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Malaysian Missing plane could have been hijacked to Pakistan: US media

man pakistanis can be one pathetic bunch but this hypothesis even i wont buy :lol:
My dear it is you who needs to grow up some brain cells. You people are the reason Pakistan is facing stone age image in outside world. People like you should not represent Pakistan for good because Pakistan's founding fathers did not fought for independence for these days.

Well seeing that you know me so well, I'll forfeit this argument in your favour. I'm assuming you know what my education is, what I do, what I've done, how I think, where I grew up, which cricket team I support and all?

You are not talking to yourself. Be more specific.


US govt is not Pakistan's failed govt. It has to look for its interest and eliminate those who black mail or threaten this country.


50K dead because of Pakistani govt who instead of securing & sealing troubled borders used money for their own selves. These fools are still thinking that peace talks are worth trying. Pakistan is a big country and is more than capable of taking care of itself. Those are hypocrites who blame US but not those more than 90% Pakistanis who never pay tax.

1) Who does not let us seal the border? Yup, the US of A. 2) We are taking care of ourselves but it doesn't absolve the USA from the shit storm it started (against all our better judgement and advice), dragged us in to and is now soon leaving us with. You forgot to answer the rest of the points too. 3) A war is not fought with a mere 6 billion dollars that the US gave. 4) The US has been begging for peace talks with the Taliban for quite some while now. Please research a little before posting here. This Neanderthal comes across well known news ever once in a while.

Stop f@rting from your r3@r. I never said i get embarrassed be being a Pakistani. If your brain is so thick i can post it again for you. What i said was that God forbid if this incident is traced to Pakistan, overseas Pakistanis have to face embarrassment. And stop talking as if Pakistan is your dada's jageer. And stop repeating same lines like a parrot.

Like I said, never said or cared if you were embarrassed by being a Pakistani or not. Explained it quite well how your insignificant insecurities were the least of what a Pakistani should be worried about just because of a ludicrous and stupid comment by an old senile US general. The general who obviously spoke with an agenda unless he rose to the position of a general without having any idea how tracking flights actually works and what it would take to accomplish such a feat. But I never assumed that you were a very smart man anyway.

I repeat stuff so that you may get it, which you obviously haven't since you keep bringing in X, Z, K when we are talking about Y. Unless you are trying to bedazzle and/or overwhelm me with your long rants.

I don't give a flyin fcuk what you think. I don't have to prove anything to a troll whose head will always remain in the sand. I' am proud American and a proud Pakistani. The bad apples like you are embarrassment not the country. Nothing more to say on this country thing so if you bring that again i will report your troll post. You have no right to tell me which country i love, hate etc.

Sigh....do you even know what I posted or what you are posting? "Aggression and foul language" has an even lesser effect when written. And please feel free to report my posts.

We in America are not like majority bunch of you guys in Canada or Britain...who hate the country that feeds. The Pakistanis in America are proud of this land just like we love Pakistan. For you it will be "a thirst to please the gora" - not for us because here in US no one is superior to other. Every one is emigrant - first, second, third generation...doesn't matter.

Like I said, you do know me very well, well enough to tell me that I hate Canada. You should have also known then that Canada never fed me a single cent, like literally.
None are superior to any other anywhere, but some still choose to lick the others boots and hope for another to lick their's, insecurities and all.

Now kindly shut it with your personal attacks or your post will be reported.

Feel free to report.

I'm still not quite sure what all of your previous two posts had to do with my first post. Its all just unrelated, nonsensical garbage being spewed instead of answering the actual question... Don't even know where most of the stuff came from. At first I'm an India/TTP/LeJ lover who can only dream of the free open magical society you live in and then I'm a Neanderthal who feeds off Canada and still hates it. There was some stuff about your love for the US, my hands in the sand (which is actually a metonym for going to the beach), some childishly rough language here and there and then a lot of inaccurate claims and then even more about who and what I am. Some implicit claims of superiority too because you live in the west but I'll let that go for now. As impressed as I am that you live in the US, you've still made me waste quite a lot of bandwidth on answering off topic and unrelated nonsense.

ps: I do apologize for the late reply.

That is the point. There are good chances that our radars are shit :laugh:

Or the people monitoring those radars are shit.

It's not just about the radars. You can't just go land a huge airliner anywhere. You need permissions and support from the airfield and a proper runway, not just some dirt track. Every flight is also tracked and guided through the respective country's airspace. You can't do any of this without hundreds of eyes watching you. And with airspaces as sensitive as our's I doubt it's even possible.
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Well seeing that you know me so well, I'll forfeit this argument in your favour. I'm assuming you know what my education is, what I do, what I've done, how I think, where I grew up, which cricket team I support and all?



1) Who does not let us seal the border? Yup, the US of A. 2) We are taking care of ourselves but it doesn't absolve the USA from the shit storm it started (against all our better judgement and advice), dragged us in to and is now soon leaving us with. You forgot to answer the rest of the points too. 3) A war is not fought with a mere 6 billion dollars that the US gave. 4) The US has been begging for peace talks with the Taliban for quite some while now. Please research a little before posting here. This Neanderthal comes across well known news ever once in a while.

Like I said, never said or cared if you were embarrassed by being a Pakistani or not. Explained it quite well how your insignificant insecurities were the least of what a Pakistani should be worried about just because of a ludicrous and stupid comment by an old senile US general. The general who obviously spoke with an agenda unless he rose to the position of a general without having any idea how tracking flights actually works and what it would take to accomplish such a feat. But I never assumed that you were a very smart man anyway.

I repeat stuff so that you may get it, which you obviously haven't since you keep bringing in X, Z, K when we are talking about Y. Unless you are trying to bedazzle and/or overwhelm me with your long rants.

Sigh....do you even know what I posted or what you are posting? "Aggression and foul language" has an even lesser effect when written. And please feel free to report my posts.

Like I said, you do know me very well, well enough to tell me that I hate Canada. You should have also known then that Canada never fed me a single cent, like literally.
None are superior to any other anywhere, but some still choose to lick the others boots and hope for another to lick their's, insecurities and all.

Feel free to report.

I'm still not quite sure what all of your previous two posts had to do with my first post. Its all just unrelated, nonsensical garbage being spewed instead of answering the actual question... Don't even know where most of the stuff came from. At first I'm an India/TTP/LeJ lover who can only dream of the free open magical society you live in and then I'm a Neanderthal who feeds off Canada and still hates it. There was some stuff about your love for the US, my hands in the sand (which is actually a metonym for going to the beach), some childishly rough language here and there and then a lot of inaccurate claims and then even more about who and what I am. Some implicit claims of superiority too because you live in the west but I'll let that go for now. As impressed as I am that you live in the US, you've still made me waste quite a lot of bandwidth on answering off topic and unrelated nonsense.

ps: I do apologize for the late reply.

It was you who start accusing me of being embarrassed about my origin and i told you that i' am proud to be American of Pakistani origin - or in simple words i' am proud American & proud Pakistani & both countries are dear to me. I don't wanna reply all your rant but will simplify it for you. I just said that i hope that jet is not found in Pakistan because these stupid things give Pakistan a very bad name & also bring the morale of overseas Pakistanis down.

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