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Let's Evaluate Why Only Muslims are Extremist

these hindutva organizations were voted to power...stayed in power for 5 years...they ruled India for 5 years....
..and they were voted out of power.during there tenure...nothing changed...they did not dispute the fact that we are secular.
The terrorists are terrorists...we hindutava terror...we have islamist terror...we have them both....drawing comparisons wasn't my idea.

when did I say that?
I was talknig of SIMI/IM...and I stated their manifesto.

An extremist is an extremist no matter voted or unelected.

These Hindu organisations voted to power have blood on their hands.

They had been igniting extremists wars which led to killing of innocent people and these are no different than al-qaeda the only difference is limitation of working, while the one works at international level the other works at national level so far.

The bottom line is we are talking about extremism and its link with faith or religion which by looking at the reality is not limited to only Muslims but we have Christian extremists, Hindu, extremists as well as Jewish extremists.

And it proves extremist has no faith no religion.

Just mudslinging against Muslims is a sick mentality and an attempt to escape from the reality that those involved in mudslinging are no lesser extremists.
An extremist is an extremist no matter voted or unelected.

These Hindu organisations voted to power have blood on their hands.

They had been igniting extremists wars which led to killing of innocent people and these are no different than al-qaeda the only difference is limitation of working, while the one works at international level the other works at national level so far.

The bottom line is we are talking about extremism and its link with faith or religion which by looking at the reality is not limited to only Muslims but we have Christian extremists, Hindu, extremists as well as Jewish extremists.

And it proves extremist has no faith no religion.

Just mudslinging against Muslims is a sick mentality and an attempt to escape from the reality that those involved in mudslinging are no lesser extremists.

true that.but in this day and age...there are more muslim extremist movements than any other religion's...they have taken jihad for reasons i don't understand...like the presence of American 'infidels' in the RSA...
to the world they are dangerous and deadly...I hope you don't dispute the fact that their targets are innocents mostly.
and as far as islam being the only target is concerned...it's all about their scope of operations as you pointed out....
the least any terror organization can do is be considered a threat by it's target country...
there have been buddhist extremist movements...the one in japan responsible for the japanese subway gas attacks...it was crushed and clipped and it's leader is on death-row.
there have been hindu extremist movements but they have been just limited to India and targeted muslims in india...the purohit/sadhwi case shows our will to not accept it...
jewish terror...there are divided opinions about the way that is perceived...they have been subjected to extermination and labeled as 'sub-humans'...they have emotional support of the powers
now islamist terror is the most global of them all...and it is targeted against america and it's allies...they run the show currently...and they want to make sure the world sees Islamist terror as islamist terror and not some path to divinity.
The problem is when some nutcase shoots up a school in america he says he does it because he didnt like the "jocks" on the football team or because he was picked on. When some nut case blows up a girls school in Kabul he says its because the Quran forbids the education of girls.
Yes you are right to some extent, but then again we are missing a link here. What you have said though is true but then the same thing can be said in case of a Christians, Americans, indians, Buddhists whatever. No terrorist act is without a motive and reason! And we all know that, no one just gets up and blow himself just because he was feeling itchy this morning. So when we agree that every terrorist and his act has a reason AS Muslims (as they claim and i dont consider them as Muslims) mostly has a "Islamic" reason for their acts, but then we see that ONLY this side of the motive, reason and driving force have been standardized by the media and others. We dont find that the media labeling the culprits of Oklahoma City bombing who were motivated by Waco Siege and/or the Ruby Ridge incident with the Waco tag saying "Ruby Terrorist or Waco Terrorist blew up at Oklahoma today" etc etc. Neither we find Hindu terrorist organizations who killed 1000s in Gujrat being labeled with the Hindu Tag. So just by saying an Arabic word while you blew yourself wouldn't qualify you to be labeled as a Muslim.

Moreover, most importantly though we know that Muslims are behind some terror attacks but then they are not exactly motivated by their religion (though we do find it as a factor), as most of these terrorist organizations claim that they are 'seeking revenge' against invaders and occupiers as in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even the purpose of 9/11 attacks as admitted by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says that it were to "wake the American people up." Sheikh Mohammed said that if the target would have been strictly military or government, the American people would not focus on the atrocities that America is committing by supporting Israel against the Palestinian people and America's self-serving foreign policy that corrupts Arab governments and leads to further exploitation of the Arab/Muslim peoples. So we dont find exactly and Islamic/Muslim motivation behind them but yet they were perpetrated as attacks by MUSLIMS!!

On a second point, though the term terrorist is mainly linked in the media to muslims other equally derogatory phrases are used for others, Hindu extremists, christian fanatics.

But sir we dont find these terms in the main stream media?! Yes we do find them on blogs, and forums like this one but they are not officially/formally being used by most if us!

How many times are Christian crusaders mentioned or acts of a mentaly unbalanced person from Israel labeled as jewish terrorisim.

i dont see any, the slide show was one of the proofs.

If one person fires a gun into a crowd shouting you bst###ds killed my dog and one does the same shouting Allah Akbar and only one is called a muslim terrorist are you supprised.

No you are wrong!

Not all attacks had been carried out like this.

LTTE also shouted slogans and others also did the same but then we dont see them being labeled with the religion tag. Kashmiris are motivated to attack indian military as they have occupied it NOT because they are Muslims, a man killed his wife because she committed adultery and NOt because he was a Muslim, people have commit incesty but then (Muslim) couples did not do this because of their religion then why they have been labeled with the Muslim brand??

The key reasons are the terrorist themselves, when they carry any such act they claims they have done it because Islam say's it. Then they follow by a video or audio stating Jihad is mandatory etc. Now anyone publishing that cannot have a different headlines. LTTE was a big terrorist organization, all were Hindus but not even once anyone mentioned it is Hindu terrorist, why? This was because they never claimed Hinduism was their basis of act. The same thing applies to other acts, all the others never claim they are doing it because of religion. So it is wrong to say others are blaming Muslims wrongly. Look at what Muslims are doing, for every single thing they do they add religion to it.
Not necessarily.

Not every attack comes with a tape.

Not all (muslim) terrorist organizations are linking Islam to it. Kashmir is a very near example for you.So if you and the media can de-link LTTE with its religion as they were fighting for freedom, why cant that be said for afghan talibans who claim now that they fight for their freedom and against the foreign occupation?!
More then 90% listed above are never being declared terrorist organization by anyone including UN.
You are quick to bring in the UN when it suites you. Why dont you believe the UN when it comes to Kashmir? And BTW if you dont consider them terrorist orgnization, what do you, an indian himself call these organizations-The Liberators or may be freedom fighters? If that be the case why dont you give them what they want?

Adding to it, whatever they have done combined is less then what is done by one faction of Taliban in 1 year.
So that ligetmize the use of the word Muslims, right?

Adding to it the LTTE was the pioneer in suicide attacks but we dont see the world labeling suicide attacks as LTTE Attacks or Tamil Attacks aka Suicide Attacks?

I am not blaming Muslims for terrorism, but dude if your fellow friend shouts at top of voice and say I am a Muslim and I am killing people because Islam tells me, then I think some introspection should be done on your side to.

Well you still think that the Muslim world espacially Pakistan is still not doing some introspection then i feel sorry for you.

Even in this forum it's Muslims who comment based on religion.
The same can be said for my indian friends.

How many times instead of using word India you guys use word Hindus.
Aa aan!! Not me, 'those guys', take it up with 'those guys'.

But on the contrary the whole world uses the word Muslim instead of Pakistani (though i would not like neither this word to be used instead) and when we object you try to soothe us down? You cant even bear
a few idiots on this forum when they use Hindu instead of indian but then you try to take us for a walk?

When we talk we say Pakistan not Muslims even though Pakistan is 98% Muslim and we are 75% Hindus.
Tankyou, i am grateful. But what about those who dont?

On one side we all say and understand that ALL of the Muslim community is not to be blamed for the acts of few fanatics. We also understand that terrorism is not the wayof Islam and we also agree that these fanatics must be stopped at ll costs, but then what is portrayed bythe media doesnt help in this reagrds.

If you critically analyze the purpose of terrorist acts you would find that they have been fueled by a deliberate reason and had been a response to some provocation. i think i need not to give you examples to make you understand this phenomenon. So then why should media take those steps that might provoke some more tiny brained Muslims? Why would a cartoon be made on the name of freedom of speech and why would we generalize the term Muslim with just any stupid act?

My concern is that does this help in overcoming the trouble caused by some dumb head or does it adds to it?? And if it adds to it, can be say that these measures were deliberate and not just random?
you imply that it is not an islamist org?don't their training manuals talk of 'jannat' and "the promise"?
why did OBL go up against the USA?was it not because of Islam?
surely the USA did not offend islam in any way that I am aware of...

Their manual also use suicide bombing as part of training which is taken up from LTTE. Is it part of Islam or any of its teachings? NO. Islam terms suicide in any form as haram (forbidden)

what there purpose was bakc in the 80s is different than what they did when in power.The created the world's most oppressive regime...they actually are featured in the Guinness book for that.
and that was all in the name of religion.Taliban was formed by Islami taleemdars or the talibs wan't it?

The Afghan Taliban who fought US proxy war in no way came to outside world to impose their laws. Secondly those who formed the government in Afghanistan were result of the most oppressive regim of killer war lords from Nothern Alliance. They power struggle within Afghanistan was all part of internal politics and not part of Islamism. It was as much a normal power struggle as is between the liberal Indian Congress and hardline Hindu groups in Indian polictics

see..diplomacies change over time...as the centers of power are dynamic....these people fight in the name of religion as testified by the videos of suicide bombers spelling out their reason to be Islam...

India illegaly entred East Pakistan in 71 in the name of liberating Bangladeshis but it does not make your action as legal does it? Similarly brainwashing young boys after puting them on some medicines does not prove that these terrorist activities are part of Islamism.

the paksitani taliban imposed jizaya,forced truck/bus drivers to not listen to music and play it...burnt cds and dvds...flogged girls...

According to Islamic laws and Quran, only the legitimate government can impose such laws that too after fulfiling its responsibilities towards its citizens, hence any individual/s applying the above mentioned orders are against the Islamic laws and regulations hence such acts by individuals are in itself violation of Islamic laws.
We need to separate the two things: terrorism and other crimes.

Most recent and spectacular cases of terrorism in the West have been by Muslims, so the Western media will focus on terrorists who are Muslim. It doesn't matter how many other kinds of terrorists there are -- as long as they don't threaten the West, the Western media doesn't care.

My issue is not so much with media portrayal of terrorism, but the anti-Muslim rhetoric outside of terrorism. In relation to 'normal' crimes and general, non-crime related media coverage.
rather simplistic.

Fact is that vast majority of terrorist attacks are done by muslims. This creates the perception that muslims are extremists (which is helped by the fact that muslims in western countries on average tend to be more religious than followers of other religions) and hence contributes to the biased coverage in the media which tends to highlight the fact that the criminal was Muslim (just normal human tendency to react on the basis of pre-conceived notions). Only in this case, the pre-conceived notion has basis in fact.
The Vast majority of Muslims is doing terrorist attacks because there are Vast majority of Muslim Land has been taken. They are being tortured every single moment. But you wont understand because you cant feel that pain. You'll defend it because the root of this thing belongs to Indian's dearest friend Israel.
If tomorrow someone surround your house and dont let bread and milk into your house and start claiming your land as his own. What will you do.??
Well one can say that majority of terrorist acts are attempted by Muslims but this is another fact that majority of occupied lands/territories are Muslim areas.

Truth really hurts!

On one side we all say and understand that ALL of the Muslim community is not to be blamed for the acts of few fanatics. We also understand that terrorism is not the wayof Islam and we also agree that these fanatics must be stopped at ll costs, but then what is portrayed bythe media doesnt help in this reagrds.

If you critically analyze the purpose of terrorist acts you would find that they have been fueled by a deliberate reason and had been a response to some provocation. i think i need not to give you examples to make you understand this phenomenon. So then why should media take those steps that might provoke some more tiny brained Muslims? Why would a cartoon be made on the name of freedom of speech and why would we generalize the term Muslim with just any stupid act?

My concern is that does this help in overcoming the trouble caused by some dumb head or does it adds to it?? And if it adds to it, can be say that these measures were deliberate and not just random?

well I can't disagree to what you've said.I myself feel that the world is not just...and that people only listen to the man wielding power.
take for example the case of the Tibetans(I know China is your friend..but for the sake of the argument consider them being oppressed) the tibetans did not form terrorist orgs and tried politically to get independence through their govt in exile....they got nothing.
Had they formed an armed unit a militia...they might have captured the world attn.(or atleast a page or two more in the wiki)
The Americans control most of the world opinion through their masterful media.
Xeric all I know is that religion is one tool you can twist out of context for your own good.
The cartoon of mohammed PBUH was in very very bad taste...but the fatwa to kill the cartoonist was also stupid.
and also who can forget the death of Theo Van Gough?
There are two sides to every coin.
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Their manual also use suicide bombing as part of training which is taken up from LTTE. Is it part of Islam or any of its teachings? NO. Islam terms suicide in any form as haram (forbidden)
a discussion on Islam would be a losing battle for me.
what you and I refer to as 'suicide bombings' is martyrdom for these people...and Islam like many other religions does value martyrdom.
Religion is easy to twist.But we are discussing the here and the now and the 'Islamic terrorists' are using the path to heaven through suicide bombings a lot.the AQ videos shows through the aid of shoddy animation how the suicide bombers climb up the ladder to heaven after they 'complete' a mission.

The Afghan Taliban who fought US proxy war in no way came to outside world to impose their laws. Secondly those who formed the government in Afghanistan were result of the most oppressive regim of killer war lords from Nothern Alliance. They power struggle within Afghanistan was all part of internal politics and not part of Islamism. It was as much a normal power struggle as is between the liberal Indian Congress and hardline Hindu groups in Indian polictics
just because the Taliban were not affecting our daily lives doesn't mean that they were righteous.It is a well known fact that they indulged in many atrocities in the name of Islam.

"Secondly those who formed the government in Afghanistan were result of the most oppressive regim of killer war lords from Nothern Alliance."
and did they revert back to their old ways?
there are a hundred ways they are better than the Talibani regime which I remember arrested the entire Pakistani football team once for playing a football match in shorts!

"It was as much a normal power struggle as is between the liberal Indian Congress and hardline Hindu groups in Indian polictics"

like the Cong and the BJP?
no I can dispute that in a hundred ways...for one..there were no elections happening in Afghanistan for the people to decide what to choose.and both the NA and the taliban were Islamist groups...the former being more moderate than the latter....and it wasn't a normal power struggle...

India illegaly entred East Pakistan in 71 in the name of liberating Bangladeshis but it does not make your action as legal does it? Similarly brainwashing young boys after puting them on some medicines does not prove that these terrorist activities are part of Islamism.
what war is 'legal'?
war is when all legal procedures fail.
and I am not vouching for the AQ/taliban definition of Islamism...they think they are right...and they are better muslims and that living the life of mohammed in the mid-ages is the duty of all muslims.

According to Islamic laws and Quran, only the legitimate government can impose such laws that too after fulfiling its responsibilities towards its citizens, hence any individual/s applying the above mentioned orders are against the Islamic laws and regulations hence such acts by individuals are in itself violation of Islamic laws.

a discussion on Islam would be a losing battle for me.
what you and I refer to as 'suicide bombings' is martyrdom for these people...and Islam like many other religions does value martyrdom.
Religion is easy to twist.But we are discussing the here and the now and the 'Islamic terrorists' are using the path to heaven through suicide bombings a lot.the AQ videos shows through the aid of shoddy animation how the suicide bombers climb up the ladder to heaven after they 'complete' a mission.

Let us be clear on this.

Do you believe that the handlers, trainers and groomers of these suicide bombers actually believe that these SBs would really go to the heavens and meet the ladies?

Because what i know is that the planners and perpetrators are just fooling people into this concept that this is a short cut to heavens. We all, especially the Muslims know that a SB (terrorist) is not a hero and would land a few paces short of Paradise into the Hell!
Let us be clear on this.

Do you believe that the handlers, trainers and groomers of these suicide bombers actually believe that these SBs would really go to the heavens and meet the ladies?
absolutely not.
and the rest of your post shows that we are on the same page.
Let us be clear on this.

Do you believe that the handlers, trainers and groomers of these suicide bombers actually believe that these SBs would really go to the heavens and meet the ladies?

Because what i know is that the planners and perpetrators are just fooling people into this concept that this is a short cut to heavens. We all, especially the Muslims know that a SB (terrorist) is not a hero and would land a few paces short of Paradise into the Hell!

Always did wonder why the bombers failed to work out that if a suicide bombing was such a graet thing why the mulla needs to recruit people why hasnt he strapped on a vest and got his free ticket to paradise. :blink:
Always did wonder why the bombers failed to work out that if a suicide bombing was such a graet thing why the mulla needs to recruit people why hasnt he strapped on a vest and got his free ticket to paradise. :blink:

That's the catch!

Dont get surprised if you find a Mullah's own sons studying in the US and he himself is busy sending 100s up for jihad the world over!!
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