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Latest JF-17 Block -2 with IFR probe

Albeit the source says, it's the latest one to come off the production lines, none the less, check out the image below of the JF-17 under ''AVIC'' watermark. the nose cone certainly doesn't appear round, the black mark painted on mid-nose section makes it even more obvious. @Oscar, @HRK @Tipu7

Well as I can see That's the Reflection and shining of light on the nose...Black Mark is some thing wonder....
Albeit the source says, it's the latest one to come off the production lines, none the less, check out the image below of the JF-17 under ''AVIC'' watermark. the nose cone certainly doesn't appear round, the black mark painted on mid-nose section makes it even more obvious. @Oscar, @HRK @Tipu7


illusion due to light reflection ....
IFR was already planned for block-II and the same was told by top brass, makes no sense to wait for Block-III.
But don't you think that will actually change the specification of Block-2 in between the manufacturing cycle and there will be difficulty in manufacturing the sub-parts for the manufacturing companies ?
But don't you think that will actually change the specification of Block-2 in between the manufacturing cycle and there will be difficulty in manufacturing the sub-parts for the manufacturing companies ?

Well my thoughts wouldn't matter whereby professionals are doing the best. Such up-grade was planned as done so no difficulties, in short, the design was of that purpose as wouldn't take much time even to install it, likely retrofitted. So the prob will installed from 29th onward however, the same can be installed on the plans as even the Block-Is would be upgraded to Block-II standard.
Here is enlargement....exam it


I think its some kind of shade...
Albeit the source says, it's the latest one to come off the production lines, none the less, check out the image below of the JF-17 under ''AVIC'' watermark. the nose cone certainly doesn't appear round, the black mark painted on mid-nose section makes it even more obvious. @Oscar, @HRK @Tipu7

The sun is reflecting off it. The nose will remain as round as it is now throughout Block-II
throughout Block-II
So you think Block-III's nose will indeed be redesigned to fit in the AESA? But then they won't be able to apply that upgrade on its predecessor blocks.


Ok, You mentioned some solution to the space issue found back in 2011. Mind sharing it with us?
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