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Letter from an Indian Woman


Aug 30, 2016
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"Honestly, I will not downplay this just because I am from India, this is the bitter truth about our society. Having spent 23 years if my life as a woman here, I can only say this country is no country for women or children.

It’s riddled with patriarchal mindset and male autonomy. Women have no rights, no power, and no say in any decisions. They have no freedom to express anything. They are raised to be subservient and married off. The whole mindset is nurtured by her own parents. There is constant fear here and women are seen as liabilities and sex objects, hence they are treated as inferiors at job, school, home, and society on general. It has cultural backing and so does the corrupt system perpetuating the abuse. High illiteracy rates, a poor standard of living, and no sex sensitization often triggers this abuse.

And it’s just not rapes, but molestation and dowry harassment are fairly common and normal. I won’t say that the West doesn’t face this issue, but at least the women are empowered to ask for justice and get fair compensation, and at least they aren’t shunned by the rightwing fucking cultural bandwagons. Women don’t have the stigma like the women here have.

I myself am highly educated thanks to my liberal parents who stayed most of their lives abroad. Yet staying in that country was nightmare; just stepping out on the street, you feared you might end up being raped. I could never do things alone.

I wonder why these men cannot just accept the problem and do something. I didn’t have any hope that anything would change in that shithole of a country. That’s why I left and I am happy I can be independent and not constantly worry about my security. Indian men are scum of the earth, sex-starved, rapist, ugly apes and uneducated horny perverts. We should just castrate them or go Hitler-style execution on them. How I hate those sickos for destroying the lives of countless helpless women."

This was sent by an indian woman in response to following post by Magneto titled 'Indian men are Hopeless Rapists'.


Recently I decided to do a social experiment with Indians. I created a fake Facebookaccount and used profile pictures of a White woman wearing a traditional Indian saree dress. Lo and behold, I was getting like 500 friend requests a day from Indian men, so I hit the 5,000 friends limit in about 10 days. Indian men are super-thirsty for White women.

Once I hit the 5,000 friends limit, I posted a message that went along the lines of “Why is there so much rape in India? Why do Indian men not respect women? The UN said India is the worst country on earth for women. Why do Indian men act like such rapist dogs around women?”

This obviously ignited a firestorm of angry comments from Indian men. About 20% of the comments were Indian men who were humble and agreeing with me. The other 80% were all trying to downplay and minimize the amount of rape and abuse in India.

I replied to them, “How can you guys act like it doesn’t exist? Why are you downplaying rape and abuse? Are you guys rapists yourselves?”

Indians refuse to acknowledge the disgusting realities of their country. They’ve been brainwashed into blind patriotism, and that is why they get so offended when you say anything negative about India. Read more ...
"Honestly, I will not downplay this just because I am from India, this is the bitter truth about our society. Having spent 23 years if my life as a woman here, I can only say this country is no country for women or children.

It’s riddled with patriarchal mindset and male autonomy. Women have no rights, no power, and no say in any decisions. They have no freedom to express anything. They are raised to be subservient and married off. The whole mindset is nurtured by her own parents. There is constant fear here and women are seen as liabilities and sex objects, hence they are treated as inferiors at job, school, home, and society on general. It has cultural backing and so does the corrupt system perpetuating the abuse. High illiteracy rates, a poor standard of living, and no sex sensitization often triggers this abuse.

And it’s just not rapes, but molestation and dowry harassment are fairly common and normal. I won’t say that the West doesn’t face this issue, but at least the women are empowered to ask for justice and get fair compensation, and at least they aren’t shunned by the rightwing fucking cultural bandwagons. Women don’t have the stigma like the women here have.

I myself am highly educated thanks to my liberal parents who stayed most of their lives abroad. Yet staying in that country was nightmare; just stepping out on the street, you feared you might end up being raped. I could never do things alone.

I wonder why these men cannot just accept the problem and do something. I didn’t have any hope that anything would change in that shithole of a country. That’s why I left and I am happy I can be independent and not constantly worry about my security. Indian men are scum of the earth, sex-starved, rapist, ugly apes and uneducated horny perverts. We should just castrate them or go Hitler-style execution on them. How I hate those sickos for destroying the lives of countless helpless women."

This was sent by an indian woman in response to following post by Magneto titled 'Indian men are Hopeless Rapists'.


Recently I decided to do a social experiment with Indians. I created a fake Facebookaccount and used profile pictures of a White woman wearing a traditional Indian saree dress. Lo and behold, I was getting like 500 friend requests a day from Indian men, so I hit the 5,000 friends limit in about 10 days. Indian men are super-thirsty for White women.

Once I hit the 5,000 friends limit, I posted a message that went along the lines of “Why is there so much rape in India? Why do Indian men not respect women? The UN said India is the worst country on earth for women. Why do Indian men act like such rapist dogs around women?”

This obviously ignited a firestorm of angry comments from Indian men. About 20% of the comments were Indian men who were humble and agreeing with me. The other 80% were all trying to downplay and minimize the amount of rape and abuse in India.

I replied to them, “How can you guys act like it doesn’t exist? Why are you downplaying rape and abuse? Are you guys rapists yourselves?”

Indians refuse to acknowledge the disgusting realities of their country. They’ve been brainwashed into blind patriotism, and that is why they get so offended when you say anything negative about India. Read more ...
"Honestly, I will not downplay this just because I am from India, this is the bitter truth about our society. Having spent 23 years if my life as a woman here, I can only say this country is no country for women or children.

It’s riddled with patriarchal mindset and male autonomy. Women have no rights, no power, and no say in any decisions. They have no freedom to express anything. They are raised to be subservient and married off. The whole mindset is nurtured by her own parents. There is constant fear here and women are seen as liabilities and sex objects, hence they are treated as inferiors at job, school, home, and society on general. It has cultural backing and so does the corrupt system perpetuating the abuse. High illiteracy rates, a poor standard of living, and no sex sensitization often triggers this abuse.

And it’s just not rapes, but molestation and dowry harassment are fairly common and normal. I won’t say that the West doesn’t face this issue, but at least the women are empowered to ask for justice and get fair compensation, and at least they aren’t shunned by the rightwing fucking cultural bandwagons. Women don’t have the stigma like the women here have.

I myself am highly educated thanks to my liberal parents who stayed most of their lives abroad. Yet staying in that country was nightmare; just stepping out on the street, you feared you might end up being raped. I could never do things alone.

I wonder why these men cannot just accept the problem and do something. I didn’t have any hope that anything would change in that shithole of a country. That’s why I left and I am happy I can be independent and not constantly worry about my security. Indian men are scum of the earth, sex-starved, rapist, ugly apes and uneducated horny perverts. We should just castrate them or go Hitler-style execution on them. How I hate those sickos for destroying the lives of countless helpless women."

Are you aware that this Robert Lindsay guy is a known Pedophile, a Big Foot Believer and an extreme racist towards Indian, Bangladesh and Pakistani and a big Islamophobe. Read some of his earlier blog posts.

Examples Of his extreme hate of Islam and Pakistan:


I would not take any of his word as any 'truth' but example of his own hate towards these communities and countries.
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Are you aware that this Robert Lindsay guy is a known Pedophile, a Big Foot Believer and an extreme racist towards Indian, Bangladesh and Pakistani and a big Islamophobe. Read some of his earlier blog posts.

All of a sudden he is satan
Yes, it is worse than fakenews. It is a blog post from a known bigot who hates most of non-whites and especially Muslims. Read some of the stuff he posted sometime back or... rather not. He has a messiah complex and is an ego-maniac.
Yes, it is worse than fakenews. It is a blog post from a known bigot who hates most of non-whites and especially Muslims. Read some of the stuff he posted sometime back or... rather not. He has a messiah complex and is an ego-maniac.

Are you denying the plight of indian women?

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