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Kerala Man Aboard Saudi Flight Unzips In Front Of Woman Crew, Detained

Bharti troll “afghan” means Pakhtun, (a term coined by Khushal Khan Khattak, who was born and buried in PAKISTAN) ... the second largest ethnic group of Pakistan.

Tajik,uzbek,Turks are also part of Pakistan & so are Panjabi,(us) Baloch,Sindhis,Shinas,Brushos,Koshurs,Hazaras,Batlis, khowars,Sheens,Pamiris,Kashmiris and other ethnic groups of Pakistan.

Not our fault you clowns are fed a healthy dose of ignorance & hindutva BS. Well today is your lucky day, you got me to educate you!

Also no Missile is named after Tipu (who was an ethnic Panjabi whose family migrated to south india).

As for this case, well whats the big deal? Such things are quiet normal for your kind.

A man raping a woman in broad daylight on a footpath isn't really a rare sight let alone flashing:
View attachment 562273

So what are you moaning bout?

Why are you surprised? Even Cow mata isnt secure in india:

Man Arrested For Raping Cows In UP's Ayodhya
The accused, identified as Raj Kumar, was caught red-handed on Tuesday by volunteers of the shelter in Ayodhya that is run by Kartaliya Baba Ashram.


Imagine raping what you worship..
A tree has more of a comprehensive attitude then a swamp dweller.
He was horny! daily on televsion hundreds of rape cases surface in India , he might have boosted his
moral to go for it - what can you expect from a country whos PM is Modi LOL
Why you tagged me to this B grade news ?
I didn't tag you here for this news but to prove my point.
You always claimed indians are unified but the racism displayed by your fellow country says otherwise.

Because you are a B grade troll :omghaha::omghaha:
No he claimed indians are unified and live happily together but his fellow countrymen say otherwise.
Let's face it only their hate for Pakistan and muslims unites them, Without it they would fall apart.
I didn't tag you here for this news but to prove my point.
You always claimed indians are unified but the racism displayed by your fellow country says otherwise.

No he claimed indians are unified and live happily together but his fellow countrymen say otherwise.
Let's face it only their hate for Pakistan and muslims unites them, Without it they would fall apart.

Indians are unified .
Like siblings we will fight each other but under the watch of mother India.
Its our family affairs .
Neighbours should mind their own business.
No he claimed indians are unified and live happily together but his fellow countrymen say otherwise.
Let's face it only their hate for Pakistan and muslims unites them, Without it they would fall apart.

Trust me not even people in his house @SrNair give a two hoots to what he thinks or says. He @SrNair is a third rated cheap indian troll who vents out his frustrations here on pdf because not even people in his home would spit on him.
Indians are unified .
Like siblings we will fight each other but under the watch of mother India.
Its our family affairs .
Neighbours should mind their own business.
What kind of siblings want to expel each other?
We do mind our business, How many Pakistanis you see on indian forums?

Trust me not even people in his house @SrNair give a two hoots to what he thinks or says. He @SrNair is a third rated cheap indian troll who vents out his frustrations here on pdf because not even people in his home would spit on him.
I don't share the same ideas as him but I will give him credit for trying to bump heads with me.
Most indians here are scared except for him,soumitra.
What kind of siblings want to expel each other?
We do mind our business, How many Pakistanis you see on indian forums?

I don't share the same ideas as him but I will give him credit for trying to bump heads with me.
Most indians here are scared except for him,soumitra.

He is just a cheap shot!! Dont take him so seriously
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