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Latest JF-17 Block -2 with IFR probe

So you think Block-III's nose will indeed be redesigned to fit in the AESA? But then they won't be able to apply that upgrade on its predecessor blocks.


Ok, You mentioned some solution to the space issue found back in 2011. Mind sharing it with us?
Cooling has many methods, including electrical.
Here is enlargement....exam it

View attachment 323373

I think its some kind of shade...
The sun is reflecting off it. The nose will remain as round as it is now throughout Block-II
And the black mark seems to be the serial number. Anyways looking at the picture below, a R'had under each wing looks feasible.

And the black mark seems to be the serial number. Anyways looking at the picture below, a R'had under each wing looks feasible.

have you considered looking at it width ways and have you check it wont interfer with the landing gear doors. the raad is a wide missile
If PAC changes its engine it will be major step to make it more powerful and increase its survivability chances

RD 93 has so many draw backs and biggest of it it's smoke trails
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