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Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

Nowadays it is punjabis who prays ""Oh Lord, save us from the claw of the tiger, the fang of the cobra and the vengeance of the Afghan"

What drug is this @Hyperion ? :D

Its disturbing to see my lar Afghans as brainwashed servants of punjabis and suffering from low self esteem, they need to be liberated.

:rofl: But there are no legal Afghans here , merely refugees and illegals from your country . The Pakistani Pashtuns are a completely different story altogether .

They have more representation in the Pakistan army and literally every institution of this country to the extent that we have had Pashtun COAS and Presidents and are integrated so much in the society than you can ever even dream of , in so called Afghan National Army and puppet Kabul Govt not to mention the stone age society of yours :lol:
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Thats why the whole world consider you danger to the peace and hub of terrorism. Pakistan nuclear weapons are not in safe hands, it needs to be destroyed...

Yeah , your whole world consisting of a couple " Western countries " :D Afghanistan has been occupied by foreigners for so long now that they have no free thinking even . :(

I think , we can detonate them over Afghanistan for safe disposal , what say you ? :lol:
Aiwain hee. Bechara Tajik pagal hua hoa hai. Issay meray tigers nay chakk mara tha. :D

What drug is this @Hyperion ? :D

:rofl: But there are no legal Afghans here , merely refugees and illegals from your country . The Pakistani Pashtuns are a completely different story altogether .

They have more representation in the Pakistan army and literally every institution of this country to the extent that we have had Pashtun COAS and Presidents and are integrated so much in the society than you can ever even dream of , in so called Afghan National Army and puppet Kabul Govt not to mention the stone age society of yours :lol:
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Watch this video, Afghans are talking about your Punjabis and people from Karachi in Taliban ranks.

Unfortunately for you , I am not interested in playing this " Youtube " game , spamming the forum whilst doing so .

Anyone can make a video and post it for the world - doesn't make it credible , rest assured if I decide to go that way , there are dozens of finest ones I have about Afghanistan so !

Aiwain hee. Bechara Tajik pagal hua hoa hai. Issay meray tigers nay chakk mara tha. :D

Dekho Dekho Kon Aya , Sher Aaya Sher Aaya :D
Indian troops? Not happening. Period!

Training your NCO, JCO, jawaans..that is already going on but we can always bring forth a healthy increase in numbers.

Weapons can be provided. Word of caution, they will not be as swanky as the American arms and munitions but they'll get the job done- they've worked for us against the LeT- although I've been told that the Punjabi LeT are a bit green compared to the Afghan Taliban. Still, a bullet's a bullet.

Personally, the Afghans I've seen and met have been courteous and deserving people. Many of them have taken up temporary residence in and around a certain super specialty hospital near my area. Never had any complaints, no issues despite what many people had said of these people. They keep their noses clean and their hands cleaner..they stay for a few months as they avail the GOI initiated medical assistance offered to them. Based on such experiences I'd say that they deserve a bright future. Hopefully they will meet success in striving towards it- with any assistance that maybe within our capability to offer.

Afghans remain good with you and Iranian because you keep them under check and control and restrict their movements .

Otherwise , the one who are refugees here are involved in all sort of heinous crimes and illegal activities because lets get it they were given a free pass by the late Commander of the Faithful when they came here , to travel to any city and place they like . Basically , we have the same complaints from them what you have from Bangladeshis and the same " refusing to return to their country " problem .
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Unfortunately for you , I am not interested in playing this " Youtube " game , spamming the forum whilst doing so .

Anyone can make a video and post it for the world - doesn't make it credible , rest assured if I decide to go that way , there are dozens of finest ones I have about Afghanistan so !

You know that Afghans don't like Pakistanis.

Afghans remain good with you and Iranian because you keep them under check and control and restrict their movements .

Otherwise , the one who are refugees here are involved in all sort of heinous crimes and illegal activities because lets get it they were given a free pass by the late Commander of the Faithful when they came here , to travel to any city and place they like . Basically , we have the same complaints from them what you have from Bangladeshis and the same " refusing to return to their country " problem .

Yaara aisi koi bhi kaum nahi jise agar sambhala naa jaye toh woh battameezi na kare. :police: The thing is that they are indeed well provided for but they freely mingle with the local populace. As I said at least here they are extremely polite and courteous, I've often had the chance to help them out as they went about trying to purchase medication from a nearby chemist shop which I frequent. There aren't any restrictions on them either although I do believe that they have to get a clearance from their embassy before they can move out of the city they currently reside in. Besides most of them are either students, people who've come for professional training or for medical reasons and the GOI goes to a certain length to ensure that at least those who come for medical reasons are provided with all reasonable amenities.

Its just a difference in the environment man...if you leave them close to Mullah Omar sahib and lackeys- who seem to be content in abusing all and any norms of hospitality- well then you'll even have people who started with the disposition of lambs singing about slitting your throat within no time. Provide them with proper support AWAY from such elements and they are right as rain.

The Bangladeshis are another matter...our issue with them is strictly legal. We NEVER opened our doors for them, Pakistan I believe took in the refugees with open arms during Zia's rule. Ten to one the chances are Zia ji promised them the lands for perpetuity- knowing that fellow's piety and all. :cuckoo:
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Afghans remain good with you and Iranian because you keep them under check and control and restrict their movements .

Otherwise , the one who are refugees here are involved in all sort of heinous crimes and illegal activities because lets get it they were given a free pass by the late Commander of the Faithful when they came here , to travel to any city and place they like . Basically , we have the same complaints from them what you have from Bangladeshis and the same " refusing to return to their country " problem .

Yaar.... once i was travelling on daewoo ... saw these 2 chutiyas misbehaving with the poor hostess...kept ringing the bell...every 5 minutes for water-softdrinks etc,loud music, and what not... dimagh kharab kar diya BCdoun nay! i confronted those bastards... the other passengers also rose up... slapped them around ... and when we reached the bus terminal handed them over to the security incharge... who himself was a pashtun and an ex-PA service man... the damn dude pull out his gun..people stopped him from popin 2 in their arses... he told those afghans tht if they were in our tribal areas they would have been shot...(they beat their arses again) and guess what to top it all those bastards didnt even have travel documents...

Moral of the story... latoun k bhoot batoun say nahin mantay.....Pakistan should fence n mine the border and let them .... remain in their god forsaken country.
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A skinny paqi like you do not have guts to slap an Afghan, you lower your eyes in nervousness when he looks at you.. One slap from Afghan can cause you serious brain damage.

Skinny? kid i probably weigh more than you....Nanner 80% of ur country lives on UN zakat ... go see the malnurishment rate in ur country before ranting... last time ur border police harassed a Pakistani.... people got them (nanners or locust eaters) off a bus... near torkham n beat the crap out of them in retaliation...and the last time u fired at our check post... 1 ANA soldier got killed 5-6 got wounded n ur check posts destroyed... u people are full of hot air.
Son, if you recall 3-4 years of PDF..............This Islam-mania and Dollar-love fcuked entire world ...

If Islam-Maniac and Dollar-lover wouldn't have messed with Afghanistan, Indian bollywood instry would have been flooded with Afghani actors.. India and Afghan were very close to each other.

what is Islam-mania is it something like saffron terrorism?



many bollywood actors are foreigners
You people surely have got skinny and small bodies but big tongues.

I stand at 183... and weigh 182 pounds.... and another news flash.. Pakistanis on average are taller than afghans... due to ur malnurishment... and we dont just threat .. we kill ...from where i come from..

Also get the myth out of your head that afghanistan has never been conquered... read about alexander,mongols,persians,hindu shahis,ashoka,mauryans etc etc..
I stand at 183... and weigh 182 pounds.... and another news flash.. Pakistanis on average are taller than afghans... due to ur malnurishment... and we dont threat .. we kill where i come from... Baluchistan..

Also get the myth out of your head that afghanistan has never been conquered... read about alexander,mongols,persians,hindu shahis,ashoka,mauryans etc etc..

Lullz if they can beat the **** out of Americans and Russians then where do we stand ? Avg height and weight is good for Indians and not for Aghans.. I just want to wage my 2 cents :D
So what if you are from balochistan? Most of the baloch look like punjabis, many even like negroes. They are treated like dirt by Pakistani army. They do not have guts to take on professional army so they vent their frustration on unarmed settlers, sign of cowardice. Or blow up gas pipelines and then run with tails between their legs.
Afghans are settled in your province and have acquired domiciles with the help of pashtunkhwa mili awami party and have turned into a minority and you balochs can not do any thing about it. Thats why your ultimate dream is to slap an afghan but the problem is you **** in your pants when you see the one.

First of all why the racism man? is that because u have the lowest IQ in all of asia? even kenya is more developed than afghanistan... also are there no dark skinned pashtuns or afghans? the negro makranis are much better than u afghans thats for sure... as for treated like dirty... if we were treated like than my father wouldnt have become a brig in the army... and your citing the example of BLA rats that your govt shelters...

Afghans my that do you mean the kochis? yes they migrate every season...and smuggle tractors and other stuff... :lol:...rest of the pashtuns have been living here for centuries.. and mili awami party itself is a Pakistani party that believes in the constitution of the country... so you fail again!
As for slapping... yes i have done it... not once but several times...and you know why and why i dont feel bad? bcoz they deserved it... you dont misbehave with women... you dont abuse the country that shelters you...... and why should i be afraid of afghans? do they eat humans or are you guys super men?... you should not make such tall claims...

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