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Lyari Operation



Break in Lyari operation should not be taken as weakness:

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi is being fully backed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)¬ CM


KARACHI: Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Saturday said that miscreants in Lyari should not consider the temporary halt in the operation as our weakness, DawnNews reported.

Speaking to police officials at the Police Headquarters Karachi along with Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Shah praised the courage of policemen for participating in the grand operation against the armed criminals in the troubled area of the metropolis.

He said that the “pause” in the operation was just a step back and should not be considered as our weakness.

Speaking on the occasion, Malik said the only purpose behind the operation was to capture just a handful of terrorists fighting against the security forces. “I salute to those policemen who sacrificed their lives for peace and stability in the area,” said the interior minister.

He pointed out that Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and steal bullets were used against the security forces in Lyari. “Innocent people do not carry anti-aircraft guns,” he added.

The minister also pointed that there are 72 betting and drugs dens in Lyari alone.

Earlier, in a statement Malik said that the repositioning of the police and the “pause” has been done purely to facilitate the people of Lyari.

“We cannot put people in inconvenience because of gangsters.” “I am glad to know the life in Lyari is getting normal,” he said.

The minister said it is shocking to see Nawaz Sharif showing solidarity now to the Lyari people whereas he and his messengers have been encouraging the “Lyari Gangwars.”

He said that it is understood that Lashkar-i-Jhangvi is being fully backed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government in Punjab and now Nawaz Sharif wants to back another banned organisation namely Peoples Amman Committee (PAC).
Lyari situation is like Swat: Malik

By Hafeez Tunio
Published: May 4, 2012

Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed on Thursday that there is a Swat-like situation in Lyari where militant groups, separatist groups from Balochistan and the Taliban are operating.
Disassociating the government from the Peoples Amn Committee, he said: “We have nothing to do with the PAC. These are criminals who want Lyari to be like Swat and Malakand and want to break Pakistan. We will not let them succeed in their nefarious designs.”
The interior minister made the remarks while addressing a joint press conference with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Sindh Information Minister Shazia Atta Marri and police officials at the CM House following a law and order meeting.
He said that Rangers would come into action today (Friday) by establishing check posts at all entry and exit points in Lyari.
Giving an ultimatum, Malik said that all houses from where rocket launchers and anti-aircraft guns are recovered would be set on fire.
Malik also offered “amnesty” to those willing to lay down their arms within 48-72 hours. If not, he added, the government will take strict action against them.
He announced that mobile services would be restored within three hours and said he had asked for the electricity and water supply in the areas also to be restored. “Ninety per cent of the people (in Lyari) are innocent; we do not want them to suffer.”
He added that they have asked for four helicopters to assist in the operation in Lyari, while 36 digital cameras will also be set up.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2012.
Not sure if Rangers have been called or not yet.

I think PPPP will never call Rangers as the target is to attack only non-PP elements and Rangers will go for all.
I really don't know what's going on but here is info: When in November 2011 I went to Karachi and went to a graveyard in/around Lyri (not sure exactly) there was great fear even in the graveyard. We went there to pay respect for the beloved dead-ones but instead we had to carefully plan our timing, went in groups--so that we would not be kidnapped by local gangsters. In at least one of the visits I heard a shoot-out war. People told me that gangsters are involved in some kind of a turf-war.

PPP gains nothing by choking the lifeline of its most loyal constituency in Karachi. Truth be told the gangsters got too big, too violent and PPP probably initially resisted going after them but is finally doing a very politically risky operation. It's a shame that Uzair Baloch is finding an ally in Nawaz Sharif. I don't think Uzair was big enough to 'deliver' Lyari to Nawaz Sharif but now the situation is termed 'Masoon Baloch Qaum' being persecuted. This is very dangerous for Karachi and Pakistan.

Let there be an all-out clean up of Karachi. There are plenty of good suggestions above my post. Remove all arms. Break them up. Give a grace period. Buy them. Whatever. But remove from Karachi. No mercy to any political party.

And I hope I am wrong about PMLN but they will lose a lot of respect from me if they try to politicize this issue.
The extreme corruption of PML (N) is not a new thing. It lost my respect a long time ago.

And I also believe in disarmament of Karachi and eradication of these gangs.
I really don't know what's going on but here is info: When in November 2011 I went to Karachi and went to a graveyard in/around Lyri (not sure exactly) there was great fear even in the graveyard. We went there to pay respect for the beloved dead-ones but instead we had to carefully plan our timing, went in groups--so that we would not be kidnapped by local gangsters. In at least one of the visits I heard a shoot-out war. People told me that gangsters are involved in some kind of a turf-war.

PPP gains nothing by choking the lifeline of its most loyal constituency in Karachi. Truth be told the gangsters got too big, too violent and PPP probably initially resisted going after them but is finally doing a very politically risky operation. It's a shame that Uzair Baloch is finding an ally in Nawaz Sharif. I don't think Uzair was big enough to 'deliver' Lyari to Nawaz Sharif but now the situation is termed 'Masoon Baloch Qaum' being persecuted. This is very dangerous for Karachi and Pakistan.

Let there be an all-out clean up of Karachi. There are plenty of good suggestions above my post. Remove all arms. Break them up. Give a grace period. Buy them. Whatever. But remove from Karachi. No mercy to any political party.

And I hope I am wrong about PMLN but they will lose a lot of respect from me if they try to politicize this issue.
I have to respect the PPP for taking the decision to launch an operation in an area that is a PPP stronghold - an operation that does, as you said, have the potential of backfiring on the PPP politically.

That said, I don't necessarily see any great degree of damage inflicted on the gangsters, with reports in the press suggesting that the officials involved in the operation are frustrated at the lack of any overall strategy for the op. I hope this does not turn out to be a 'sham' operation, with the Lyari gangsters warned in advance by the PPP leadership in order to better prepare and defend themselves, and the police leadership either deliberately not implementing any long-term/feasible strategy to control the area, or being prevented from doing so by the political leadership, behind the scenes.
just today there were attacks and killings in katti pahari, it time to start all out non failing war on terrorism in karachi
I hope this does not turn out to be a 'sham' operation, with the Lyari gangsters warned in advance by the PPP leadership

Frankly your statement borders on cynicism!
At it stands, Lyari sounds like it is being lost to PPP-- the last, the strongest, the oldest PPP bastion in the great city of Karachi and you think the PPP leadership devised some cunning strategy which was so foolish that within days they are losing their last bastion?
Also consider this: Other political parties (at least relevant to Karachi) like MQM, ANP, Jamaat e Islami are relatively quiet about the Lyari operation. In other operations they would have jumped up and played their ethnic or political cards ('Mohajir Genocide', 'Pukhtoon Genocide', in case of the former two) but they are sitting pretty and glad to to see PPP lose face. That they are the PPP 'allies' makes them no gloat. But Nawaz is not an ally of PPP and he is swooping down to scoop up political dividends.

Again, the Lyari operation is nothing but a big political risk for PPP!!!
I have to respect the PPP for taking the decision to launch an operation in an area that is a PPP stronghold - an operation that does, as you said, have the potential of backfiring on the PPP politically.

That said, I don't necessarily see any great degree of damage inflicted on the gangsters, with reports in the press suggesting that the officials involved in the operation are frustrated at the lack of any overall strategy for the op. I hope this does not turn out to be a 'sham' operation, with the Lyari gangsters warned in advance by the PPP leadership in order to better prepare and defend themselves, and the police leadership either deliberately not implementing any long-term/feasible strategy to control the area, or being prevented from doing so by the political leadership, behind the scenes.

Sir I don't think that PPP deserves any respect for launching this operation because it was targeted against the selected gangsters who turned against PPP. An absolutely poorly planned and executed operation. They fired indiscriminately, made common people hostage for seven days and then left place inappropriately provided the chance to gangsters for escape. Many of my friends on this forum are very well aware of the life style of Liyiarites. Their edibles come from bazar on daily basis, imagine how they must have spent last 8 days.
I think police attempted for which they were not trained for. If regular army had to clear this area, considering the buildings,street and importantly defense pattern, I believe there will be a lot of collateral damage. So there had to be a different method.
I think ZM should be nominated in FIR for murder of the innocent citizens and police officials who lost their lives due to intentional misuse of home minister office for planned issuing weapon licences to these gangsters.
If someone asks me to nominate a single entity responsible for recent mess, I would say PPP.
I have to respect the PPP for taking the decision to launch an operation in an area that is a PPP stronghold - an operation that does, as you said, have the potential of backfiring on the PPP politically.

That said, I don't necessarily see any great degree of damage inflicted on the gangsters, with reports in the press suggesting that the officials involved in the operation are frustrated at the lack of any overall strategy for the op. I hope this does not turn out to be a 'sham' operation, with the Lyari gangsters warned in advance by the PPP leadership in order to better prepare and defend themselves, and the police leadership either deliberately not implementing any long-term/feasible strategy to control the area, or being prevented from doing so by the political leadership, behind the scenes.

There is a video on this thread of a CNBC reporter. Tells alot about the tactics that the police has!

The more appalling thing is that how did the gangsters get so much ammo in there? AK, repeater, RPG, grenades, even anti-aircraft guns!!!

Poor poor policing to stop the flow of this much heavy ammo.

Rehman Malik, (even though I don't believe anything he says), has said that 48 hours have been given, and after that time, a new offensive will begin. I fail to understand how come the Sindh Police cannot kill/arrest these gangsters?
Sindh police unfortunately is an unorganized bunch of poorly trained officers , they never had to fight on such a large scale with militants and drug cartels as heavily equipped as liyari gangsters .. its a surprise for most of them usually the routine was when some thing as large as this kicks off rangers were called in to clear up this is some thing they were not ready for nor they could plan.

As for the presence of weapons this is primarily because of years and years of neglect & also support to insurgent groups , jihadis , drug cartels , sectarian outfits by PPP /PML /Military & caretakers has brought Liyari at this stage .
Sindh police unfortunately is an unorganized bunch of poorly trained officers , they never had to fight on such a large scale with militants and drug cartels as heavily equipped as liyari gangsters .. its a surprise for most of them usually the routine was when some thing as large as this kicks off rangers were called in to clear up this is some thing they were not ready for nor they could plan.

As for the presence of weapons this is primarily because of years and years of neglect & also support to insurgent groups , jihadis , drug cartels , sectarian outfits by PPP /PML /Military & caretakers has brought Liyari at this stage .

When the Rangers were asked to clear area?
Your second paragraph should have been everyone less MQM is responsible for Liyari.
When the Rangers were asked to clear area?
Your second paragraph should have been everyone less MQM is responsible for Liyari.

Ofcourse and the simple reason, why would MQM be responsible for Karachi mess when they have their families here? Would you mess up your own home? The rest are all outsiders who don't care about Karachi!
All those who need passport for coming to Karachi are outsiders and those who consider themselves as outsider and those who consider others as outsiders are source of problem. No Pakistani is outsider in Karachi.

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