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Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army

It's not so much an army, rather a security institution which has difficult time being effective. Maybe better than Iraq's situation though.
Last month I was in my village in Pakistan. Some Russian AK lovers were happy that Afghan forces are going to receive new AK-47s from Russia soon, which will eventually be sold in Pakistani markets, resulting lower prices of Russian AKs.
Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army
11:04 11.01.2016(updated 11:44 11.01.2016)

A secret NATO report brought to light by the German press reveals grave concerns about the security situation in Afghanistan, and how the Afghan army has exhibited lackluster performance despite billions of dollars of international investment.

Despite billions of dollars of investment the Afghan army is not ready for battle against the Taliban, who have surged in the past year, according to a secret NATO report seen by German magazine Der Spiegel.
"Altogether across the country, only one of 101 infantry battalions is classified as 'ready for battle' and 38 units have 'massive problems,'" the NATO report detailed, according to Spiegel.

"Ten battalions of around 600 soldiers are not operational at all,"wrote Spiegel.

"Particularly drastic is a report from the commander of the NATO mission, US General John Campbell, about the situation in the embattled South, where the Taliban have brought ever greater areas under their control."

General Campbell, who has led NATO's Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan since August 2014, said that of 17 battalions stationed in the provinces of Kabul and Kandahar, only 12 were battle-ready to a limited extent.

Kabul, in central Afghanistan, and Kandahar in the South are Afghanistan's two largest cities, and the resurgent Taliban has carried out attacks there in recent weeks.
It has claimed responsibility for a three suicide attacks in the Afghan capital last week that killed five civilians and injured at least 56. On December 9, scores of people were killed when the Taliban attacked Kandahar airport.

Contributing to the lack of readiness for battle, the NATO report also reveals the extent of the loss of troops, through their death or desertion from duty.

"Statistically, in 2015 the Afghan National Army (ANA) lost 22 soldiers every day. With more than 8,000 deaths in one year, the losses have risen by 42 percent in comparison with the previous year."

"Together with the high number of deserters who leave in frustration or defect to the Taliban, the army loses one third of its soldiers every year."

In December 2014, the US and NATO ended its International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) combat mission, which carried out operations against terrorists and provided training and assistance for the Afghan security forces.

Following the end of the ISAF mission, which was succeeded by NATO's smaller noncombat Resolute Support mission, the Taliban has retaken large areas of Afghanistan. It is currently in control of more territory than at any point since 2001, when the US-led invasion toppled the ruling group from power.

Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army
Only money can't build a force if a person with is not ready to die for his cause than even most latest weapons are useless
I'm surprised the Afghans have not blamed Pakistan for having such a weak and ineffective military. I'm sure they'll think of a reason soon.
They've actually been trying. I read an article a while ago where Afghan officials blamed Pakistan for a lack of training facilities, and high quality training in Afghanistan. They claimed that Pakistan was pressuring India to not invest in Afghanistan's military facilities, which is ridiculous. Since when did India care what Pakistan thinks, when it comes to investment?
Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army

I didn't realize they had to write "report" to state common sense and known facts!!! Everyone who watches evening news around the globe knows this. No need to write a report on it.
But still 8000 deaths in a single year. That is simply too much for any military.
Which military you are talking about a escape goat designed by USA to get rid of Afghanistan a military black hole. They are poorly trained and facing well trained guerrilla fighters.
The failures are entirely due to creating an 'Afghan' army which is sectarian and run by Tajikistanis and Mongolians.
i am worried about the training of Pakistani army officers now -
15 years down the drain. What a waste of time/money/lives.
And most of these budget mr karzai took in his pocket and hiding in india

Only Talibans should be supported by giving them education how to run govt and infastructure and budgets for development these people fight to die for their land they are real owners not RAT KARZAI or ABDULLAH
I don't think anyone needs NATO's leaks to validate the stated fact

Reason: Not at all pointing to human (in)efficiency but to the fact that constant war has eroded the kind of discipline, training and structure which is hallmark of any efficient military
The failures are entirely due to creating an 'Afghan' army which is sectarian and run by Tajikistanis and Mongolians.
That's correct, the same mistakes in Iraq and Syria repeated everywhere. The solution is for them to carve out a piece of Afghanistan for their own instead of trying to run the entire country.
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That's correct, these people should have carved out a part of Afghanistan for their own instead of trying to run the entire country. The same mistakes in Iraq and Syria repeated everywhere.

That's the mentality of a sectarian or war-lord. An interesting perspective which will either lead to endless war as each foreign or minority group tries to carve out its own little fiefdom and impose its will on the surrounding majority; or lots of peaceful little swiss statelets all working hard to make a better kind of cuckoo-clock. Of course you are assuming that the Afghans would accept such a division of their country by foreigners.

Iran has far greater ethnic divisions than any of its neighbors. It's fortunate for the sectarian theocracy ruling Iran that the wealthy gulf arabs until the past year haven't really put much effort into helping those ethnic groups seek independence.

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