good because Pakistan's founding fathers did not fought for independence for these days.

Sure I am....lol. Don't even know where that came from.

You are not talking to yourself. Be more specific.

I've been living in Canada for some years now. I know of the "green pastures" you speak of. Pfftt......
Next, the US invaded a country, destroyed it, killed about a million or so innocent people, displaced even more, all on some concocted premise. And you just try to slip right around it, wonder if its that same embarrassment you were talking about?

US govt is not Pakistan's failed govt. It has to look for its interest and eliminate those who black mail or threaten this country.

Tell that to 50,000 dead, the FUBAR economy, the 1990s and the 60+ years Pakistan spent under US posses.

50K dead because of Pakistani govt who instead of securing & sealing troubled borders used money for their own selves. These fools are still thinking that peace talks are worth trying. Pakistan is a big country and is more than capable of taking care of itself. Those are hypocrites who blame US but not those more than 90% Pakistanis who never pay tax.

Well you're the one who gets embarrassed by 'Pakistani'. I never had any such problem.

Stop f@rting from your r3@r. I never said i get embarrassed be being a Pakistani. If your brain is so thick i can post it again for you. What i said was that God forbid if this incident is traced to Pakistan, overseas Pakistanis have to face embarrassment. And stop talking as if Pakistan is your dada's jageer. And stop repeating same lines like a parrot.

Never said anything about you loving the US and/or Pakistan or not. Frankly, I couldn't careless. You could love the US with all your heart and hate Pakistan with all your might, as is your right. I'm more interested in your insecurities which bleed embarrassment for the rest of us Pakistanis.

I don't give a flyin fcuk what you think. I don't have to prove anything to a troll whose head will always remain in the sand. I' am proud American and a proud Pakistani. The bad apples like you are embarrassment not the country. Nothing more to say on this country thing so if you bring that again i will report your troll post. You have no right to tell me which country i love, hate etc.

Agreed. As insignificant as your embarrassment. The embarrassment which comes from an unyielding thirst to please the gora. You can't help but lay down with your belly exposed and your tail wagging in front of them. And defend Pakistan against the unjustified accusations? Oh God no, heavens forbid they might make fun of you, or worse, not except you. Ironically, that rarely ever happens.

We in America are not like majority bunch of you guys in Canada or Britain...who hate the country that feeds. The Pakistanis in America are proud of this land just like we love Pakistan. For you it will be "a thirst to please the gora" - not for us because here in US no one is superior to other. Every one is emigrant - first, second, third generation...doesn't matter.

Now kindly shut it with your personal attacks or your post will be reported.

I don't mind this also. The only problem is Modi is not known to have terror camps like Pakistan. Anyway, don't get offended. I don't mind if the plane is found in India as well as long the passengers are okay. That is more important.

India do have. Indian terrorist organizations such as RSS, VHP, LTTE, etc are few to mention.
India do have. Indian terrorist organizations such as RSS, VHP, LTTE, etc are few to mention.

RSS, VHP are not terror organisations according to UN or any other international body.

LTTE "was" Sri Lankan not Indian

Anyway you said Modi has terror camps. There is no such thing. Don't change the topic now. My only point was that no matter where it is found Pakistan or India , it will great as long as the people are alive. Embarrassment is a smaller concern right now.
My only point was that no matter where it is found Pakistan or India , it will great as long as the people are alive. Embarrassment is a smaller concern right now.

Hope it is found in India.

Rest of your rant i don't agree but won't respond as that is all off topic.
Now I'm positive world powers are responsible for this and it's another sheme for something to happen in the world, it's only a matter of time but thankfully no one will buy western colonialist garbage again.
From Malaysia it got invisible and flew over India all the way to Pakistan.????

Either Indian radars are crap or somebody in US is really high on meth.

What if the plan was more elaborate and the hijackers successfully managed to disguise the plane as a scheduled international commercial flight or a cargo flight?
What if the plan was more elaborate and the hijackers successfully managed to disguise the plane as a scheduled international commercial flight or a cargo flight?

If its true. . then we are in deep . . deep trouble :D
Looks like indians working on such US news outlet now presenting garbage to the world.
why anyone is not asking Malaysians abt their radars, airforce that a plane has shut down comm and it is lost in air??? Can a commercial jetliner simply vanish itself like this and no1 can found it? They have more responsibility over the incident!!
I don't mind this also. The only problem is Modi is not known to have terror camps like Pakistan. Anyway, don't get offended. I don't mind if the plane is found in India as well as long the passengers are okay. That is more important.
............dude, i doubt the plane could have landed in India or Pakistan..........unless both of their radars are like shit, but i still doubt it, IT IS SO BIG AND SO LOUD
............dude, i doubt the plane could have landed in India or Pakistan..........unless both of their radars are like shit, but i still doubt it, IT IS SO BIG AND SO LOUD

That is the point. There are good chances that our radars are shit :laugh:

Or the people monitoring those radars are shit.
If flight was hijacked then such sophisticated hijacking might have military involvement and must be something of national security threat on board. All other possibilities are confusing and need more investigation. Lets pray for safety of 239 people on board.

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