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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Point out the lines which ares supporting terrorism.

All i could see was the mentioning of the atrocities of the Indian Security Forces, killing and raping of Kashmirs and the oppressed peoples struggle against the Indian occupiers and the question about justice denied to these people.

Where is it supporting terrorism ??

Did it said, innocent Indians should be killed ?? Or bomb blasts should be done ?? While Indian Security Forces are not the innocent, rather they are the aggressors and occupiers.

So plz highlight the points which are supporting terrorism.

Do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory and its people want independence from Indian occupation & brutality, so keep in mind the difference between terrorism and freedom struggle.

He is a terrorist and will be dealt in the manner that he deserves. Killing anyone is not justified by any reason, Disputed territory or not, he is still a terrorist. Definitions do not change because of motives.
kashmir... will always be a part of india.... i dont know why some pakistanis think all kashmiris wants to join them.... first off... only a minority wants to join pakistan, mainly they want to be independent... .

second off...each of the wars which pakistan started with india... they expected huge or mass support from the kashmiris... but they miserably failed at that logic...

third off... india has more if not almost equal population of muslims as pakistan... so no way... there wont be another country for muslims until the enitre muslims in india is well taken care off...
He is a terrorist and will be dealt in the manner that he deserves. Killing anyone is not justified by any reason, Disputed territory or not, he is still a terrorist. Definitions do not change because of motives.

I agree, the Indian army (&elite) will pay in kind for their terrorism in Kashmir. We cannot even put these disputed organization at the same level of human rights abuses. Now, my advice to the Indian state is to love her children more than the oppression on the freedom of others. Look at the Indian Parliament Attack, Mumbai attacks. Many innocent people had to die even though they are not involved with the issue, some not even directly - i.e children. The case is the same in Kashmir, why does the Indian Army molest, kidnapp & murder so many? Many as Indian members have said, want a peaceful life so why does the Indian army knock down their dreams (and soul) with the barrel of a gun?

The Mumbai & Parliament attacks can be classified as retialiation for the Indian Army's massacres in Kashmir, but the matter remains the same - innocent blood is being spilt. The Indian state can stop this atrociety in itself quite simply, by holding a right of self determination pleblicite. I am sure Pakistan would not disagree if the Indian State make a big media fuss over it.

For those saying the murders in Kashmir were the killings of, in their word 'terrorists'. All I can say is this; there are not 50,000+ fighters, and most of the existing (aswell as deceased) are men not women. The amount of women raped to the amount of fighters and in their ranks, women is unmatchable. Please do not look blindly at the truth when it is staring at you.
There have been instances when some Jawan of the Indian army have been reported to be involved in activities in which he should not have been.Indian Army has its own rules and all of them have been dealt with properly....These r exceptional cases and nothing like the mass murder of Est Pakistani civilians is happening there.

We need to understand that the Indian Reserve forces and the Army is mainly in Kashmir to encounter the terrorists,and it is doing its job pretty good there.They have managed to restore peace to the valley....Nowadays ,we can hardly see any news about militant attacks in Kashmir being reported in Indian newspapers and television,which was quite common even 7-8 years back.Back in those times ,almost everyday there was a terrorist attack in Kashmir...

The present US onslaught against the terrorists in Afghanistan has also dealt a big blow.It has resulted in the drying up of funds of many terrorist organizations...The terrorists are pursuing a lost cause here..They need to understand that they can never win over the land by sending one or two brainwashed,uneducated youth hell bent on dying ,with an AK-47 in hand....Well massive pushes were also tried(read Kargil war),but nevertheless,they were all thwarted back....
And about Syed Salahuddin Sahab... He is a great man and a freedom fighter, who devoted his entire life for the people of Kashmir. He and all of his type want only and only the right of self determination for the people of Kashmir. I shall suggest you to consider it.

No, he is a terrorist responsible not only for the death of Indian soldiers but also Indian civilians and hence should be shot on sight.

I agree, the Indian army (&elite) will pay in kind for their terrorism in Kashmir. We cannot even put these disputed organization at the same level of human rights abuses. Now, my advice to the Indian state is to love her children more than the oppression on the freedom of others. Look at the Indian Parliament Attack, Mumbai attacks. Many innocent people had to die even though they are not involved with the issue, some not even directly - i.e children. The case is the same in Kashmir, why does the Indian Army molest, kidnapp & murder so many? Many as Indian members have said, want a peaceful life so why does the Indian army knock down their dreams (and soul) with the barrel of a gun?

How many soldiers were present in Kashmir before Pakistan started sending terrorists to our part of Kashmir in 89? If Kashmiris really wanted to be with Pakistan, would they have really turned against Pakistani instigators in 1965 and informed the Indian army? Think with a brain and don't base your opinions on propaganda.

Do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory and its people want independence from Indian occupation & brutality, so keep in mind the difference between terrorism and freedom struggle.

Are you saying that these "freedom fighters" only attack soldiers? Killing of civilians deliberately to cause fear among the local population is terrorism, irrespective of whether it takes place in a so called disputed territory. These "freedom fighters" who your government only "morally supports" kills civilians in Kashmir and in other parts of India. They are religious extremists who should be annihilated from existence.
And about Syed Salahuddin Sahab... He is a great man and a freedom fighter, who devoted his entire life for the people of Kashmir. He and all of his type want only and only the right of self determination for the people of Kashmir. I shall suggest you to consider it.

I hope you are not serious. This "freedom fighter" has NEVER crossed the LoC to fight Indian forces but has sent scores of young Kashmirs and other Pakistanis to their death. Whats more he marries the young widows of these militants. How shameful can someone be?

Unrest in Hizbul as Salahuddin marries slain militant’s widow
Why don't you first answer my question first which i asked in reply to your complain.

Here's my answer - No he didnt advocate killing any civilians in his blog that he quoted. But he's deifying the very people who are responsible for the killings of innocents. I dont see any difference between praising a terrorist act and praising a terrorist. The sin and the sinner are no different for me when it comes to terrorism.
Oh well another Kashmir thread which ended up being derailed. My personal view is that the name of Kashmir should be changed. Perhaps we should just give it a Chinese name and start off afresh
Kashmir banay ga Pakistan.

If this is on topic Taimi , don't you think the response it attracts is also on topic.Do you really think it can happen without Pakistan Army and Govt intervention . Or you don't want the discussion to take that route. I this a guided discussion?
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No Army likes to wage war against its own people. Worse, if the fight drags on 20 years. The 1.13-million strong Indian Army is no exception. It would jump at the chance to leave the Valley and return to barracks, but only if policy-makers delivered their end of the bargain. Is the time right for this? Militancy in Jammu and Kashmir is at its lowest ebb since it erupted in 1989-1990. But there are two hurdles. First, will Pakistan’s real power centre, its army, turn off the terror tap? Second, can the paramilitary forces and J&K police take over from the Army? On both counts, the answer seems to be ‘no’.

“We are trapped in the ‘hold’ part of the ‘shape, clear, hold and build’ strategy,” says a lieutenant-general, with extensive experience in J&K, speaking on condition of anonymity. He adds gloomily, “We will be stuck there for the foreseeable future. With so much money being pumped in, vested interests have developed all around. A political solution, with economic development, is needed.”

It has been an arduous task for the Army to ‘shape, clear and hold’ the internal security environment in J&K. Protracted counter-insurgency operations in J&K and the North-East have blunted its operational readiness for external enemies” and corroded its discipline and moral fabric. Last week’s suspension of a major and the removal of a colonel from command for an alleged fake encounter on April 30 is just the latest example of this. The Army has slowly moved away from using “kills” as the benchmark for evaluating a battalion’s performance for awards and citations, but the pressure to deliver results remains.

Consider cold statistics. More than 1,500 cases of human rights violations have been filed against the Army in the last two decades. Granted that a majority of them — the Army puts the figure at 97% — were found to be “fake or motivated” but what of the rest? The Army takes recourse to the iron-fisted Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) to refuse to hand the accused to civilian authorities. It says it has its own “internal mechanisms” to deal with “aberrations” under the Army Act, 1950.

“We have punished 104 personnel, including 40 officers, in the cases found true. We have made human rights a top-priority in last five-six years. But we cannot allow soldiers battling terrorists, which cannot be equated with normal law and order duties, to get no legal protection and be left to civilian courts in the event of something going wrong. It will hit troop morale,” says a senior officer.

General V K Singh, who took over as Army chief in April, has declared that “any dilution” in AFSPA will “impinge adversely on the manner in which armed forces operate” in counter-insurgency duties. Consequently, the Centre consistently refuses to give permission to the J&K government to prosecute soldiers accused of human rights violations. During 2007-2009, there were 23 such requests but the ministry of defence did not permit any one of them to go ahead.

This does not, of course, detract from the Army’s success in controlling militancy in J&K. Militancy is not quite dead. Pakistan may be acting against the Taliban on account of US pressure but it has let the anti-India terror factory remain active. There are at least 32 terrorist training camps, with an estimated 2,200 militants, operational in Pakistan and ***. Unsurprisingly, the Army contends no one should rush to assume all is well in J&K.

According to estimates, there are just about 500-600 hardcore terrorists — half of them of “foreign origin” — in J&K at present. They still pose a threat, but it is marked reduction on the numbers — more than 2,500 — bandied about in the 1990s.

“With the CRPF (which has around 70,000 troops in J&K) and police forces still not really trained or equipped for the swift operations required, coupled with their poor leadership, any large-scale de-induction of Army troops will only weaken the counter-insurgency grid,” says a Rashtriya Rifles officer. “Whenever the Army has been removed from an area the militants and their over-ground workers begin to dominate there.”

Defence minister A K Antony also believes that the terrorist threat remains very real. “The quantum of troops deployed in J&K is continuously assessed and reviewed by the Army based on the changing threat perception,” he says. The Army has moved two mountain divisions of around 35,000 men from the state in the last few years but further reduction can only happen when conflict management turns to conflict resolution.

Under Siege: 20 yrs of AFSPA in J&K - Special Report - Sunday TOI - Home - The Times of India
According to the record. The X indian leaders, including nehru, gandhi patel had repeatedly promised with the people of Kashmir that they will give them the right of self determination. The promises broken.

I am sure you would had listned all the speeches given by them to the people of Kshmir and their repeated msgs to the Govt. of Pakistan as well?
and pak people says take ur army back.it's good that militancy is low.

thread will not give anything ,a lot of threads which r running and which stuck at this point on this topic
Syed Ali Gilani arrested in Srinagar

Srinagar, June 12:In occupied Kashmir, the authorities arrested veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Geelani in Srinagar and shifted him to Humhama police station on Saturday.

The move was made following the killing of an 11th class student, Tufail Ahmed Matoo, by Indian police. Tufail was killed while dozens other people were injured when the police resorted to brute force to break up peaceful demonstrators in Srinagar on Friday.

Earlier, Syed Ali Geelani addressing a gathering at Ompora in Budgam said that the US should support the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination if it was sincere to resolve the Kashmir dispute. The veteran Hurriyet leader, while reacting to the US Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Black’s statement, said, “America should stress more on giving right to self-determination to Kashmiris than Indo-Pak dialogue.

He said that Kashmir was not a border dispute between Pakistan and India but it was an issue pertaining to the future of millions of Kashmiri people and the international community should support Kashmiris’ struggle for plebiscite instead of issuing ambiguous statements.

Syed Ali Geelani made it clear that the people of Kashmir had not given sacrifices for perks and packages. “Even if India lays gold on our roads it can’t heal our wounds. India has been exploiting our natural resources for the last 63-years,” he added.

The veteran Hurriyet leader warned India of dire consequences if the convict in a false case of parliament attack, Afzal Guru was hanged. “There will be such a public uprising in Kashmir which India will not be able to control if Guru is hanged,” he added.

Tehreek-e-Hurriyat jammu kashmir

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