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LOL, India's FAKE Moon Landing!

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You call people "flat earthers" as "morons" because people dare to question the globe theory, whereas people like you just swallow any lie they feed you -- without any question.

Refreshing to see people awake. Stay awake, brother. :-)
All madarsa educated scientists should stay awake .
If some people in the west are mocking india's moon landing and calling it fake then atleast we Pakistanis should not participate in it. As no one can lie about sending rover to the moon. NASA, EU space agency, Japanese, Chinese anyone would have called them out if all that was just a big fat lie.

The image of the lander coming down on the surface of the moon is the animation just to show the progress of the altitude etc. Showing animation for distant space touchdown missions is understandable. That does not mean its fake.

Get a life and the nation as a whole must focus on its own space program. If we are left behind few decades than its not a big deal. Space is a vast arena and there are infinite number of goals and achievements that mankind will do in future. If we have to be any part of that then we should think positively and learn to accept other's achievements.

Remember one thing, always support truth and always condemn lies or propaganda. Even if a there's a lie / propaganda against your enemy you should condemn it or atleast not participate in it. Being honest individually and as a nation is important for us to achieve great things.
search stanley kubrick and the moon landing.
lol these moon landing ave been exposed as fakes for all countries. they do it underwater pretending they are in space. but you can see little bubbles in the background which proves they are in the water not space.
Professor Hoodbhoy will be very upset with you.
The reasons for Paksiatn’s failure in this regard are summed up nicely by Paksiatni academic Pervez Hoodbhoy -

“Pakistan’s failure in space is symptomatic of a much broader and wider decades-old systemic failure that extends into industry, governance, foreign relations, and education. The men who run Pakistan are clueless about how to fix what they broke.”

It is visible all around. Look at their economy, foreign policy, domestic conditions. Comments by few members are a reflection of the same mullah mindset.

There is no way and no need either to convince anyone about Chandrayan success. The fact that these people are doubting this feat, shows the lack of their mental capacity to fathom anything scientific.
lol these moon landing ave been exposed as fakes for all countries. they do it underwater pretending they are in space. but you can see little bubbles in the background which proves they are in the water not space.
Now we are talking sense. SPARCO will follow-up with your propaganda to make believe and fool the people.
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