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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

One example of your lies is feeding of fetus to dogs,
The medical waste is packed into color coded bags and incinerated.

from ( Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Daily Mail Online )...
She claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation Dr Sudam Munde in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

Suresh Shetty, the public health minister for Maharashtra - India - second most populous state - also admitted he had heard of foetuses thrown to the dogs in Beed.

A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals,' Deshpande said.

By keeping dogs, doctors can get rid of bodies without having to dispose of them through official channels.

medical waste, indeed... also indian jugaad culture at work... you had said months back that you keep six dogs...

Ayurveda is as real as pharma industry and everyone knows the benefits of yoga today.

ayurveda mostly in rubbish... in fact, it is dangerous... hence the saying in urdu... "neem hakeem khatre jaan"...

1. from ( Bitter 'lauki' juice can kill you, says panel - The Times of India )...
The death of 59-year-old scientist, Sushil Kumar Saxena, a deputy secretary in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in New Delhi in June 2010, spurred an investigation into the effects of the consumption of bottle gourd juice that is bitter. A spate of other deaths relating to the same were also uncovered.

The scientist, Saxena, had reportedly followed the advice of a baba who had advocated the merits of 'lauki' juice on his television programmes, stating that it was good for curing diabetes, among other health benefits.

that dead idiot was a csir "scientist" of 60 years age... no wonder, csir and its sub-organizations haven't produced anything useful... no wonder, college systems ( esp. indian ) don't produce anything useful...

2. Ayurveda Medicine and Supplement Hidden Dangers: Arsenic, Lead and Mercury - EmaxHealth

3. from ( A Few Thoughts on Ayurvedic Mumbo-Jumbo )...
The rear cover of his book Perfect Health states:

Once you have determined your body type from the detailed quiz inside . . . this book provides you with a personally tailored program of diet, stress reduction, exercises and daily routines. It's based on a 5,000-year-old system of mind/body medicine that has been revived today as Maharishi Ayurveda. Its a total plan for . . . using the power of quantum healing to transcend disease and aging—for achieving Perfect Health.

Chopra claims that herbs prescribed in ayurvedic treatment "take the intelligence of the universe and match it with the intelligence of our own body."

truly... only indian colleges can produce such shining idiots like deepak chopra... "quantum healing"... :rofl:

that reminds me... the "ancient indian technique" of "trancendental meditation and yogic levitation" is a fine technique for isro to finally send vyomanonauts into space... :rofl:

You bring your crappy communist ideas which have failed all around the world is not even worth wasting time.

where has communism actually failed... okay, west bengal and kerala didn't quite succeed... but everywhere else socialism didn't fail... in fact, the success of socialism invited western bloc conspiracy or invasion or proxy war... be that egypt or afghanistan or soviet union or libya/syria...

All i can say is Communists are dead even in India , nobody cares about communist ideas

read about at the direct-actions of greek socialist revolutionaries in 2014... read about "occupy london"... read about the venezuelan communes... read about the "international jamahiriya movement"...

the flags socialism/communism again fly... capitalism has failed... hint hint... bubble burst of indian software/services industry and new loans to india from china/japan/usa... besides, what is this "make in india" if not desperate calls for china and japan to come build factories in india to provide employment to indian masses no longer finding jobs in the coolies sectors like software and services??

even the veteran commies are now joining main stream right wing parties and dumping commie ideas.


China dumped those ideas already.

either china goes back to hardcore transnationalist socialism or its new-found capitalist economy will suffer bubble-burst... money has no future among humanity.

All i can say is come back from the coma of 1960's this is 2014.'Your gaddafi is dead wake up from coma".

no, sir... the coma is yours...
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Bhai what's the difference!Today it's a harmless kiss tomorrow they may be performing live intercourse in a public place just to prove their POV.This is totally unacceptable as far as i am concerned.There are many public gardens (those which are basically devoid of any common people)where you can go with your partner and start kissing him/her as much as you want(actually most of us are quite aware of these places all across this country) and believe me nobody will stop them but what they are doing in a public place is making the common people uncomfortable.Period!!

Actually, those gardens were meant for all citizens and got taken over by PDA affectionadoes. Now they are seeking to run off public from streets and bazaars too.
Why do i inisist? havent you heard the expression " when in rome do as romans do".
Check your logic, we are all freaking Romans here.

When majority of society follow such norms and you want to go against them to prove your rebel factor you will get a sound trashing from the society.
No the so called society you mentioned is just a mob scouring for couples under the garb of a 'cultural organization'.
British law or whatever it is still its a law and you follow it,try creating your own laws then many vigilantes will come up trying to stop you from doing such things.
Fine then. Have a special kissing cell in all police departments for such crimes. No need of vigilantes. These vigilantes are pu**ies who cannot do anything about the real ailments of our society like greed and corruption. So they whine about and trouble the weak just to compensate for their impotence in the real matters of society.

When you have no problem with your female folk kissing their bfs/husbands why didnt you take them on a tour of kiss of love and show your solidarity with the protestors by encouraging your females and their partners to do it in the public?
Again, check your brain. It is their choice. You keep calling yourself innocently politically incorrect. Call yourself sexist no holds, because clearly what you intend here is to hint something about the character of my 'female folk' or mine.
I don't need to wait, public will line up once you proclaim these things in public, who knows even your friends might line up to see the show you put up.
Exactly my point, moron. Nobody proclaims to the public and then kiss.
There is also a law which says hurting others sensibilities and lewd behaviour is unacceptable and punishable what i speak is what majority of India supports this is not a western country FYI, This is still Bharat, you want to do your antics go off grid or better do them in west where you will find admirers and claps from public, here you get thrashing if you dont shape up. period.
Then don't come crying that this so and so beat us up, why because it is their right to knock some sense into you.
Again nobody is asking for admiration for 'antics'. All that is being asked is live your life, let others live theirs. Simple. Nobody has the right to knock sense to anyone in this country, the way the hooligans in question do. As you said, this is Bharat.

And BTW I asked for examples from our so-called culture(as defined and trademarked by these organizations) where punishment was given for PDAs. Where are they?
Deepak Chopra is a branded idiot, let's not visualise Indian education based on specimens like him.
Ok it got through ... anyway those retards kissing were marxists ... :D :rofl:
ahahahahaha a few uggo girls ( :P ) and a few uncles chance maar ke :P If I were at jhandewaala I would have joined them .... Kisses without courting :D
On topic : Do read the Kamasutra ... tells you how low we have fallen due to influx of Abhrahemic + Marxist ideology :(

LOL. Okay, I will tell you after I get hold of a copy.
Deepak Chopra is a branded idiot, let's not visualise Indian education based on specimens like him.

well, there certainly have been fine people like professor yashpal, and institutions like nsd and ftii, and young people like that chap who entered a google competition with a voice amplifying machine for people with illness or age-problems.

also... in february i think... rajya sabha tv showed excerpts from a "indian students congress"... one lady student from the audience spoke something wise... "india is such a culture where people who fly are soon pulled down by ten others from the ground"... she was brave...

many people from within schools and colleges are intelligent and talented... it is the educational establishment that needs to be completely replaced... :-)
Deepak Chopra commands $75,000 for a single evening of talks. The day commie fools can earn the money he does, they would have earned the right to speak about him.
Deepak Chopra commands $75,000 for a single evening of talks. The day commie fools can earn the money he does, they would have earned the right to speak about him.

I believe Sunny Leone demands much more than that for a single shoot, had money been the parameter for logic and rationality, Tesla would be dumb as ****.
Deepak Chopra commands $75,000 for a single evening of talks. The day commie fools can earn the money he does, they would have earned the right to speak about him.

similarly used to mikhail gorbachev... ex-soviets still call him traitor... :P
I believe Sunny Leone demands much more than that for a single shoot, had money been the parameter for logic and rationality, Tesla would be dumb as ****.

Deepak gets courted for his logic and rationality, not for showing his bedroom skills unlike Leone. Logic and rationality would demand that you know the difference between each, but too much to expect I guess. Deepak as of this moment apart from working as a scientist in Gallup, being a licensed practitioner of medicine in US, also has his own organization employing many scientists doing their own research on cognitive sciences and other fields.

Tesla by the way would have been a fan of Deepak considering both sought their inspirations from Veda/Vedanta.
similarly used to mikhail gorbachev... ex-soviets still call him traitor... :P

Gorbachev was the supreme commander of the soviet bloc, Deepak is just an ordinary guy with no army and no nukes to back him up. Still, he is up there considered one of the most influential persons on this planet. He will change more lives and has changed more lives, than you can ever even contemplate.
Gorbachev was the supreme commander of the soviet bloc, Deepak is just an ordinary guy with no army and no nukes to back him up. Still, he is up there considered one of the most influential persons on this planet. He will change more lives and has changed more lives, than you can ever even contemplate.

gorbachev and deepak... the traitor and the fool... both from the east... both finding success among either great-game-players or hippies in the west... both never to be respected by "commies" and other sensible people...

the day elon musk or kim jong-un sit in a satsang of deepak chopra or listens to gorbachev's lecture, my faith in humanity will drop one step.
however, once i have made myself a certain position in south asia ( hopefully, within two years ), i do plan to hold mass burnings of burqa in india... promise...
Be careful while doing that, it can happen to you as well... Believe me it's not a good idea. Bad vibes bro bad vibes... :disagree:

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