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Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army

I don't think I ever said I'm religious. But it's a valuable instrument to advance your own interests. Muhammad for example made 1.5 billion people bow their head towards Saudi Arabia, on a daily basis.

Current Ayatollah is Azeri, not Arab. Afghan Soviet regime wasn't overthrown, more like funding stopped by the Soviet Union.

In effect you don't believe in your religion but think it's useful to hold Iran together--hence your use of the term 'necessary evil'. If that's the case you don't really believe in the Iranian people or in their sense of nationhood, and much less in their ability to exercise common-sense; since you believe Iran can only be held together using deceit.

Actually the Supreme Leader is Sayyid Khameini who is an ethnic Arab, as noted by his use of the honorific 'Sayyid' meaning 'Master' to describe his origin, and use of a black turban.

Najibullah was captured and executed. I suggest you check a history book.
In effect you don't believe in your religion but think it's useful to hold Iran together--hence your use of the term 'necessary evil'. If that's the case you don't really believe in the Iranian people or in their sense of nationhood, and much less in their ability to exercise common-sense; since you believe Iran can only be held together using deceit.

Actually the Supreme Leader is Sayyid Khameini who is an ethnic Arab, as noted by his use of the honorific 'Sayyid' meaning 'Master' to describe his origin, and use of a black turban.

Najibullah was captured and executed. I suggest you check a history book.
But you do understand that without Safavids Iran wouldn't be on the map today, it would have been swallowed up by surrounding countries and long forgotten like some other cultures in the Middle East that have gone extinct at the hands of Sunni Turk/Arab invaders and settlers.
Training depends upon students own thirst also. In this case military professionalism.

Pakistan SSG has been trained by US Army GreenBerets and Rangers. SSG (N) by US Navy SEALs. The operational capabilities of both SSG and SSG (N) are excellent.

Right. That is one aspect of training. Then you have the multi-national exercises, and PA in house training which adds to their capability.

Lastly, Operational Experience- Nothing like a battle hardened soldier.
But you do understand that without Safavids Iran wouldn't be on the map today, it would have been swallowed up by surrounding countries and long forgotten like some other cultures in the Middle East that have gone extinct at the hands of Sunni Turk/Arab invaders and settlers.

That's a rather inane justification. Are we discussing name or substance? If we're discussing the name of the state, when did a state calling itself *Iran* and not Persia or any other name last exist? If we're discussing substance are we suggesting a continuity on the basis of DNA or on the basis of culture? Because if it's culture, then it is absolutely certain that the current religious beliefs of the group ruling Iran and the Zoroastrian religious beliefs of the Persian empire have little to nothing in common. If DNA then the Supreme Leader of Iran is quite explicit that he's a descendant of Arabs and not Iranians--in that sense it's equally true that the original inhabitants of Iran went extinct at the hands of the Mongols whose invasion and destruction of the Persian population was helped by the Shia minister Ibn Al-Qami.

As for groups still standing...the Pashtuns are still around, and only a fool would deny that the Pashtuns are an Iranian people. The Kurds are still around and likewise they are an Iranian people. And yes I agree that the majority of other Iranian peoples have been wiped out e.g. the Mitanni who were the original inhabitants of Syria and Lebanon.
Which military you are talking about a escape goat designed by USA to get rid of Afghanistan a military black hole. They are poorly trained and facing well trained guerrilla fighters.

:rofl: :angel: :tdown: !!!! That's the best you could come up with? Just blaming the US for everything while Pakistan's main defense takes place with 80% of the American weapon systems and training???? Way to go, to be a friend, partner or an ally (however you want to call that term).

Just for the reference and correctness, the Afghan army wasn't created by the US. They existed for decades. Now its not the US's fault that the Army is incapable and their troops would rather sell their M-16's and other weapons to Talibans terrorists for various reasons, including the drug money!! The US isn't everyone's father. We went to Afghanistan strictly for our own purposes because we got attacked. Had the fukkers in Afghanistan handed over OBL, a lot of chaos could've been avoided. So how Afghans want to carry on with their lives or their country, isn't our issue and shouldn't be. Had they not attacked our country, we had no business being in Afghanistan!!

I'll end my post with POTUS's quote from yesterday so you know why we went to Afganistan and things can work in a straight line in your mind because you clearly are very off Mr.

"If you doubt America's commitment -- or mine -- to see that justice is done, just ask Osama bin Laden" (POTUS, The State of the Union Address, 2016) :usflag:
Right. That is one aspect of training. Then you have the multi-national exercises, and PA in house training which adds to their capability.

Lastly, Operational Experience- Nothing like a battle hardened soldier.

SSG was formed in the 50s with help from Green berets and SAS.. Same goes for SSGN & SSGW .. They have evolved since than.. That's almost 7 decades.
:rofl: :angel: :tdown: !!!! That's the best you could come up with? Just blaming the US for everything while Pakistan's main defense takes place with 80% of the American weapon systems and training???? Way to go, to be a friend, partner or an ally (however you want to call that term).

Just for the reference and correctness, the Afghan army wasn't created by the US. They existed for decades. Now its not the US's fault that the Army is incapable and their troops would rather sell their M-16's and other weapons to Talibans terrorists for various reasons, including the drug money!! The US isn't everyone's father. We went to Afghanistan strictly for our own purposes because we got attacked. Had the fukkers in Afghanistan handed over OBL, a lot of chaos could've been avoided. So how Afghans want to carry on with their lives or their country, isn't our issue and shouldn't be. Had they not attacked our country, we had no business being in Afghanistan!!

I'll end my post with POTUS's quote from yesterday so you know why we went to Afganistan and things can work in a straight line in your mind because you clearly are very off Mr.

"If you doubt America's commitment -- or mine -- to see that justice is done, just ask Osama bin Laden" (POTUS, The State of the Union Address, 2016) :usflag:

And it turned out that OBL was hiding a few feet away from a Pakistani Army base and according to all the evidence was being protected by the Punjabi Jatt controlled Pakistani military even while those Jatt Generals were taking BILLIONS of dollars from the American tax-payer to bomb Pashtuns.

Wouldn't it have been simpler for the US government just to bomb Sayyid Pervez Musharaf and the Punjabi bases and houses of the Jatt Generals and save years and billions of dollars?
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And it turned out that OBL was hiding a few feet away from a Pakistani Army base and according to all the evidence was being protected by the Punjabi Jatt controlled Pakistani military even while those Jatt Generals were taking BILLIONS of dollars from the American tax-payer to bomb Pashtuns.

Wouldn't it have been simpler just to bomb Sayyid Pervez Musharaf and the Punjabi bases and houses of the Jatt Generals and save years and billions of dollars?

I am a little confused at your bold statement. I don't know if you just turned 14 and decided the thread, or you are even 18 yet. I'd suggest for you to learn a few things here before passing really silly comments, just some advise.

@Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence : check out the above please.
I am a little confused at your bold statement. I don't know if you just turned 14 and decided the thread, or you are even 18 yet. I'd suggest for you to learn a few things here before passing really silly comments, just some advise.

@Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence : check out the above please.
Anyone who hid or aided OBL is according to international law a terrorist. Or do you only apply that and the drone bombings to poor Pashtuns and not the people who actually run Pakistan? Care to explain why Dr Khattak is still in prison on the orders of the Pakistani Generals for helping to expose the scam?

As for me being bold...

“Former director general of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Asad Durrani has said that Pakistan had 'most likely' revealed the position of former Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden to the US, a report published on the

In an interview on Al Jazeera's Head to Head show, the former ISI chief cast doubts over the intelligence agency's official line that it was unaware of the Al Qaeda chief's whereabouts prior to his killing.

“I cannot say exactly what happened but my assessment […] was it is quite possible that they [the ISI] did not know but it was more probable that they did. And the idea was that at the right time, his location would be revealed. And the right time would have been, when you can get the necessary quid pro quo — if you have someone like Osama bin Laden, you are not going to simply hand him over to the United States," the former head of Pakistan's premier intelligence agency told the host of the show.”

The above is on the Dawn website. So according to a former head of ISI, the Pakistani Generals hid the news of OBL's location, even while they took BILLIONS of dollars from the US taxpayer and blamed Pashtuns for hiding him. Tell me that they would do the same if Lahoris and Urdu speakers were involved.

And it's 'advice' not 'advise'.
They've actually been trying. I read an article a while ago where Afghan officials blamed Pakistan for a lack of training facilities, and high quality training in Afghanistan. They claimed that Pakistan was pressuring India to not invest in Afghanistan's military facilities, which is ridiculous. Since when did India care what Pakistan thinks, when it comes to investment?

Lol........the Afghans are totally warped. They forgot to blame Pakistan for preventing Afghanistan becoming a more powerful superpower than america.........lol.
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Most of them are already serving in ANA.. When the desert... They try shooting their own or NATO troops n grab all weapons they can.

ANA is real tough when it's facing shepherds and little boys...

If the troops don't .... Boys what else they gonna do-- afghan "general".


This video is a sad state of affairs of the U S military where it is clueless what to do.

Sodomy of young afghan children has been performed at the U S bases continuously by their partners---the ANA---afghan national army----.

So---that makes the U S military an accessory to child molestation.

Other than that-----the afghan army is not going to be any match for the afghan taliban.

I believe that the U S military should put its tail between its legs and say adieu to afghanistan and leave---.

What a disgraceful ending of the U S military is it going to be----Power of Allah / God is beyond imagination----how the Lord has smashed the Pride of the mighty american army right in dirt---is is amazing that how the Lord has blinded their thinking into making one bad decision after the other---it is like a ROSARY made up of BAD DECISIONS.

I think a copy of it must be presented to every U S general and their superiors.

Anyone who hid or aided OBL is according to international law a terrorist. Or do you only apply that and the drone bombings to poor Pashtuns and not the people who actually run Pakistan? Care to explain why Dr Khattak is still in prison on the orders of the Pakistani Generals for helping to expose the scam?

As for me being bold...

“Former director general of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Asad Durrani has said that Pakistan had 'most likely' revealed the position of former Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden to the US, a report published on the

In an interview on Al Jazeera's Head to Head show, the former ISI chief cast doubts over the intelligence agency's official line that it was unaware of the Al Qaeda chief's whereabouts prior to his killing.

“I cannot say exactly what happened but my assessment […] was it is quite possible that they [the ISI] did not know but it was more probable that they did. And the idea was that at the right time, his location would be revealed. And the right time would have been, when you can get the necessary quid pro quo — if you have someone like Osama bin Laden, you are not going to simply hand him over to the United States," the former head of Pakistan's premier intelligence agency told the host of the show.”

The above is on the Dawn website. So according to a former head of ISI, the Pakistani Generals hid the news of OBL's location, even while they took BILLIONS of dollars from the US taxpayer and blamed Pashtuns for hiding him. Tell me that they would do the same if Lahoris and Urdu speakers were involved.

And it's 'advice' not 'advise'.


Welcome to the forum---it is not even day one and the forum got lit up. The light that lights the brightest---burns the shortest.

The first people to 'AID' Osama Bin Laden to escape were the U S military----General Tommy Franks incharge---Rummy as as his boss---that was at Kandhar---.

The second time it happened was at Tora Bora---and again Osama was " aided " by the inaction of the U S general Tommy Franks and his boss Rummy.

Why don't you drop a line to them---and give them the reference of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Syed Musharraf is a TILLIAR by birth---what happens in the military is that the subordinates take the identity and mentality of their Boss---and they become HIM to serve their commands better.

If a Boss is a TILLIAR----they generals under him become TILLIARS---If the commanding general is an AKHROT---they become Akhrots---and if the commanding general is a PUNJABI---they become DHUGGAY----.

It just happens by default----it will be difficult for you to understand unless you grew up with military friends or in the family.

Good luck on your stay on this board. Welcome again.
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This video is a sad state of affairs of the U S military where it is clueless what to do.

Sodomy of young afghan children has been performed at the U S bases continuously by their partners---the ANA---afghan national army----.

So---that makes the U S military an accessory to child molestation.

Other than that-----the afghan army is not going to be any match for the afghan taliban.

I believe that the U S military should put its tail between its legs and say adieu to afghanistan and leave---.

What a disgraceful ending of the U S military is it going to be----Power of Allah / God is beyond imagination----how the Lord has smashed the Pride of the mighty american army right in dirt---is is amazing that how the Lord has blinded their thinking into making one bad decision after the other---it is like a ROSARY made up of BAD DECISIONS.

I think a copy of it must be presented to every U S general and their superiors.


Welcome to the forum---it is not even day one and the forum got lit up. The light that lights the brightest---burns the shortest.

The first people to 'AID' Osama Bin Laden to escape were the U S military----General Tommy Franks incharge---Rummy as as his boss---that was at Kandhar---.

The second time it happened was at Tora Bora---and again Osama was " aided " by the inaction of the U S general Tommy Franks and his boss Rummy.

Why don't you drop a line to them---and give them the reference of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Syed Musharraf is a TILLIAR by birth---what happens in the military is that the subordinates take the identity and mentality of their Boss---and they become HIM to serve their commands better.

If a Boss is a TILLIAR----they generals under him become TILLIARS---If the commanding general is an AKHROT---they become Akhrots---and if the commanding general is a PUNJABI---they become DHUGGAY----.

It just happens by default----it will be difficult for you to understand unless you grew up with military friends or in the family.

Good luck on your stay on this board. Welcome again.

This guy is a troll.. You should see his posts.
Pashtuns & Baluch and all other ethnic groups of Pak want to break away... The Pashtun troops are like the Sunnis fighting in SAA.. And the Pashtuns never had military chiefs etc because they are considered unequal..:lol:

This guy is either India or a pseudo intellectual wannabe like that clown tareek fateeh.

This video is a sad state of affairs of the U S military where it is clueless what to do.

Sodomy of young afghan children has been performed at the U S bases continuously by their partners---the ANA---afghan national army----.

So---that makes the U S military an accessory to child molestation.

Other than that-----the afghan army is not going to be any match for the afghan taliban.

I believe that the U S military should put its tail between its legs and say adieu to afghanistan and leave---.

What a disgraceful ending of the U S military is it going to be----Power of Allah / God is beyond imagination----how the Lord has smashed the Pride of the mighty american army right in dirt---is is amazing that how the Lord has blinded their thinking into making one bad decision after the other---it is like a ROSARY made up of BAD DECISIONS.

I think a copy of it must be presented to every U S general and their superiors.


Welcome to the forum---it is not even day one and the forum got lit up. The light that lights the brightest---burns the shortest.

The first people to 'AID' Osama Bin Laden to escape were the U S military----General Tommy Franks incharge---Rummy as as his boss---that was at Kandhar---.

The second time it happened was at Tora Bora---and again Osama was " aided " by the inaction of the U S general Tommy Franks and his boss Rummy.

Why don't you drop a line to them---and give them the reference of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Syed Musharraf is a TILLIAR by birth---what happens in the military is that the subordinates take the identity and mentality of their Boss---and they become HIM to serve their commands better.

If a Boss is a TILLIAR----they generals under him become TILLIARS---If the commanding general is an AKHROT---they become Akhrots---and if the commanding general is a PUNJABI---they become DHUGGAY----.

It just happens by default----it will be difficult for you to understand unless you grew up with military friends or in the family.

Good luck on your stay on this board. Welcome again.
Sir what is a "Tilliars" ?
Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army
11:04 11.01.2016(updated 11:44 11.01.2016)

A secret NATO report brought to light by the German press reveals grave concerns about the security situation in Afghanistan, and how the Afghan army has exhibited lackluster performance despite billions of dollars of international investment.

Despite billions of dollars of investment the Afghan army is not ready for battle against the Taliban, who have surged in the past year, according to a secret NATO report seen by German magazine Der Spiegel.
"Altogether across the country, only one of 101 infantry battalions is classified as 'ready for battle' and 38 units have 'massive problems,'" the NATO report detailed, according to Spiegel.

"Ten battalions of around 600 soldiers are not operational at all,"wrote Spiegel.

"Particularly drastic is a report from the commander of the NATO mission, US General John Campbell, about the situation in the embattled South, where the Taliban have brought ever greater areas under their control."

General Campbell, who has led NATO's Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan since August 2014, said that of 17 battalions stationed in the provinces of Kabul and Kandahar, only 12 were battle-ready to a limited extent.

Kabul, in central Afghanistan, and Kandahar in the South are Afghanistan's two largest cities, and the resurgent Taliban has carried out attacks there in recent weeks.
It has claimed responsibility for a three suicide attacks in the Afghan capital last week that killed five civilians and injured at least 56. On December 9, scores of people were killed when the Taliban attacked Kandahar airport.

Contributing to the lack of readiness for battle, the NATO report also reveals the extent of the loss of troops, through their death or desertion from duty.

"Statistically, in 2015 the Afghan National Army (ANA) lost 22 soldiers every day. With more than 8,000 deaths in one year, the losses have risen by 42 percent in comparison with the previous year."

"Together with the high number of deserters who leave in frustration or defect to the Taliban, the army loses one third of its soldiers every year."

In December 2014, the US and NATO ended its International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) combat mission, which carried out operations against terrorists and provided training and assistance for the Afghan security forces.

Following the end of the ISAF mission, which was succeeded by NATO's smaller noncombat Resolute Support mission, the Taliban has retaken large areas of Afghanistan. It is currently in control of more territory than at any point since 2001, when the US-led invasion toppled the ruling group from power.

Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army
Northern alliance is the biggest Con that has taken billions of dollars from the west and has nothing to show for itself shifting all the blame over to Pakistan.
its not that its ethnic army is incapable or unworthy.. it just doesn't see any motive to be good because its getting the money anyway. its leaders are caught with millions of dollars smuggling out of the country to UAE but nothing happens and America keeps paying them.
life is good for Northern alliance warlords
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