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Kargil’s military success was converted into political defeat: Musharraf

The funny thing is, Pakistan didn't even send its troops, they sent in NLI (a paramilitary force at the time) along with Kashmiri freedom fighters, yet the Indians whined like anything, imagine what would have happened, had we sent our regular troops or even SSG, man being Indian and whining goes hand in hand !!!
This is the very subject Pravin Sawhney touches in one of his detail article on the conflict claiming, even as India evicted the intruders, Pakistan Army had the last laugh.

At the operational level, let alone the Pakistan military, even its regular army did not join the war. It was Indian armed forces (army and air force) pitted against ISI-supported irregulars (terrorists) and its paramilitary force (Northern Light Infantry). The big takeaway for PA was that it perfected the art of fighting irregular and regular wars simultaneously. Called a paramilitary force, the NLI, unlike Indian paramilitary forces, is commanded by army officers on deputation and has the army ethos. [/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You Indians are a joke, on one side you claim that NS wasn't even aware of the conflict, yet just to malign Musharaf, he barks some ridiculous figures which suddenly becomes gospel truth for you people.
Forget all that, since all the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC, so it's right to say that all casualties must have also occurred there, one would like to ask, how many bodies did the Indians recovered or did Pakistan managed to retrieve and bring back 4000 bodies. :laugh:
This is the very subject Pravin Sawhney touches in one of his detail article on the conflict claiming, even as India evicted the intruders, Pakistan Army had the last laugh.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You Indians are a joke, on one side you claim that NS wasn't even aware of the conflict, yet just to malign Musharaf, he barks some ridiculous figures which suddenly becomes gospel truth for you people.
Forget all that, since all the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC, so it's right to say that all casualties must have also occurred there, one would like to ask, how many bodies did the Indians recovered or did Pakistan managed to retrieve and bring back 4000 bodies. :laugh:
Well most of the bodies are burned already, most of the fighting take place in Indian side , but artillery dual also take place across the border.

While only thing is that on india side their was camera to capture but nothing on PAK side. even PAK buried Kargil fact finding report citing national security.

If only 50 have died in PAK then should published the the report and tell his people look we killed so many enemy but that didn't happened ? why ?

Only Intelligent can understand why report was not published in order to hide failure and hide the number of casualty.
Which conflict haven't you lied about? Which war had a independent report published in Pakistan? After every failure which Military commander or dictator was indicted? And this narrative coming from a country that did not even own the dead bodies of it's own brave soldiers that laid down their lives for tier interests which was even more shameful than watching your brave soldiers being Blown up by IAF Planes and ARTY when rest of your shiny toys stood mum in silence....

If that is definition of victory,,,, i wish a hundred more of these to you.

The same can be said about India, what conflict haven't you lied about? Pakistan won more territory in 1947. Pakistan won the biggest battles in 1965 (defeated Indian Airforce, battle of Chawinda, and Battle at Lahore IB). India has only won in 1971.

Which war had a independent report published in Pakistan?

1971, did India ever have an independent report published for its failures in Kargil or 1947 or 1965 or your defeat from China in 1962?

and this narrative coming from a country that did not even own the dead bodies of it's own brave soldiers that laid down

You can keep crying about dead bodies, but most likely they weren't Pakistani soldiers or regulars they were Kashmiri fighters not officially members of Pakistani army.

Why don't you acknowledge your defeat in Kargil 1999? You do know Pakistani army controls most of the important heights in Kargil? India only controls 2 hilltops in Kargil the rest and the most important one is controlled by Pakistan. Your army falsified battle records (admitted by your own Army) in Kargil to credit themselves extra kills that did not exist, stolen and false valor.

The operation for Kargil was to seize Kargil and thats exactly what PA has done.
You Indians are a joke, on one side you claim that NS wasn't even aware of the conflict, yet just to malign Musharaf, he barks some ridiculous figures which suddenly becomes gospel truth for you people.
Forget all that, since all the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC, so it's right to say that all casualties must have also occurred there, one would like to ask, how many bodies did the Indians recovered or did Pakistan managed to retrieve and bring back 4000 bodies. :laugh:

See, if anybody is a joke here, it's either you, who is not willing to believe the figures or your Prime Minister, I'm quoting the news. Now you decide...
The same can be said about India, what conflict haven't you lied about? Pakistan won more territory in 1947. Pakistan won the biggest battles in 1965 (defeated Indian Airforce, battle of Chawinda, and Battle at Lahore IB). India has only won in 1971.
Don't forget PN bombarded their coastal radars and IN ran across to the other side of the sub continent.
See, if anybody is a joke here, it's either you, who is not willing to believe the figures or your Prime Minister, I'm quoting the news. Now you decide...
Let me enlighten you, it's decided that no PA regulars participated, apart from Kashmiri fighters, it was NLI, which belongs to a particular area of Pakistan and is a very close knit unit, it would be impossible for anyone to just hide that number of casualties. However it's your dilemma that Indian casualty are given from 600 to several thousand....any wonder then the Kargil coffin corruption scandal made the headlines.
Let me enlighten you, it's decided that no PA regulars participated, apart from Kashmiri fighters, it was NLI, which belongs to a particular area of Pakistan and is a very close knit unit, it would be impossible for anyone to just hide that number of casualties. However it's your dilemma that Indian casualty are given from 600 to several thousand....any wonder then the Kargil coffin corruption scandal made the headlines.

Go tell that to your PM
The same can be said about India, what conflict haven't you lied about? Pakistan won more territory in 1947. Pakistan won the biggest battles in 1965 (defeated Indian Airforce, battle of Chawinda, and Battle at Lahore IB). India has only won in 1971.
1947 , Pakistan invaded the then state of Jammu and Kashmir Not India, if you claim you invaded India then you basically back the Claim that J&K was part of India. India came into the picture after J&K state aceeded to India and kicked back your holy warriors to it's present state.

For 1965 read your own generals they will highlight the exact situation
RAW formed to wipe Pakistan off the map of the world: Defence Minister Khawaja Asif | Page 5

1971, did India ever have an independent report published for its failures in Kargil or 1947 or 1965 or your defeat from China in 1962?
Did not lose half the nation in a war, thus no punitive actions against the military. Can you say the same?

You can keep crying about dead bodies, but most likely they weren't Pakistani soldiers or regulars they were Kashmiri fighters not officially members of Pakistani army.

You should say that to faces of thier families, I am sure they will rejoice when they hear such sentiments.

Why don't you acknowledge your defeat in Kargil 1999? You do know Pakistani army controls most of the important heights in Kargil? India only controls 2 hilltops in Kargil the rest and the most important one is controlled by Pakistan. Your army falsified battle records (admitted by your own Army) in Kargil to credit themselves extra kills that did not exist, stolen and false valor.

The operation for Kargil was to seize Kargil and thats exactly what PA has done.
Do you even know where kargil is, do you know what happened in batalik, drass and kargil.
If you think the pakistani objectives were to retreat from heights of the lower Mushkoh Valley, along the Marpo La ridgeline in Dras, in Kaksar near Kargil, in the Batalik sector east of the Indus River, on the heights above of the Chorbatla sector where the LOC turns North and in the Turtok sector south of the Siachen area and hold four insignificant peaks. then good for you! yay you won....

Btw how are those strategic peaks working out for you, you've been holding on since 99, haven't cut off Kargil or siachin still?
1947 , ****

Did not lose half the nation in a war, thus no punitive actions against the military. Can you say the same?

Instead of making yourself look like an @rse, do some research on court martials after 1971. Niazi and GOC SSG were dishonourably discharged from service to name a few actions against the military but you have been taught evil pakistanis so you will speak first before thinking what u are saying.
I will once he appears on PDF but for the moment it's you who is here to learn.

Learn from what ? baseless claims made by some nobody ?

Your present Prime Minister says 4000 Pakistani infiltrators were killed in Kargil.. Prove that wrong if you disagree.
Your own Netas are on record for saying, ''another Kargil can not be ruled out''!!!.....for they know the Highway which apparently supplies to the troops based in Siachin can be choked any time by the PA.....i believe that's what General Musharaf was pointing to, when he said, we had you by the throat. !!


That is what !!! !!!!!!!! told me----he was in the control room---. He was shown the positions from where the major highway was in range of Pakistani guns.

Musharraf sat across the table from him and told him how he had briefed Nawaz about the operation in detail----and got his approval.

And to all my indian colleagues----yell and scream as you may----you have not done diddley to us---Bangladesh is a separate nation---other than that nothing much.

You ought to be ashamed and embarrassed that even with 3 times the military force---you cannot do squat to us---. Many a times I have spoken to American military men during vehicle transactions and they all laughed at joke that indian military is----.

What I am saying to you----is if we had your might and you ours----we would have smashed you to smithereens by now----and you would be a part of history----but with al the hoopla and ra ra ra----you have not been able to do nothing----.

Twice your military left with its tail between its legs in the last 13 years. As I mentioned before---hidustan is a numbers game----how many times you attack-----success will fall thru after certain number of attacks or if a certain threshold is reached----.

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