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Karzai backs Modi’s remarks on human rights situation in Balochistan


I don't mind so much. Everyone is welcome in Pakistan if they learn Urdu and work hard. I just get upset when I hear some Bengalis say that Pakistanis are racist and don't respect Bengali people. Come to Karachi sometime.

Or especially when some of them bring up the issue of Biharis in Bangladesh. Pakistan has far more Bengali immigrants than they do. And on top of that they are treated like everyone else for the most part, despite the fact that they are almost all here illegally. Unlike the Biharis of Bangladesh, who are not, and have a complicated history.

One wonders why virtually no Bengalis in Pakistan want to go back and consider themselves Pakistani. Yet, there are a substantial minority of Biharis that want to go to Pakistan. Maybe if Bangladeshis respected their culture, language, and stopped discriminating against them they wouldn't want to either. They should stop calling them "Stateless Pakistanis" and start recognizing all of them as fellow citizens.
I don't mind so much. Everyone is welcome in Pakistan if they learn Urdu and work hard. I just get upset when I hear some Bengalis say that Pakistanis are racist and don't respect Bengali people. Come to Karachi sometime.

Or especially when some of them bring up the issue of Biharis in Bangladesh. Pakistan has far more Bengali immigrants than they do. And on top of that they are treated like everyone else for the most part, despite the fact that they are almost all here illegally. Unlike the Biharis of Bangladesh, who are not, and have a complicated history.

One wonders why virtually no Bengalis in Pakistan want to go back and consider themselves Pakistani. Yet, there are a substantial minority of Biharis that want to go to Pakistan. Maybe if Bangladeshis respected their culture, language, and stopped discriminating against them they wouldn't want to either. They should stop calling them "Stateless Pakistanis" and start recognizing all of them as fellow citizens.

Yeah I understand. If people integrate well, I got no issues really. I think distance from source, size of karachi and the mix of karachi actually helps Pakistan a lot in this case.

But we still get so many of these raw fresh from the paddies lot....that do not consider themselves as Indian (given proximity to Bangladesh and being close in touch with the networks of contraband which include more of their people etc.), increase crime and insecurity in border regions by stoking up all kinds of tensions with the locals....and then to top it all off Bangladeshi posters here call them as their trump card against India (while in same breath denying they came from Bangladesh to begin with).

They dont bring any skills or knowhow, they just add competition to an already strained resource, jobs and land situation and their whole thinking process is quite incompatible with the locals who want to preserve their unique heritage and culture.

There is however a real movement that has started to put an end to all of this...I mean even local original muslims in the areas are completely fed up with it....because they want to be distanced from these new uncultured immigrants. Its a bit like the US - mexico thing except everyone is of course a lot poorer all around.

After like 5-6 months I got to know this mate is a boy. Awkward.

Now that you mention it, I remember seeing those posts where the truth came crashing down haha.

Karzai backs Modi’s remarks on human rights situation in Balochistan
By KHAAMA PRESS - Fri Aug 19 2016, 9:04 pm

  • The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai endorsed the remarks by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the human rights situation in Balochistan province of Pakistan.

Speaking to a group of reporters during his visit to India, the former Afghan President said India had every right to respond to Pakistan’s provocations.

“Pakistani authorities have spoken freely on Afghanistan and India, but this is the first time that the PM of India has spoken about Balochistan,” Karzai was quoted as saying in a report by The Hindu.

Karzai further added “However I don’t think India intends to go to any proxy wars in the region as it has a tradition of peaceful coexistence. The region should not go to proxy wars.”

Prime Minister Modi brought the issue of Balochistan into the light as he was speaking during the 70th indepence day ceremony of India.

“Today from the ramparts of Red Fort, I want to greet and express my thanks to some people. In the last few days, people of Balochistan, Gilgit, Azad Kashmir have thanked me, have expressed gratitude, and expressed good wishes for me. The people who are living far away, whom I have never seen, never met — such people have expressed appreciation for Prime Minister of India, for 125 crore countrymen,” Mr. Modi said.

The reference comes a few days after the Prime Minister vowed to take up atrocities by the Pakistani government in these three areas on the international stage, when he spoke to an all-party delegation about the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, according to The Hindu.

Since then, government officials say Mr. Modi had received many messages on social media from Baloch groups and Kashmiris around the world and in Pakistan thanking him for his support.

Repeating the charge against Pakistan on its support to terror groups in Kashmir, Mr. Modi accused the Pakistan government of glorifying terrorists, saying the Sharif government’s actions came in sharp contrast to India’s empathy with Pakistanis over terror attacks there, as after the Peshawar school massacre of 2014, according to the paper.

“On the other side, terrorism is being glorified. When innocent people are killed in terrorist attacks, there are celebrations. How governments are formed through inspiration of terrorism. The world will understand this difference clearly,” he said.
Same Karzai who fired all his personal Afghan army security and ask US govt to provide him personal security. As of today whenever he is in Afghanistan, he is under US security. ...........................A person who don't trust his own people ....

Having a huge bungalow in Quetta and his father who was arms smuggler and made filth money during Afghan war.

A joker in Afghanistan.
Yeah I understand. If people integrate well, I got no issues really. I think distance from source, size of karachi and the mix of karachi actually helps Pakistan a lot in this case.

But we still get so many of these raw fresh from the paddies lot....that do not consider themselves as Indian (given proximity to Bangladesh and being close in touch with the networks of contraband which include more of their people etc.), increase crime and insecurity in border regions by stoking up all kinds of tensions with the locals....and then to top it all off Bangladeshi posters here call them as their trump card against India (while in same breath denying they came from Bangladesh to begin with).

They dont bring any skills or knowhow, they just add competition to an already strained resource, jobs and land situation and their whole thinking process is quite incompatible with the locals who want to preserve their unique heritage and culture.

There is however a real movement that has started to put an end to all of this...I mean even local original muslims in the areas are completely fed up with it....because they want to be distanced from these new uncultured immigrants. Its a bit like the US - mexico thing except everyone is of course a lot poorer all around.

Ya, I know it's definitely different for India. The immigration of Bengalis to Pakistan stopped in the 21st century. I might mind a bit more if they kept coming. :azn: India, however, shares a border with the country and always will.
India is growing faster than Pakistan so there are more desirable jobs that can potentially be taken by immigrants.

As well as the fact that they may not consider themselves "Indian" if they are in West Bengal. It is of course a minimum requirement that any immigrant should consider the country that they are immigrating to as a part of their identity. I think that most of Bengalis in Pakistan do so now. I wouldn't want them there either if they still considered themselves Bangladeshis.
I think these Pakistani Afghans and these Pakistani Bangladeshis should be asked to hold protests every time there is an anti Pakistan statement from their respective home countries' governments. A slap on the faces of bigots when they see their own countrymen protesting against their statements. But again they are shameless creatures who may conveniently disown their countrymen to prove their loyalty to a bigger shameless liar ever.

Agreed. They should defend Pakistan if they want to stay. Many would though.

Definitely get rid of the ones that won't.
This guy is gift for India. He is not allowed to enter in Pakistan....Long ago, a pissed Pakistani major on border security send him back to Afghanistan. Well, that major was Pashtun too.
It is of course a minimum requirement that any immigrant should consider the country that they are immigrating to as a part of their identity. I think that most of Bengalis in Pakistan do so now. I wouldn't want them there either if they still considered themselves Bangladeshis.

Plenty do integrate ok into India as well....but not enough do...I don't know the exact split, since its more of a continuum from either spectrum, somewhat skewed at the non-integration end (I think) @Rain Man and @Roybot know more about this than I do.

I have heard stories long time back in another pakistan forum that these bengalis in Pakistan are all kinds of things (like still supporting separatism, foreign agendas) etc etc along with the other complaints...and of course the usual revenge based hate. It could have been mostly propaganda etc I guess....but it did leave me thinking its almost the same issue thats faced in India with them.

Its a very complex situation I guess and depends who you ask.
There is little way to convince a low IQ person like you (multiply by 170 million and you get 2 patents at the USPTO....worse than Zambia).

What matters to me is convincing the other posters should they have some doubts about it since you put out your butthurt protest about first BDeshis ( in general) and then BDesh muslims more specifically.

But in reality Pakistanis would have little difficulty in believing me anyway since @LA se Karachi @django and many others know just how many illegal Bangladeshis there are in Pakistan that arrived well after 1971 shamelessly and created their little ghettos. If they did it all the way for Pakistan, one can imagine what they have done for neighbouring India that surrounds them. Its why we need the BSF and fencing....and much more of it.

So you can continue believing your poverty stricken country (40% absolute poverty rate) produces no illegal immigrants for wealthier parts of South Asia.....we really don't care what someone sitting in the UK (where Bangladeshis again suffer from 70% relative poverty rate by household) thinks about what is a neutral source and what isn't.

Don't bother with him, he trolled me in another page vis-a-vis Afghanistan and I gave him no attention.
He is just a sorry little person :D
Don't bother with him, he trolled me in another page vis-a-vis Afghanistan and I gave him no attention.
He is just a sorry little person :D

Yup he thinks Bangladesh is the next upcoming superpower :P Just you wait and see!
Yup he thinks Bangladesh is the next upcoming superpower :P Just you wait and see!

I mean he is entitled to his own opinion and I hope that Bangladesh does become a superpower but he came out of nowhere and started trolling about Afghanistan on how its an ally of the United States, I am first of all nobody asked your opinion, secondly the hypocrite is sitting in the US and at the same time blames Afghanistan for being on good terms with them and India etc and making decisions based on her interests.

The other day I heard that Italy deported a Tunisian clown who went onto facebook to make certain statements that were against the interests of Italy and his *** was deported within a day, I hope similar rules exist that that those sitting in US/UK and giving statements that against Afghanistan aka a US ally, against US interests should be deported back their country of origin and banned for a decaded :P
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