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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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That’s true Kashmiries need Justice. We cannot alienate our own. The situation is getting out of hand. New Delhi has to think out of box. A political solution is need of the hour. A solution that is within the Indian Constitution
Fact is I was not alive when England was being oppressive.......but you on the other hand are alive to witness what your goverment is doing.....and instead of condemning it, your defending its action.
The difference is I can at least admit that we were oppressors and were very much wrong in what we did in south Asia, Afirica and so on. However you don't have it in you to do the same for your goverment....which is pathetic.

Well...the point is...how are you so certain that the Indian govt is wrong? Arent we to defend what belongs to us? Doesnt the present day English Govt punish offenders? Does it not defend its domain and area of interest?
So why the hue and cry when India hunts down people that go against the unity of our state...and to be honest, we have maintained the unity through the Khalistani, Kashmiri, NE movements.....In a multicultural country like India, its easy to find differences, its hard to find unity....Kashmir is a symbol of our unity....giving it away would be like taking our unity....

Are we to give in to every demand for a new country? If so, then why isnt the same rule applied to all freedom movements world over? What makes Kashmir so special?....what makes Kashmirs case so legitimate....because Pakistan says so?

Your govt went into the Iraq under a false pretense along with the US govt? Isnt that a human rights violation....let alone a violation of the UN Charter... ?

At least in the case of India....our cause has legitimacy.....what footing did the UK stand on before entering Iraq?...or did that happen in a generation before yours?

Listen my friend....its all a matter of perspective.....which side of the fence you look at it from....You happen to be in the Pak camp...fine by me.....but dont expect us to fall in line just because you see the world crooked...
Your right Pakistan should not use terrorists for it's own gain, as it not helpful to thed solution, however I have hard that alot of Pakistani Kashmiri's have relatives on the Indian side of Kashmir.....so when they hear the deaths of there relatives.....it can be understandble in why there blood boils in causing harm to India.......I don't agree with it, but from my prospective that seem to be the case.

GS...who wouldnt feel bad at the death of a close one? I sympathize with the families of the dead....But at the same time, the relatives of these folks who you know may have been involved in terrorism or illegal activites against the state of India....who knows.....How can all people who have been killed by the army be "innocent".....you're making us out to be some blood thirsty monsters!

It takes two to clap....the army wouldnt be in Kashmir if there was no need for it....relatives of these folks would stop dying when they stop getting involved in violent activities.....

Can I ask you a question......there must be a reason why Kashmir youth join these militant.....what is your prospective on this

Man by nature is weak....there are the very few who have the courage to resist tempations....those happen to be the Buddha's, Jesus's and Mohammad's of the world....

Everyone has a price and weakness.....to mould and "convert" a simple person into a ruthless killer takes very little....
Im sure you're hinting at the fact that the reason why these kids take up arms is because they believe the cause for Kashmir is legitimate....

But then pray tell.....why are so many young men in Pakistan and Afghanistan blowing themselves up daily? why are they so demented to commit suicide killings without a cause?

Im sure you get where Im going with this.....
Fact is I was not alive when England was being oppressive.......but you on the other hand are alive to witness what your goverment is doing.....and instead of condemning it, your defending its action.

The difference is I can at least admit that we were oppressors and were very much wrong in what we did in south Asia, Afirica and so on. However you don't have it in you to do the same for your goverment....which is pathetic.

We you alive during the human rights respect by UK meted out to the IRA?

Were you alive when your nation went out to rape Iraq looking for WMDs? How do you sleep with the knowledge of so much death and destruction caused due to your choices?

You have blood on your hands my friend so no need to lecture us. You could lecture the Americans though. They are the only ones who have "respected" human rights more than U.K.

So do not meddle in matters to which you could provide not even one iota of positive contribution. Have you not learnt that even now?
Good write up, I guess center is not reconizing the problem well. We should declare a roadmap to remove troops slowly and that will help.
I think India needs to give up Kashmir Valley, of course after resolving Pandits' situation. Probably 10% of the valley can house the Kashmir Pandits and beong to India.
But how can we guarantee that Pak will not rake up some other issue to keep sending terrorist to destablise us.Pak Army wants to control all resources in Pak and will cook up another story to keep exporting terror. So it s best to kep Pak tied up i Kashmir so that they cant fan out to other parts of india. thats why india wont give up kashmir.
You can't have justice meted out by the same people that take away their right of self-determination - their freedom.
You can't have justice meted out by the same people that take away their right of self-determination - their freedom.

Even Paksitanis for half their existence could not determine their own leader because of army rule. also a hindu/ahmadi cannot become PM of pak, which means that they also dont have right to self-determination
Even Paksitanis for half their existence could not determine their own leader because of army rule. also a hindu/ahmadi cannot become PM of pak, which means that they also dont have right to self-determination
But when Kashmiris choose they are still going to choose Pakistan over India.

Moreover, we are also okay with the Kashmiris choosing Independence to form a united Kashmir. As long as they choose on their own, what India gives them is not justice, its imposition of its will.
But when Kashmiris choose they are still going to choose Pakistan over India.

Moreover, we are also okay with the Kashmiris choosing Independence to form a united Kashmir. As long as they choose on their own, what India gives them is not justice, its imposition of its will.

I am also of opinion that the Valley with 99%Mus is vacated.
They can go to Pak or any other hell they coose, but India cannot let go of kashmir because Pak will not stop sending terror here.
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And how many of them were killed?? Could you please post those pics where the same people were shown as dead?

What is your vision? I think you have selective viewing disorder. This is a new disease just discovered and normally found in members of this forum who do not have the vision to see the post posted under the one they are viewing and responding to.
What is your vision? I think you have selective viewing disorder. This is a new disease just discovered and normally found in members of this forum who do not have the vision to see the post posted under the one they are viewing and responding to.

Dear Friend, Thanks for identifying my disease..I dont know such disease exist or not but one thing in this forum surely exist where people respond without having prior and proper knowledge of topic..

Back to the topic: IA dont kill peace protesters like Geelani and others but they surely kill with stones, petrol bombs, Swords on their hand.. got refrence with the pics posted?? or try to search fancy words in Medical area...
If that was the case, then where was your police during the Gujarat riots......were they sleeping and daydreaming when the Hindues were mudering the Muslims.....how convienent that the Indian Security force only comes into to action when it suits them.

Well, Indian police was exactly at the same place, where Pakistani security forces are when a terrorist blows up a group of your civilians. Please dont go off topic here..
That was not my only point, if you have read that article you would find that the picture in which you Indian paint of a utopia Kashmir in which the goverment is providing is wrong. You have murdered thousands of people, just to control a small area of a land......now I'm not saying that Kashmir should go to Pakistan, all i'm saying that it should be independent.

IRA --struggle for Ireland from UK , Balochistan Independence struggle -- from Pakistan, chechen in russia, Palestine from Israel, inactive bach (not sure about the name) in spain ...and many more !

All were/are freedom struggles from their parent country! Does this mean that Government on those respective countries - would give a slice of land on a platter to them ! What is so special about Kashmir anyway ! ... Just because its Pakistan's fantasy from Infancy ? It simply is not going to happen --its a moot point to discuss. Period. We can discuss how to achieve peace, if you (our neighbor) is interested in that !

If Kashmir ceases to exist in India -- then India ceases to exist...that aint gonna happen.

Mod Edit: Personal comment removed
Kashmir is an integral part of India, it doesnt matter how many people protest, it will never be another land...

It is ours.

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