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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Is that a rhetorical question?

You are not gonna believe Indian figures of # of terrorists killed by Indian security forces anyways. Why ask a question when you don't wanna know the answer?

Have some shame!

These young protesters who want FREEDOM since 63 years r terrorists?

Tell me the near 100 young kashmiri boys u indians have killed in these past few weeks how many indian barbarians have they killed with STONES OF MASS DESTRUCTION?


Think any human would atleast not lie to himself or just satisfy himself with false B.S!
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BJP asks Singh not to bow down before IHK militants

NEW DELHI: A four-member Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) delegation led by former Indian opposition leader Lal Krishna Advani on Monday called on Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, urging him not to bow down before the militants in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK).

The BJP delegation told Singh that conceding state autonomy or self-rule to the Kashmiris would only be an interim step towards ‘full independence’, which the citizens of India would never accept. “The separate and special status given to Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) in the constitution has already led to separatism and any step to be taken by the union government must be judged on the touchstone of whether it will fully integrate the state with India or will it further weaken the political and constitutional relationship of IHK with India,” the delegation said in a statement.

The opposition party delegation expressed its concern over the serious situation prevailing in the state for the last three months, which had been slipping out of control as the union government had no clear action plan to deal with it and hence the fear rose that the union govt might bow down before the militants that would further weaken IHK’s integration with the union of India.

“Let us not mislead ourselves. The demand for autonomy, self-rule or dilution of the union government’s authority have nothing to do with the present problem in IHK,” said a statement by the delegation, which included opposition members Arun Jaitley, Sushma Swaraj and SS Ahluwalia. “If you analyse the nature of the present demands, they are all intended to weaken India’s sovereignty. Dilution of the army’s presence in the valley and allowing legitimacy to infiltration are only examples of this kind,” the statement said. iftikhar gilani

Pakistani readers are invited to remember the names highlighted in blue.
India is an insult to democracy and secularism.

Yes India is an insult to democracy and following are the reasons:

1. We are facing military coup in each decade since our Independence.
2. We don't know who is governing us, Military or elected government.
3. We have the Right to Information Act, 2005.
4. We have lokayukta to keep check on corruption. This is in early stages, we will strengthen our lokayuktas.
5. we have NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) which provides a legal guarantee for one hundred days of employment in every financial year.

Yes India is an insult to secularism and following are the reasons:

1. Our Prime Minister is a Sikh.
2. Even after having more than 80% Hindus we decided to be a secular state. The government does not favour or discriminate any religion.

I have some real a$$ kicking replies but since my ban is just revoked :D I refrain to put them on thread :lol: ;)...
No wonder the kashmirs are rioting against India..it deprives them and turns them destitute..then claims economic suppression on random strikes and terrorist...any occupying power keen to win hearts and mind always give priority to economic development..south and north korea, east and west germany, taiwan and china cannot be held apartheid if it was not simple economic maths..The Kashmiri handicraft industry is openly exploited by cunning businessmen for pennies on dollar.
Have some shame!

These young protesters who want FREEDOM since 63 years r terrorists?

Dear Friend, on light note... how can a 63 year old could be a young protester. :lol:

The only resolution of Kashmir issue is genuine talks between three parties...
1. Kashmiris (including the people from Jammu and Laddhak)
2. GoI
3. GoP :undecided: and Pakistani Army :agree:

Though some people believes that it can be achieved by violence and get tit for tat. after that they cry for human rights.

Let me the near 100 young kashmiri boys u indians have killed did they carry STONES OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

Let me clarify most of them were killed by the LOCAL POLICE
. As far as I know they are also Kashmiris.

You can tag them as you want but for me they are the peacekeepers.


Think any human would atleast not lie to himself or just satisfy himself with false B.S!

Yes I never lie to myself the reason behind the all menace in J&K is the incompetency of GoI. but my reasons are different from yours...

Yes India is an insult to democracy and following are the reasons:

2. We don't know who is governing us, Military or elected government.

Sadly thts true!

Limited nuclear war,2 front war mental masterbation n other brain farts!

3. We have the Right to Information Act, 2005.

No wonder u dont show Pakistani television and international journalists r not allowed in IOK!

4. We have lokayukta to keep check on corruption. This is in early stages, we will strengthen our lokayuktas.

Wats lokayukta? Also there are several threads where indians are claiming of indian politicians having crores of R.S in foriegn accounts!

5. we have NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) which provides a legal guarantee for one hundred days of employment in every financial year.

Yet more then 500 million indians live under poverty line!
Half kids are malnourished,50-65% population doesnt have access to bathrooms!AIDS is rampants,Prostitutes r in millions! etc etc

Yes India is an insult to secularism and following are the reasons:

1. Our Prime Minister is a Sikh.
2. Even after having more than 80% Hindus we decided to be a secular state. The government does not favour or discriminate any religion.

The high lighted part is 101% true!
A SECULAR STATE where 5000 Muslims are killed in Gujrat Babri Mosque is ...., culprits r still on lose!CM Modi is havin fun!

Christians r prosecuted in Orissa!churches r burnts and so are several hundred christians,women r raped etc!

Golden temple is bombarded in return indra is killed by her own sikh body guards!

Hindus tell others to remain younger brothers as Older brothers r hindus!

A senior Muslim minister is sacked for raising a voice on kurkuray case!

Samjhota express is burnt by serving indian army officier! etc etc
Shiv sena,bajrang dal etc etc


I have some real a$$ kicking replies but since my ban is just revoked :D I refrain to put them on thread :lol: ;)...

Well u must be banned for using cheap,offensive B.S otherwise there is a truck load of ur kind on PDF!

And about *** kicking replies kindly dont derail the thread coz we have some really bad arse replies tht will hurt ur ego!
How many cowards occupiers have died by stones since the protests started and how many KASHMIRIS have attained Shahadat?

You want them to die first before we take any action? Sadly doesnt work that ways. Firing at peaceful protesters maybe wrong, at stone-pelting riotous mob is not.
Dear Friend, on light note... how can a 63 year old could be a young protester. :lol:

Funny comeback!but my signal was towards the generations tht have been suffering since 47 by ur hands!

The only resolution of Kashmir issue is genuine talks between three parties...
1. Kashmiris (including the people from Jammu and Laddhak)
2. GoI
3. GoP :undecided: and Pakistani Army :agree:[/QUOTE]

Well the hindu majority areas belong to the pundits rest to kashmiris the fate of Kashmir should be resolved according to the wishes of Kashmiris!

Though some people believes that it can be achieved by violence and get tit for tat. after that they cry for human rights.

And whom r u pointing towards? the armed movement for kashmiri was stopped long ago and yaseen malik n his people r trying to resolve it on table arent they?

Let me clarify most of them were killed by the LOCAL POLICE
. As far as I know they are also Kashmiris.

Sir ur muslims dont even make 1 or 2% of indian armed forces!
And ur keeping 750000 soldiers in kashmir which is also the worlds most highly militarised zone!! Thts a fact!

You can tag them as you want but for me they are the peacekeepers.

Wat peace keepers? heck UN even told em to stop wearing UN tagged helmets!! They r indian soldiers!

Yes I never lie to myself the reason behind the all menace in J&K is the incompetency of GoI. but my reasons are different from yours...

Give the KASHMIRIS the right to decide their FATE.

Sadly thts true!

Limited nuclear war,2 front war mental masterbation n other brain farts!

Freedom of speech at its best :lol:

No wonder u dont show Pakistani television and international journalists r not allowed in IOK!

In India, RTI is for Indians with some limitations :tup:

Wats lokayukta? Also there are several threads where indians are claiming of indian politicians having crores of R.S in foriegn accounts!

Yes I know that only India is suffering from corruption....
You have just 1 10%, we have hundreds....

I seriously agrees with you that we have some of the most corrupted people in India and its not easy to end the corruption but we are trying hard to restrict it.

Yet more then 500 million indians live under poverty line!
Half kids are malnourished,50-65% population doesnt have access to bathrooms!AIDS is rampants,Prostitutes r in millions! etc etc

These schemes were not launched for the benefit of Tata's and Birla's. These schemes are meant for the people you have listed above (except the highlighted ones).

We are not just purchasing weapons :angel:

The high lighted part is 101% true!
A SECULAR STATE where 5000 Muslims are killed in Gujrat Babri Mosque is ...., culprits r still on lose!CM Modi is havin fun!

Christians r prosecuted in Orissa!churches r burnts and so are several hundred christians,women r raped etc!

Golden temple is bombarded in return indra is killed by her own sikh body guards!

Hindus tell others to remain younger brothers as Older brothers r hindus!

A senior Muslim minister is sacked for raising a voice on kurkuray case!

Samjhota express is burnt by serving indian army officier! etc etc
Shiv sena,bajrang dal etc etc


Modi is not alone...

Kasab and Afjal Guru are also enjoying their stay in India :cheers:
The motivator of those who chopped off the hands of university professor are also not arrested yet.

Nationalist Bro,

All these people are playing with the flaws of British era law which is still implemented in India.
Freedom of speech at its best :lol:

Kindly get him checked by some good doc.;)

In India, RTI is for Indians with some limitations :tup:

So RTI is just a B.S label i guess.
And Kashmiris and foriegn jpurnalists r not indian so i guess it doesnt apply on them!

Yes I know that only India is suffering from corruption....
You have just 1 10%, we have hundreds....I seriously agrees with you that we have some of the most corrupted people in India and its not easy to end the corruption but we are trying hard to restrict it.

So now ur lokayukta is also flawed like RTI?

We also have azzholes like nawaz and lots of corrupt bastards in government hidding billions of $$ in swiss banks n palaces abroad!

These schemes were not launched for the benefit of Tata's and Birla's. These schemes are meant for the people you have listed above (except the highlighted ones
We are not just purchasing weapons :angel:

Modi is not alone...

Kasab and Afjal Guru are also enjoying their stay in India :cheers:

Double standards!! U give government to a mass murderer and death sentence to lil muderers who wernt even part of ur govt in the past nor present!
Also its Afzal not afjal.
The motivator of those who chopped off the hands of university professor are also not arrested yet.

Who cares man tht was 1 professor these b...tards have killed thousands or hundreds!

Nationalist Bro,

All these people are playing with the flaws of British era law which is still implemented in India.

So keep followin the bukin brit laws frm last century.
Well the hindu majority areas belong to the pundits rest to kashmiris the fate of Kashmir should be resolved according to the wishes of Kashmiris!

Hindu :blah::blah::blah:
Muslims :blah::blah::blah:

This from todays Dawn: And please no protests by "secular India" and all that - Mr. Naqvi asks penetrating questions, ones which
we should all ask ourselves and see that this situation cannot go on and a new realtionship is a existential imperative

Kashmir’s struggle and the injustices
By Jawed Naqvi
Monday, 06 Sep, 2010

A particularly disturbing slogan heard in the Kashmir Valley, where its young school-goers and old patriarchs, angry women and restive youth are courageously defying Indian rule, is enough to put off any sensitive sympathiser. “Bhooka nanga Hindustan; Jaan se pyaara Pakistan.” (Starving and tattered India we reject; Pakistan - land of our dreams - we embrace.)

This slogan conveys acute political bankruptcy in a region which has lived with naked military repression for more than 20 years. I’m sure any Pakistani with a sense of justice would also be uncomfortable with the warped mindset the slogan betrays.

That Kashmir is reeling under Indian occupation is not a secret. That Pakistan has played a questionable role there is also well known. Yet, for Kashmiris to see their struggle as part of the many battles being waged by the poorest of the poor against the Indian state’s multi-pronged injustices against its own people, would not compromise or be a contradiction in Kashmir’s struggle for self-determination. The simple question for Kashmiris to ask themselves is, isn’t the same state that has killed 60 young Kashmiris in three months, also responsible for tens of thousands of suicides by indebted farmers in India? Does Sharmila Irom, who is fighting to repeal the law that gives unbridled powers to security forces in her Manipur state have no relevance for the same struggle in Kashmir?

The tribespeople of Chhatisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand and West Bengal are fighting for their fundamental rights. One of their demands is that they not be evicted from their homes to accommodate corporate land grab. Is this not what Kashmiri Pandits suffered at the hands of the Indian state as well as non-state actors in their homeland without any redress from successive Indian governments that claim to represent them?

Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have often cajoled dissident groups, including the banned Maoists, to come for talks within the constitutional framework. Why can’t the affected groups simultaneously expose the insincerity of the Indian state? To take just one example, the preamble of the Indian constitution describes the nation as a socialist and secular republic.

Socialism is thus the law of the land. Which Indian government, including the one led by Chidambaram-Singh duo, has come anywhere close to keeping the promise of socialism? Just the opposite. Both have callously opened the country to the depredations of private capital.

I met a Kashmiri separatist a few days after the Babri masjid was razed in Ayodhya. He happened to be the only senior enough leader to be still dodging the police in Srinagar. The rest were in jail. He told me he didn’t care for the plight of Indian Muslims in the wake of the Ayodhya outrage. “They have never helped the Kashmiris, so why should we bother with them

The explanation for his aloofness was ironical. How can we forget the senior Indian minister telling journalists during the Agra summit that if Kashmir was to be given to Pakistan on the basis of religious claims, should not the Indian Muslims then be packed off in special trains to Pakistan? Kashmiris and Indian Muslims may see themselves as separate entities with separate causes. But their detractors will always see them as one headache. Check this out with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi who knows Indian Muslims as children of Mian Musharraf

I put the question to some Kashmiri intellectuals in Delhi recently. I asked them how was it that a movement with international ramifications and wide support among a number of Muslim states could be so self-absorbed that it didn’t have a policy much less a worldview about other people’s sufferings. Kashmiris did speak up once for the Palestinians, but now it seems they do not have the energy for even that. On the other hand, there is no dearth of seemingly unrelated groups that lend them moral support. A recent rally in Canada of Sikhs and Kashmiri activists, who protested against India’s brutality in the Valley, could be a case in point. A few weeks ago an obscure Tamil group in India issued a statement in support of Kashmiris. Do the Kashmiris want to know who the members of the Tamil group are?

There is something about this that reminds me of an interaction I once had with Gen Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad. He had just returned from a visit to Colombo where his government was giving military and political support to the government against Tamil rebels. I said how was the Tamil struggle any different from the Kashmiri movement since both stemmed from the denial of the right to self-determination. Gen Musharraf said he didn’t want to comment on another country’s internal matter. So he too chose the injustice, which suited him most

Vidya Subrahmaniam of The Hindu has done an interesting comparison of three major pogroms in India, each fighting its own battle without getting involved with the sorrows of each other.

The Orissa violence, in which Hindu-Adivasis targeted Dalit Christians, was undoubtedly smaller in scale compared to Gujarat 2002 and Delhi 1984.
“Despite…variations, the three pogroms could have been written, produced and directed by a single satanic mind, judging by the astonishing similarity in the detail and sequence of events and the stunning brutality of the crimes committed,” says Subrahmaniam.
In his November 2002 foreword to the report of the Concerned Citizens Tribunal, which collected 2,094 oral and written testimonies from Gujarat’s victim-survivors as well as human rights groups, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer said: “The gravamen of this pogrom-like operation was that the administration reversed its constitutional role, and by omission and commission, engineered the loot, ravishment and murder which was methodically perpetrated through planned process …”

Eight years later, as Subrahmaniam notes, the jury at the Kandhamal Tribunal had similar words to say: “The jury records its shock and deep concern for the heinous and brutal manner in which the members of the Christian community were killed, dismembered, sexually assaulted and tortured … There was rampant and systematic looting and destruction of houses and places of worship and means of livelihood … The jury is further convinced that the communal violence in Kandhamal was the consequence of a subversion of constitutional governance in which state agents were complicit.”

“When, in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s 1984 assassination, thousands of Sikhs were massacred on the streets of Delhi, the commonly-held view was that it was an aberration brought about by an extraordinary situation. Comparisons were made with the 1947 Partition riots but few could have known at that time that the clinically planned and executed anti-Sikh pogrom would serve as a model for two more episodes of mass aggression against minorities,” The Hindu analysis said.

India has spawned a coalition of injustices. For those in the Kashmiri resistance to show solidarity with those fighting the same bloated, militarised state that they are, will not compromise their goal. It would only deepen their vision and sharpen their ideas of what kind of ‘azadi’ they are fighting for.

Seven militants killed in two separate encounters in Kashmir

Srinagar, Sep. 6 (ANI): Seven militants were killed in two different encounters with the security forces in Jammu and Kashmirs’ Gurez sector and Kupwara sector on Monday.

Four militants were killed during an operation in Gurez sector by the security forces.

According to a defence spokesman, three militants were killed in a gunbattle that took place earlier in the day in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara District.

Last evening, the Army launched a combing operation in Afroda forest in Handwara, Lt Col J S Brar said.

Brar also said during the operation, militants fired at security forces who retaliated triggering a gunbattle in which three militants were killed. (ANI)

More at : Seven militants killed in two separate encounters in Kashmir
When attempting to discuss issues rationally with our Indian forum members, our Indina forum members behave as if butter will not melt intheir mouth - "Democratic" and "Secular" is what we hear from them, and yet reality exposes something else - - Indian friends are advised to simply speak truthfully, it will maintain their crdibility, it's painful, but it makes the conversation real and truthful - no one, absolutely no one is without error in this mess -- so, please, please, spare us the "Democratic" and espceially the "Secular" bit - India's problems need not be something to hide from, look at Pakistan's experience, look what denial has led to - be different:

September 05, 2010
Three pogroms held together by a common thread

(The Hindu, September 04, 2010)

by Vidya Subrahmaniam

Secular, democratic India has seen pogroms against all three significant minorities — Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.

The accounts of murder, arson, and crimes against women sounded horribly familiar: Each detail, each grisly fact seemed taken out of a script enacted before; the sequence of events was as predictable as the shattering, gut-wrenching climax.

It was like a macabre replay of Gujarat 2002 and Delhi 1984, as 43 communal violence victims from Orissa — who had come all the way to the national Capital — testified recently before the National People's Tribunal on Kandhamal headed by A.P. Shah, former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court. As the narratives ended, the audience was left with another chilling thought: In secular, democratic India, there had been pogroms against all three significant minorities — Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.

Kanaka Rekha Nayak, from village Budedipada, spoke of her husband, Parikhita, being beaten up, murdered and quartered as her family helplessly watched (FIR no: 58 U/S 147/148/436/302/201/149 IPC, dated August 28 2008). Today, Kanaka is in hiding with her two minor children.

Priyatama Nayak, from village Barpalli, said her husband, Abhimanyu, was tied to a tree and burnt alive in her presence. Amidst religious chants the mob looted her house and destroyed it. Priyatama's young son went to the local police station and begged for help. The police reached the village 10 days later by which time dogs had preyed on Abhimanyu's body. (FIR no 90 u/s 147/148/436/506/302/149, dated August 31, 2008). And though Priyatama named her husband's killers in the FIR, the police made no arrests. In March 2009, following unceasing threats from those named in the FIR, Priyatama, who had also petitioned the Chief Minister and the Governor, took her case to the Orissa Human Rights Commission, which ordered the Kandhamal District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police to hold an inquiry into the case and take action against the errant policemen.

Twenty-four-year-old Narsingho Digal from Dudukagaon testified that a 600-strong armed gang looted and destroyed his house. His mother was gang-raped and his parents were dragged into the forests and murdered. Narasingho, who — like many other Kandhamal Christians — faces a social boycott, said the rioters had made his conversion back to Hinduism a condition for his being allowed to return to his village.

Many of the victims said they spotted Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Manoj Pradhan among the attackers. In June this year, a fast-track court in Orissa sentenced Pradhan to seven years' rigorous imprisonment.

The Orissa violence, which targeted Dalit-tribal Christians, was undoubtedly smaller in scale compared to Gujarat 2002 and Delhi 1984. Human rights estimates of deaths, damages and sexual violations are many times higher in all three cases, but going only by the government figures for the dead, there were 38 killed in Kandhamal in Orissa, 1,180 murdered (including Hindus killed in Godhra and in police firing) in the 15 affected districts of Gujarat, and 2,700 put to death in the national Capital. Yet despite these variations, the three pogroms could have been written, produced and directed by a single satanic mind, judging by the astonishing similarity in the detail and sequence of events and the stunning brutality of the crimes committed.

Tribunal foreword

In his November 2002 foreword to the report of the Concerned Citizens Tribunal, which collected 2,094 oral and written testimonies from Gujarat's victim-survivors as well as human rights groups, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer said: “The gravamen of this pogrom-like operation was that the administration reversed its constitutional role, and by omission and commission, engineered the loot, ravishment and murder which was methodically perpetrated through planned process …”

Eight years later, the jury at the Kandhamal Tribunal had similar words to say: “The jury records its shock and deep concern for the heinous and brutal manner in which the members of the Christian community were killed, dismembered, sexually assaulted and tortured … There was rampant and systematic looting and destruction of houses and places of worship and means of livelihood … The jury is further convinced that the communal violence in Kandhamal was the consequence of a subversion of constitutional governance in which state agents were complicit.”

‘Action-reaction' theory

When, in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's 1984 assassination, thousands of Sikhs were massacred on the streets of Delhi, the commonly-held view was that it was an aberration brought about by an extraordinary situation. Comparisons were made with the 1947 Partition riots but few could have known at that time that the clinically planned and executed anti-Sikh pogrom would serve as a model for two more episodes of mass aggression against minorities.

Consider the features of the 1984 violence: Indira Gandhi's assassination by two Sikh guards was the “action” which justified the “reactive” killings. Rajiv Gandhi's insensitive equation of the mob rage to tremors arising from a falling tree was taken as licence by the rioters to plunder, **** and kill. Members of the ruling establishment lent tacit support to the killings, and in some instances were seen directing the violence. The police abandoned their protective instincts, becoming either bystanders or collaborators in the crimes. The hooligans did not just kill, they used innovative techniques to kill, such as fitting burning car tyres over the necks of little, helpless children. In the days following the anti-Sikh orgy, the community was further victimised by an unwritten social boycott.

As in Delhi, so in Gujarat and Orissa. Delhi 1984 went beyond “an eye for an eye” to justify the extermination of an entire community for the perceived crimes of a handful. It established the legitimacy of the administration and the police slipping into supporting roles in mob violence. It also established that killing was not enough, killing must be perverse. In Gujarat, Muslims as a whole had to pay for Godhra. Here too, the action-reaction theory was propounded at the highest level, with the police and the administration wilfully abdicating their duties.

The testimonies recorded by the Krishna Iyer Tribunal brought out the sadistic, bestial nature of the Gujarat killings: “The widespread violence that targeted Muslims in urban and rural Gujarat was marked by utter bestiality and brutality … Evidence recorded before us shows how in the macabre dance of death, human beings were quartered and the killing protracted while the terrorised survivors looked on …” Violence over, the majority community enforced a social and economic boycott against Muslims.

In the “action-reaction” sequence in Orissa, rioters targeted the Dalit-tribal Christian community for revenge killings despite the lack of direct evidence linking the community to the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati. Here the Chief Minister, to his credit, did not justify the killings. On the contrary, he appeared contrite and eventually broke his ties with the Bharatiya Janata Party. Yet during the violence, the levers of administration remained cruelly unresponsive to the cries of Kandhamal's Christian citizenry. As in Delhi and Gujarat, the victims found the police curiously missing or standing by, when the mobs, armed to the teeth and shouting inflammatory slogans, went on the rampage. The torture and violence were again extreme; murder was by burning alive, by dismembering the person. And as previously, the violence was followed by a crippling social boycott.

Abuse of women

All three pogroms had another common feature: Rampant abuse of women. Women were gang-raped, invariably in front of their families, not for sexual gratification but as a demonstration of power, to heap humiliation on male relatives. At the hearing organised by the Kandhamal Tribunal, Vrinda Grover, a member of the jury, remarked that the Orissa rioters had “used women's bodies as sites for punishment.” The Hindu of September 30, 2008 reported the case of a Catholic nun who was stripped naked and brutally gang-raped in front of a police post with 12 policemen from the Orissa State Armed Police present and watching. The Catholic priest who was with her was mercilessly thrashed for refusing to participate in the atrocity. Incidents of **** in Gujarat 2002 have been too well documented to bear repetition here.

But here again, the trend was set 26 years ago in Delhi. Until recently, the dominant perception about 1984 was that the mob violence largely spared the women.

The myth was conclusively demolished in 2007 following publication of the painstakingly documented book, “When a tree shook Delhi”. Lifting the “veil of silence” over the **** cases, authors Manoj Mitta and H.S. Phoolka pieced together evidence placed before the Nanavati Commission to establish **** as a commonly used weapon in the anti-Sikh pogrom.

In one case, the rioters killed all the men in the family, raped the woman of the house in front of her young son, and left her naked so that she could not go out to save the child when he too was dragged out and burnt alive
(case reported in Manushi magazine and submitted to the Commission).

The Kandhamal tribunal, as the Krishna Iyer tribunal before it, noted the “institutionalised bias of State agencies, their deliberate dereliction of constitutionally mandated duties, their connivance with communal forces, participation in and support to the violence, and a deliberate scuttling of the processes of justice …” Each of the findings applied to Delhi 1984 as well.

Perhaps that is why, a questioner asked the jury of the Kandhamal tribunal, if it was not a shame that 26 years after 1984 — and two more pogroms later — India was still trying to find a solution to planned violence against minorities.

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