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Korea’s Economy: Big Corporations and Common People Freezing to Death


Dec 18, 2012
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Taiwan, Province Of China
Look straight at Korea’s economy with prosperous big corporations and common people at the brink of freezing death

English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: February 8, 2013 -

Look straight at Korea’s economy with prosperous big corporations and common people at the brink of freezing death

Korea’s economy, which has been under the control of IMF, globalism personified, seems to be driven into a miserable situation, where exporting big companies taken over by international financial mafia are prospering and common people are going to die in indignation.

In Japan true situation of common people in Korea has never been reported. If the Abe administration should place a person with philosophy like Mr. Heizo Takenaka in the center of policy making or appoint him as the Governor of Bank of Japan, our country would be thrown headlong into the rough sea of global economy and the country would get bankrupt in a short time.


“Workers of Seoul City Office are very busy removing the bodies of homeless people who are frozen to death every morning in winter. Subway stations in Seoul are flooded with beggars and homeless people.”


“In Seoul, you cannot live in a decent house even at the cost of 100,000 yen. Unless you can post the deposit of nearly 10 million yen, you have to live in a prefabricated house built in the basement or on the rooftop. A part-time worker, who has to wait his turn for a job, is paid about 250 yen per hour.”


“My acquaintance who has been working for KBS cannot buy a house. KBS is a Korean version of NHK. It is operated by foreign money, so Korean employees have to work at terribly low pay.”


“In our university, only one of ten students can get a job after graduation. So, young people have no other choice but to go out of the country. Four Koreans I have made friends with here have all immigrated to Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore and Japan.
Girls have no job but prostitutes.”

If the number of non-regular employees tops 50 percent, young people will start leaving the country and perhaps national meltdown will start. This situation reminds me of the course of events seen in Latin American countries in the latter half of 1900s, where national wealth had completely been robbed of.


Shanti Phula's Blog: [Shinshu-no-Izumi] Look straight at Korea’s economy with prosperous big corporations and common people at the brink of freezing death

Not to mention: South Korea has world highest suicide rate per capita in the world!

Now discuss!

Sorry for the one year old article, but this is a very interesting and the topic never been posted. PDF should not miss it!
I know Japanese are jealous with Korea‘s economics growth
But currish propaganda can not change the falling of Japan and Korea catching with it quikcly
South Korea is a very cruel country to live.

Despite all the Korean Wave.

Let's see:
Korea Samsung v.s Japan Sony, who will die first ?

In my opinion Samsung will survive.

But if we talk about life and working in both companies, I prefer to work in Sony rather than Samsung.
is just a blog, not an formal article from a respectable News agency

the article itself made by some random dude, in which nobody know his credence and credibility. Every country have that kind of guys and rubbish blog with their crappy written articles

is almost look a like @Fukuoka made a blog and writing about the collapses of Israel and USA as a country and incidentally his writing is in english
is just a blog, not an formal article from a respectable News agency

the article itself made by some random dude, in which nobody know his credence and credibility. Every country have that kind of guys and rubbish blog with their crappy written articles

is almost look a like @Fukuoka made a blog and writing about the collapses of Israel and USA as a country and incidentally his writing is in english
I'am for the collapse of Israel & JEW USA not by the ice but by the fire

I think people cheering for each JEW NATO failure are stupid, because they will never collapse by themselves, but only by a military action
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