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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

Why not just close them down and replace them with high tech universities, colleges, libraries? haven't we suffered enough terrorism and humiliation because of these terror factories?
UNIVERSITIES COLLEGES WITH CO EDUCATION AND LITTLE ISLAMIC EDUCATION ARE BRINGING WESTERN CULTURE AND THOUGHTS AS WELL AS LIFESTYLE ON OUR NEW GENERATIONS....EVER BEEN TO UNIVERSITY? COeducation has destroyed 90% of students there and nowadays university is more of a illicit relationship house than an educational institure

the reason why our public is getting liberal and secular
UNIVERSITIES COLLEGES WITH CO EDUCATION AND LITTLE ISLAMIC EDUCATION ARE BRINGING WESTERN CULTURE AND THOUGHTS AS WELL AS LIFESTYLE ON OUR NEW GENERATIONS....EVER BEEN TO UNIVERSITY? COeducation has destroyed 90% of students there and nowadays university is more of a illicit relationship house than an educational institure

the reason why our public is getting liberal and secular
Yes i am doing msc from one and apko kiya log apni zati zindagi mein kiya kartey hain apney kaam sey kaam rakhain bus

Really? do i need to tell you what ''happens'' in madrassas?

Still better than becoming terrorists and will you pls stop shouting?
Madrassay mein Kasur waley kaam hotey hain
as an outsider and person living on the other side of the world,
i only want to add to this discussion the need for Pakistan (and all other countries) to have education systems that do not preach hatred or intolerance, nor violence as a means to rule / conquer / change things.
Some form of centralized oversight (as suggested earlier in this thread) might be useful. It might be best that that centralized oversight is populated with secular individuals rather than religious individuals who are prone to favor their own sect of religion openly, or (worse..) secretly.
And educating students to get unbiased non-politicized education in all aspects of adult life rather than just a few or one aspect of life, is also a good idea.
teaching of arabic language must be made compulsory in every madrassah and schools. it should not be for getting marks in the final exam but to better equip them to understand Quran. only this thing can convert liberal ,secular muslims, extremist muslims to MUSLIMS. only this can help us in converting to islam from sunni, shia, wahabi, etc.
Rules are made to be broken :D har Kala rasha . You are being designated as a deputy commandment to Fuhrer mentee :P
Bas za ralum :-)
I here by accept my Fuhrer, myself and our SS won't rest until we have cleansed our nation from this madness.
*Googles blueprints for gas chambers*:woot:
Too bad! No gas in winters manhoos sui gas valay :mad: Btw our national guillotines are getting rusty why not put these in to action :-)
Or we could hang them off the electricity pylons, it's not like wapda is using them for anything :-)
How will you arrange so much gas in Pakistan? try concentration camps.
Trust me if the Germans could afford it in war time over half a century ago I think we can manage it as well :cheesy:
As per the Holy Quran, Christians, Jews, Sabians .... all can go to heaven

"Surely, those who believe, those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians – whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
[The Holy Quran 5: 69]

“Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [2: 62]

As per the Holy Quran and Hadiths any human being on earth whether they be Muslim, Christian, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics or Hindus have a chance of going to heaven even after their deaths, the only sin in Islam which is not forgivable is the sin of Shirk (not believing in Allah SWT and or associating partners with Him) but for the sin of shirk to be actually applicable one must have heard and understood the message clearly without any doubts, emphasize on the word clearly and rejected the message on any illogical reasons like racism, biasness, hatred etc and as for those who did not receive the message or did not understood it in this life, he or she will be tested on the day of resurrection, in Islam it is all about the niyaat (Intentions).

"And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.." - Quran 17:15

Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"Four will have proofs (in their favor) on the Day of Standing:
(1) A deaf man who could not hear anything;
(2) a fool (who could not understand anything);
(3) a feebly old man;
and (4) a man who died in the fatrah (the period between prophets).

As for the deaf man, then he will say: 'My Lord, Islaam came and I did not hear anything.' And as for the fool, then he will say, 'My Lord, Islaam came and the children were throwing dung at me.' And as for the feebly old man, then he will say, 'My Lord, Islaam came and I did not understand anything.' And as for the one who died in the fatrah (period between prophets), then he will say, 'My Lord, no messenger from you came to me.' So He (Allaah) will take oaths from them that they will obey Him (in what He is about to request from them), so it (an order) will be sent to them: 'Enter the Fire!' And verily by Him in whose Hand is my soul, if they entered it, it will be cool and soothing." - Musnad (16301)

As per the Holy Quran and Hadiths any human being on earth whether they be Muslim, Christian, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics or Hindus have a chance of going to heaven even after their deaths, the only sin in Islam which is not forgivable is the sin of Shirk (not believing in Allah SWT and or associating partners with Him) but for the sin of shirk to be actually applicable one must have heard and understood the message clearly without any doubts, emphasize on the word clearly and rejected the message on any illogical reasons like racism, biasness, hatred etc and as for those who did not receive the message or did not understood it in this life, he or she will be tested on the day of resurrection, in Islam it is all about the niyaat (Intentions).

"And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.." - Quran 17:15

Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"Four will have proofs (in their favor) on the Day of Standing:
(1) A deaf man who could not hear anything;
(2) a fool (who could not understand anything);
(3) a feebly old man;
and (4) a man who died in the fatrah (the period between prophets).

As for the deaf man, then he will say: 'My Lord, Islaam came and I did not hear anything.' And as for the fool, then he will say, 'My Lord, Islaam came and the children were throwing dung at me.' And as for the feebly old man, then he will say, 'My Lord, Islaam came and I did not understand anything.' And as for the one who died in the fatrah (period between prophets), then he will say, 'My Lord, no messenger from you came to me.' So He (Allaah) will take oaths from them that they will obey Him (in what He is about to request from them), so it (an order) will be sent to them: 'Enter the Fire!' And verily by Him in whose Hand is my soul, if they entered it, it will be cool and soothing." - Musnad (16301)

I really think it is highly off topic and I'm afraid it will start a very different type of war thus I will reserve my comments on this topic and whenever a relevant thread is created, I will participate inshaALLAH.
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