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Kurdish militants kill seven Iranian troops


Aug 9, 2012
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Kurdish rebels based in north Iraq claimed on Aug. 26 to have killed seven Iranian soldiers in clashes last week near the Islamic republic’s border with Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) said two of its fighters had died in the Aug. 22 clashes near the Sardasht border area, populated by Iran’s Kurdish minority, apparently the first such deadly violence between the two sides since April 2012.

“Iranian forces ... attacked and swept the area near Sardasht,” the PJAK said in a statement.

“Severe fighting erupted between the two forces ... which led to the killing of seven Iranian soldiers,” it said, adding that two PJAK fighters also died.

PJAK rebels, labeled as “terrorists” by Tehran, have often clashed with Iranian forces, sparking retaliatory bombing of their rear bases in the mountainous border districts of neighboring Iraqi Kurdistan.

The clashes were the first account of a deadly conflict between the rebels and Iranian forces since PJAK fighters killed four members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards in April 2012.

It followed a summer-long offensive by Iranian forces against the rebel group in 2011, with the Guards saying in September of that year that they had forced the fighters out of northwestern Iran and killed more than 180 of them.

The following month, Iran’s foreign minister declared the PJAK issue to be “over.”

MIDEAST - Kurdish militants kill seven Iranian troops
kurds are fighting turks, iraqis and iranis.... ? still they cant be defeated?
We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Kurds against Iranian and Turkish terror :yahoo:
Be carefull your shoulder doesnt get hurt!

kurds are fighting turks, iraqis and iranis.... ? still they cant be defeated?
You try getting rats out of the wholes they hide in,its a mountain range where they hide with a milion caves to hide in.

Where is the Kurdish troll when we need him? He would thank my post.
This is most probably another PJAK propaganda, they have a weird habit of multiplying the number of enemy casualties, the same as PKK. We don't even know if the story itself is true or not since its only souce is from the terrorist organization.
in 2011 raids in Kurdistan, 20 Iranian soldiers and 180 PJAK militants were killed. But PJAK claimed they have killed 300 Iranian soldiers while losing only 16 militants. Can't get any more ridiculous, can it? The irony is that they accepted to leave Iranian soil and return to Iraq and agreed to all Iranian terms after their 'decisive victory'.
ohhh geee!!!

at last i found an item in which both iranian and turkish members have mutual understanding on:

pkk & pjak r terrorist!!!
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