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Kim Jong Un shows off new drones, gives Russian defense chief tour of nukes

I remember 10 years ago all analysts of the West were saying that the best North Korea is capable of doing is clustering 4 Scud based Nodong engines and put one Nodong missile on top and that is how they can build Taepodong-2 ICBM.

If someone would have said back then that in 10 years North Korea will have these weapons everyone would have laughed:

1) Hwasong 18 solid fuel ICBM
View attachment 941914

2) Hwasong 17 liquid fuel ICBM
View attachment 941916

3) Long-range cruise missile
View attachment 941922

4) Hypersonic missile
View attachment 941923

5) Haeil-2 underwater nuclear drone
View attachment 941930

6) North Korean tank with APS
View attachment 941932
7) North Korean submarine launched ballistic missile
View attachment 941933
8) North Korean tactical nuclear warhead
View attachment 941934

9) North Korean drones
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View attachment 941936

10) North Korean Corvette and ballistic missile submarine
View attachment 941937
View attachment 941938

11) North Korean long range air defense system
View attachment 941939

12) Kumsong-3 anti-ship cruise missile
View attachment 941940

13) North Korean nuclear torpedo
View attachment 941941

So either North Koreans are very talented or someone is helping them or both.

Who can help them? Russia? China? Iran?

In 2010 CIA said Iran and North Korea were working together to develop 80ton rocket engine...7 years later in 2017 Hwasong-14 with its 80ton engine was flight tested.
These weapons presented by North Korea, to be very honest, should be a wake-up call to Pakistan.

North Korea - a globally isolated regime, tiny economy, tiny population - yet look at the features of these weapons and the quality.

Yes, perhaps they had some support from China, but still we are not isolated countries, we can also seek limited support too.

In my opinion, this goes to show how important and vital the value of meritocracy is and proper organisational leadership. I am not even against military involvement in politics - but them placing average generals with no knowledge of certain fields into very niche technological institutions is costing us significantly!

North Korea's strict value for meritocracy, stern organisational leadership, and investment into educational programs is paying off significantly.

We operate our institutions like high school kids and don't take it seriously - they operate it professionally, meritocratically, and how it should be done, which is why they see results.

This image below speaks for itself, generals are good for security but you're shooting yourself in the foot because they are missing the key organisational skills for that technological institution and the necessary qualifications:


@LeGenD @SQ8 @That Guy
These weapons presented by North Korea, to be very honest, should be a wake-up call to Pakistan.

North Korea - a globally isolated regime, tiny economy, tiny population - yet look at the features of these weapons and the quality.

Yes, perhaps they had some support from China, but still we are not isolated countries, we can also seek limited support too.

In my opinion, this goes to show how important and vital the value of meritocracy is and proper organisational leadership. I am not even against military involvement in politics - but them placing average generals with no knowledge of certain fields into very niche technological institutions is costing us significantly!

North Korea's strict value for meritocracy, stern organisational leadership, and investment into educational programs is paying off significantly.

We operate our institutions like high school kids and don't take it seriously - they operate it professionally, meritocratically, and how it should be done, which is why they see results.

This image below speaks for itself, generals are good for security but you're shooting yourself in the foot because they are missing the key organisational skills for that technological institution and the necessary qualifications:

View attachment 942122

@LeGenD @SQ8 @That Guy
The suparco thing has been posted enough and we know the rot.

NK was well ahead in rocketry and regardless of isolation they have built a system to get what they need although their newer weapons are untested or through Chinese support.

Pakistan’s missile program has its start with NK and China.

The first Ghauris were literally repainted Nodongs - and even back then in the drawing rooms of Dubai arms dealers Pakistanis were being taken to school by them.

One Pakistani military fellow asked a NK scientist if it was possible to launch a missile during an earthquake -
The NK scientist was puzzled, what do you mean you want to launch during an earthquake?

The Pakistani went , lets say if the ground was pitching and rolling -

To which the NK scientist pointed to his head of white hair and “you think I got these overnight and am an idiot?!!”

“Tell me which ship you want to launch the missile from?!”
The suparco thing has been posted enough and we know the rot.

NK was well ahead in rocketry and regardless of isolation they have built a system to get what they need although their newer weapons are untested or through Chinese support.

Pakistan’s missile program has its start with NK and China.

The first Ghauris were literally repainted Nodongs - and even back then in the drawing rooms of Dubai arms dealers Pakistanis were being taken to school by them.

One Pakistani military fellow asked a NK scientist if it was possible to launch a missile during an earthquake -
The NK scientist was puzzled, what do you mean you want to launch during an earthquake?

The Pakistani went , lets say if the ground was pitching and rolling -

To which the NK scientist pointed to his head of white hair and “you think I got these overnight and am an idiot?!!”

“Tell me which ship you want to launch the missile from?!”
This is sad, we need an urgent institutional reform based on meritocracy. There is no reason for retired generals without anywhere near the adequate experience of qualifications to be heading such sensitive organisations.

We are being set back literal decades, we can't afford to lose more time.
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As for the support network of satellites and HALE drones necessary for targeting, NK has none of those so what use is the HGV?

I was going to say some of these weapons seem illogical without even basic satellite communications.



The bulb on the front of a drone usually houses the SATCOM...but what communications satellite is their's pointing at??? 🤔
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I was going to say some of these weapons seem illogical without even basic satellite communications.

View attachment 942140


The bulb on the front of a drone usually houses the SATCOM...but what communications satellite is their's pointing at??? 🤔
Your commentary is nonsense.
At 12 kilometer altitude they could send and receive signals up to 400 kilometers away.
Your commentary is nonsense.
At 12 kilometer altitude they could send and receive signals up to 400 kilometers away.
um 400km?

Wow! Your little minds are not seeing the big big big picture of the weapons they have on display. You are always stuck thinking so so so small.

If the jet powered UAV pictured above has the same flight characteristics as a similar US jet powered Avenger

UAV it has a one-way flight range of 5,500km.

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Some surprising new hardware on show from the north koreans during the russian defence chiefs visit.....


View attachment 941596
I think that I like this pic the best tho`,the guy standing behind shoigu looks a little stunned,almost like he cant quite accept what hes seeing.
I wouldnt be surprised if hes sadly remembering the good old days of the cold war,back when it was the soviets rolling out the latest cool toys to impress the north korean delegations.
"Jeezus!!,I can remember back when these ar$eh0les could barely screw together a second rate scud copy,and now they`re building this sort of stuff!!!.":eek:
How the heck they get these technologies? For sure they don't do any R&D.
um 400km?

Wow! Your little minds are not seeing the big big big picture of the weapons they have on display. You are always stuck thinking so so so small.

If the jet powered UAV pictured above has the same flight characteristics as a similar US jet powered Avenger

UAV it has a one-way flight range of 5,500km.

View attachment 942218
...and its more nonsense from you, they don't need to fly it far at other side of the world.
All they need is an aircraft that can be on air for dozens of hours to conduct ISR against actual and potential adversaries.
...and its more nonsense from you, they don't need to fly it far at other side of the world.
All they need is an aircraft that can be on air for dozens of hours to conduct ISR against actual and potential adversaries.

oh I see the logic now. All the advanced weapons they are building and displaying in the parade are only for adversaries within 400km or so. Gotcha :rolleyes1:

Yes, perhaps they had some support from China, but still we are not isolated countries, we can also seek limited support too.

In my opinion, this goes to show how important and vital the value of meritocracy is and proper organisational leadership. I am not even against military involvement in politics - but them placing average generals with no knowledge of certain fields into very niche technological institutions is costing us significantly!

North Korea's strict value for meritocracy, stern organisational leadership, and investment into educational programs is paying off significantly.

We operate our institutions like high school kids and don't take it seriously - they operate it professionally, meritocratically, and how it should be done, which is why they see results.

You really believe in the above. Try visiting North Korea

Most likely it is a carbon copy of Chinese systems with a paint job
The simplest example is the TAI T929 ATAK 2 heavy helicopter. Turkey is the third country in the world to research and develop heavy helicopters > 10 tons after the United States and Russia.

Why don't the UK, France, Germany, Japan and China research and develop heavy helicopters > 10 tons? They have more scientific, technical, technological and specialist qualifications than Türkiye. What prevented them from doing the same?

Because it is more about politics and leadership vision than technology and industrial capacity
The same question. China and the US can manufacture bombers, AEWS, and transport aircraft. Why can't the Uk, France, Germany+Turkey make it? What is stopping them?

How great is your leadership ability? Mao built China's first nuclear submarine in 1970. and you?

I do not deny the influence of politics and leadership on a country. But it's quite limited... NK and Turkey are the same. Concentrate resources to achieve breakthroughs in a certain field. Then gradually expand to other fields....
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