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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

We just need to make it painful for the Indian soldiers so that no Indian would want to join the Indian army.

Not bogus ....we need soliders on ground once the population is freed , and pick up weapons the fight will be swift

12 Million Kashmiri vs Occupation force
Well the ground population is 100% with Pakistan the war is already won
Modi has already chopped off his dick , by revoking Kashmiri rights

Even the 200 million Indian Muslims might be considering their future in India
after watching the blunders in Kashmir by Modi

Indians would be running around like headless chickens , once the Local Population picks up arms to self defend and tear down Indian flag
Azad bro I love your ambition as always, now don't bring Indians more Bollywood movies to make.
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I admire the jalsa and jaloos however this is a very simple case of People who need freedom must pick up weapons to turn it into an armed resistance

Freedom is always won after a war !! It is a sad fact of life

If people in Kashmir had these goodies in their homes do you think the Fugly Indian soldier would have had any chance to boss them around

I have 0% expectation from Security council meeting
[ I would be shocked if India is Sanctioned ]

The talk bazi has been going on for almost 70 years
70 Years !!! is a massive number

I see these bastard Indians on community forms , taking pictures with white folks and claiming "Diversity at work place" and and lot of other bullshit but deep inside these fuckers are the most racist bunch. Complete Hypocrisy

  • Oh we were oppressed by English people
  • Oh , Gandhi walked on separate road he was oppressed
  • Oh we are so .... oppressed and handicapped
  • Oh it is my dream to come to white people's land , I want all the rights
  • Oh Indians are so simple ... Innocent , the world is wicked around us
  • Oh , our precious Gold and Artifacts were stolen by West , we indians are so Opressed
  • Oh , no I am "Vege" , are you gona eat beef during lunch , you know we Indians are Vegans **** you indian I am ordering beef shawarma
  • Oh , Indians are such simple folks once we do our Yoga the world is at bliss .... oh let me do the crazy monkey Yoga pose

Social Media openly they are deleting accounts for Pakistani think tanks and voices which are challenging the views Indians hold vs Kashmiri freedom

You watch every North American company you will see the bastards in Diversity at workplace pictures , oye , before you represent diversity don't you think you need to first free Kashmiri people and Sikh people from your Modi Regime

Ask them simple question , so you got freedom on 15th august , who gave you right to steal freedom of Kashmiri people ? Nah .... they will return back to their Hypocrisy

They Hypocrites have enslaved

  • Kashmiri People
  • Sikh People
  • Nagaland People

They have enslaved these people by Guns and weapons and in the end that is what is the ultimate equilizer
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You clearly have no clue how Soldiers are deployed

They are 20 minutes away from Pakistan

This Stalemate artillery stuff just not going to be conclusive nor is the security council meetup unless strict Sanctions are placed against India

B-c..... Modi is holding new election likely to bring new pupet regime this won't fly
tearing up several of United Nation's resolutions

Listen to the United Nation guy , after modi video claiming talks about Simla Agreement
well if Article 370 is revoked what their exist of the so called Simla Agreement

We are going BACK TO WAR tomorrow is last day for world to respond and sanction India
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exactly a blood bath.....those on arm chairs donot know ground realities.
Best bet would be to raze indian posts by PAF bombing runs assisted by helicopter gunships and simultaneous airdrops along with surge of infintary in low realitively less steep areas
You clearly have no clue how Soldiers are deployed

They are 20 minutes away from Pakistan

This Stalemate artillery stuff just not going to be conclusive nor is the security council meetup unless strict Sanctions are placed against India

B-c..... Modi is holding new election likely to bring new pupet regime this won't fly
tearing up several of United Nation's resolutions

Listen to the United Nation guy , after modi video claiming talks about Simla Agreement
well if Article 370 is revoked what their exist of the so called Simla Agreement

We are going BACK TO WAR tomorrow is last day for world to respond and sanction India
What a deceitful Nazi. All hail the new Fuehrer.

Well the cow dung took away Rights of Kashmiri People to make their own constitution and now he will try to enforce , people and constitution from Hindu areas over Muslims

On a Territory and Region which belongs to Pakistan and China

He has a sinister-ness about his Calm Rhetoric because he feels he can continue to blockade Muslims in Kashmir , force stale mate starve them so they will not be able to uprise

An alternative motive of blockade is to starve population

Yet he claims he is doing it for their own good , what a try moron this Modi fella is

Unless this man's Sinister intent is not shattered it will mean extremely dangerous omen
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