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Malala, 15, set to make Britain her permanent home

Perhaps that could mean that when all this hype goes down, he and the family could return to Pak. But who would want to come back after seeing the 'pardes ki bahar' ???

Oh well!

If they are Patriotic Enough They will return and realize that Pakistan needs them and they were given jobs and security and sent abroad for treatment By Pak Government, Its their Right To return The Nation Demands justice From people like these!!
Sensible move by Pak govt. After giving so much hype to this 'malala' episode it's now imperative that the Pak govt takes care of safety & security of the family.. & coming back to Pakistan means putting their life in danger no matter what kind of security you provide. Better safe than sorry...

They could have easily provided her security within Pakistan , somewhere in posh areas where its difficult to breach security, People are living here its not like you are having terrorists activities all over Pakistan 24 hours a day . Its more about our media which makes all the huh haa out of nothing. They have make this a norm to report some killing atleast 1 time a day otherwise they think they are not doing good

Its only some parts of karachi that have problem that too created by political parties in other main cities there is everything normal .
Soon you gonna see such rate lists

1 bullet = UK citizenship

2 bullets = Canadian citizenship

1 grenade = American citizenship

and if you want a bullet = burmese citizenship

brother this has been happening for long time. first are the poor goat farmer kids they love to come to England but like i said education is not problem but it not free or supported by tax payer so these kids grow up looking towards the west for hope. In Pakistan the mentality is if you dont screw this guy over you wont make it. trust me i have seen mangatar guys destroy a UK girls life over money or got passport n divorcee her.
They could have easily provided her security within Pakistan , somewhere in posh areas where its difficult to breach security, People are living here its not like you are having terrorists activities all over Pakistan 24 hours a day . Its more about our media which makes all the huh haa out of nothing. They have make this a norm to report some killing atleast 1 time a day otherwise they think they are not doing good

Its only some parts of karachi that have problem that too created by political parties in other main cities there is everything normal .

This maybe the case for ordinary Pakistanis. However this girl & her family are not ordinary any more due to the hype created & the subsequent threat issued by her adversaries. Hence it's better for her & her family to remain in Britain & move back once the dust settles..
Millions of Pakistanis are living without such security and surviving.

Millions of people don't have a standing execution order against them by the TTP.

And then people and media forgot about the controversial movie ,24 hours media chanted about malala and emotional nation followed the media , then malala days and dont know what

The movie did not merit the attention given to it. Malala deserves the attention and honor because her ordeal highlighted the cause of girls' education in Pakistan. If it encouraged some other girls to stay in school, then it was worth it.

God knows our idiot media can't be bothered doing any kind of social awareness campaigns.
Hello! From day one had been saying that she was never shot in head.......... in shoulder only. But "media junkies " love to label anything that doesn't fall in line with their blind dogmas as "conspiracy theory".
This maybe the case for ordinary Pakistanis. However this girl & her family are not ordinary any more due to the hype created & the subsequent threat issued by her adversaries. Hence it's better for her & her family to remain in Britain & move back once the dust settles..

Malala deserves the attention and honor because her ordeal highlighted the cause of girls' education in Pakistan. If it encouraged some other girls to stay in school, then it was worth it.

She does not have any specific adversary , she was hit by taliban and taliban are hitting random people . Its not like malala has been much of a threat to them . The area where this incident happened is among many of other backward areas where schools are burned on random basis but in main cities there have never been any such incident .

There are many pro-american and liberal schools in main cities which may wonder those who think Pakistan as a backward country like and never a single incident happened there. If the govt wanted to bear her expenses they would have easily allotted her a house and a scholarship for further studies in Pakistan. By letting her live in a foreign country you are creating a negative impact and portraying a sense of lack of security for the rest of the nation.( which by the way already know these politicians have screwed them up)
but its like ok we cant protect our people so better you take them
I think she did the right thing, also we should thank pakistani govt for being flexible.
Its not an option for others but she is a well known face there now, and will probably be targetted again. (Rest pdf members are nobody, may fear random attack which has low probability of affecting a person, so dont compare your situation with hers)

Even if we agree that she was not targetted by taliban before, she will almost definitely be targetted now.
no dude....and I wouldn't mind even if you offend me...you are a Hindustani like me...we are brothers

Thank you. Was just pointing out, not everybody with a beard is taliban. There are people with extreme point of view everywhere including India, some countries have better law enforcement (and gun control) and some dont, so not everybody can do what they wish. :)
Pakistanis are really funny. She is the one who stood for the education of girls. It is easy to comment when u r sitting up in lahore and karachi. She is the one who stood up against Taliban, fought for girls knowing that she will be the prime target.What you Pakistanis or your state has done for that girl ? You left her for those fcuking talibanis to kill her. Every single Pakistani want to go abroad and if that little girl got a chance then instead of chest thumping here on pdf , you Pakistanis should know she deserve better.If you cannot give basic necessity to her, how come you think that she ll ever come back to Pakistan.
Well, no one is saying that she got herself shot deliberately, but she can come back.

Millions of Pakistanis are living without such security and surviving.

Heck, right now I am sitting in Karachi - complete shut down, no cellular service since 6 am, and it will be down again tomorrow, no traffic, petrol pumps closed for more than half the day, shops not open.

Does that mean that 17 million people should quit?

Are you a target announced by taliban?

Every moderate Pakistani,if given a chance,would leave Pakistan...the place has become a living hell

ae .. chup re.. as if you toured there for 3 months living with them?

If I get the opportunity to move to pakistan with a company i work for for a few years I would grab it. there may be a chance for it to happen with the MFN to india and maybe indian it companies may open offices there. maybe I can get a managerial position there.
day dreaming at it's best

but its night time here.... it seems possible.. imagine setting up an office for a top indian IT company in Lahore or Karachi. You get a role for hiring and bringing upto speed a team and building expertise there . thats something i have been doing for the last 10 + years. I can easily ramp up an account of upto 200 - 300 people and get them up and running in 6 months. that will be really nice.if i get what iam paid in india + perks it will be a good life i think.
Are you a target announced by taliban?

You think I will tell you that here?

Also, must one be a target of the Taliban to expect security or any sort or sense?

If she is a target, witness protection, give her a new identity. Don't keep using her as a "poster child".

but its night time here.... it seems possible.. imagine setting up an office for a top indian IT company in Lahore or Karachi. You get a role for hiring and bringing upto speed a team and building expertise there . thats something i have been doing for the last 10 + years. I can easily ramp up an account of upto 200 - 300 people and get them up and running in 6 months. that will be really nice.if i get what iam paid in india + perks it will be a good life i think.

Try doing that without cellular services for 3 consecutive days! Sure, we won't mind sharing those perks with you!
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