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Kabul this evening

Oh no its not a judgement but a Observation, maybe my poor grip on English have you believe that its a judgement, I know that Allah saves who he wills and destroy whoever he wills and its solely his judgment that everyone should worry about not mine , or any Cleric or a Educated Elite class Person.

Events that leads to Badr were different for both Muslims and Pagans, which side events you want me to tell you?
You observed in a public forum - I can say that it is my observation that being in the United States you are touched and participate in interest and usury. Regardless of it being “an observation” you judge me and no matter what you tell yourself to sleep comfortably feeling as some self righteous muslim - you did judge.

The muslim account - and since neither you and I were there why don’t you provide what source(s) you used
To liberals and secularists in Pakistan their crying.
To real Pakistani patriots or Muslims who care about the ummah it’s a day to celebrate.
Liberals and secularists already fear shariah in Pakistan. But in Pakistan in sha Allah shariah will be implemented peacefully after Pakistan sees Taliban successfully implement shariah.
In sha Allah army and imran khan implement shariah in Pakistan.
TTP won’t be a threat anymore theyll be eliminated by Taliban.
You observed in a public forum - I can say that it is my observation that being in the United States you are touched and participate in interest and usury. Regardless of it being “an observation” you judge me and no matter what you tell yourself to sleep comfortably feeling as some self righteous muslim - you did judge.

The muslim account - and since neither you and I were there why don’t you provide what source(s) you used

Everyone judges here or in real life, I mean aren't you the one who was condemning the whole or Majority of Pakistani's as corrupts and lost cause? I mean a bit of self reflection won't hurt your ego man..
Of course If you know any Savings accounts on my name with a 100,000$ in it sure why not judge me for it, but even without that, as I said we all did judge others based on what we experience or Observe in real life so why get mad when someone else does it for you?

Now, as far as Battle of Badr is concerned of course I am not going to go into deep details of sources but the majority accepted account of what leads to Badr, After years of Prosecution of Muslims and later on expelled them for just saying La illah ha illal la Muslims were driven out of their homes, their properties confesticated by Meccans and a constant threat of death looms over their heads. The last nail in the coffin for Muslims were when Meccans took their properties in reaction Rasool Allah ordered raids on Meccan caravans which travel from Syria to Mecca, After Abu Sufiya's caravan narrowly escapes from Mecca to Syria and upon return once again his spies manage to escape the attack, the informers whom he sent ahead of caravan to mecca asked for help in a dramatic way, which leads every major Qureshi leader to join forces to protect their Caravans, many of them did not want to fight but only wants to protect their properties, that is why when the news of Abu Sufiyan's Caravan escape reaches the Pagan armies many of them returned but Abu Jahl as usual humiliate the others, force them to march forward and deal with Muhammad SAW once and for all, and they march forward with remaining 1000 (rough estimate) to the valley of badr, and rest we all know what happens.
To think that the IEA rule in Afghanistan will rid Pakistan of Islamic militancy is to think very optimistically. Let there be no doubt: the Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban seek to implement, through violence, the same agenda - but in their respective countries. Both are guided, in what is and what is not permissible in the pursuit of their agenda, by the same sect and body of literature. The command on both sides has largely attended the same seminaries. Each considers the other a very close ally - both for their shared ideology and the war they collectively waged in Afghanistan against the NATO and government forces. Remember, contrary to accusations by Pakistanis against Americans of working with the TTP, it was America who kept wiping out TTP arch-leadership over the years: Baitullah Mehsud, Hakimullah Mehsud, and Mullah Fazlullah. The TTP has always been a Mehsud enterprise, and Baitullah Mehsud, who took over from Nek Muhammad, was attacking NATO forces well before the Lal Masjid episode: the event which led to open hostilities between the government and Pakistani Taliban. The Pakistani Taliban are not just an ally to the IEA, they are its closest, oldest ally.
Not to mention, it's in the best interest of IEA to use TTP as a leverage over Pakistan. Before 9/11, they had no leverage over us, and they payed dearly for it. Once bitten, twice shy. They'll do the same with India as well, Pakistan is the only country in the region, that can threaten IEA existentially and they know that very well.
Quite confused, the entire forum seems is cheerleading for Taliban, @Irfan Baloch seems to suggest this as a negative development. The other senior Mods celebrating, Are Pakistanis in support of the Taliban , is the view divided, or are Pakistanis in general anti-taliban?
Posters here are happy because of India's "apparent" defeat in Afghanistan, because it helped the Kabul regime in sheltering and using TTP, BLA, ISIS et., against Pakistan. And now Kabul regimes fall is perceived as a victory and many hope, that it'll weaken the base terrorists had made in Afghanistan.
Everyone judges here or in real life, I mean aren't you the one who was condemning the whole or Majority of Pakistani's as corrupts and lost cause? I mean a bit of self reflection won't hurt your ego man..
Of course If you know any Savings accounts on my name with a 100,000$ in it sure why not judge me for it, but even without that, as I said we all did judge others based on what we experience or Observe in real life so why get mad when someone else does it for you?

Now, as far as Battle of Badr is concerned of course I am not going to go into deep details of sources but the majority accepted account of what leads to Badr, After years of Prosecution of Muslims and later on expelled them for just saying La illah ha illal la Muslims were driven out of their homes, their properties confesticated by Meccans and a constant threat of death looms over their heads. The last nail in the coffin for Muslims were when Meccans took their properties in reaction Rasool Allah ordered raids on Meccan caravans which travel from Syria to Mecca, After Abu Sufiya's caravan narrowly escapes from Mecca to Syria and upon return once again his spies manage to escape the attack, the informers whom he sent ahead of caravan to mecca asked for help in a dramatic way, which leads every major Qureshi leader to join forces to protect their Caravans, many of them did not want to fight but only wants to protect their properties, that is why when the news of Abu Sufiyan's Caravan escape reaches the Pagan armies many of them returned but Abu Jahl as usual humiliate the others, force them to march forward and deal with Muhammad SAW once and for all, and they march forward with remaining 1000 (rough estimate) to the valley of badr, and rest we all know what happens.
Without a source - that is your opinion only and that too a lazy one not addressing your core allegations that somehow I am materialistic by recommending that use and understanding of economics always gives the upper hand.

Now, my source is “Sirat Rasul Allah” by Ibn Ishaq - edited by Ibn Hisham known to be one of the(if not the) earliest fully compiled seerat of the prophet.
A good reference is the translation by Alfred Guillame but if you wish to reverify in any other translation you are welcome to.

events which we can agree on are documented that precede the revelation of the Surah
1. Seizure of muslim properties .. also known as material possessions

2. Exile -including complete economic(stressed upon in the accounts listed) and social sanctions

3. Prohibition from pilgrimage

However, once the verse was revealed (around the same time the conversions in Madina grew) the direct interpretation wasn’t straight combat but hitting the economic Lifelines of the Quraish just as they had strangled the muslims.

The first raids were not successful in which the prophet spent many months back and forth. Until he sent the raid for safwan(where we also see the practice of communications security btw where the prophet wrote Abdullah al Asadi a letter but ordered that he only open it after two days… probably so that no spies among the Medina natives hear of it and tell the Quraysh as might have been suspect due to the unsuccessful raids)
And even though the prophet had instructed them for reconnaissance only - this party attacked the Caravan regardless that led to a lot of accusations from Quraysh and the Jews of Medina. This also gave justification to the Quraysh who for the longest time had been looking for a justification to attack.

Right after that, another economically important Caravan was heard of traveling and it is reported the prophet himself authorized it by saying “This is the Quraysh caravan coming with all their property (materialistic things, economic gains). Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey”.

So, if one is a knee jerk reactionary muslim the immediate conclusion is that Astaghfirullah the whole idea was purely materialistic in nature and the muslims only did it for loot. If one believes in Allah, his will and that the best of his creation and example is the prophet then applies a bit of education - it will dawn that the muslims themselves not being the stronger party targeted their enemy on their economic front to start weakening them while building up their own economic power so they could grow in strength. After all, if we consider these raids as immoral or incorrect or having no material needs we are essentially implying that muslims did not take all of the trade goods from the caravans but they did by both this and other accounts.But if they did then it makes them materialistic seeking these riches and by inference anaouzubillah Allah’s prophet not representing Allah’s will??
Neither, the prophet’s life is an example in every micro and macro aspect and this only shows that his interpretation of Allah’s command is Allah’s will which was to start degrading the economic power of the Quraysh while strengthening their own.

As Abu Sufyan sent Damdam who then painted a false flag attack by cutting his camel’s nose and tore his shirt that got the Quraysh on the move to Badr. They went not on the pretext of destroying muslims but the cry Damdam made “O Quraysh,… Mohammed (S.Alehi.Wasalam) and his companions are lying in wait for your property which is with Abu Sufyan..”

Economics is what the lesson of Badr was and the Quran guides muslims all along on how to manage it and the socioeconomic landscape overall.

As for this topic, I already mentioned it. The Taliban did not use force to conquer Afghanistan - they simply met the materialistic needs of the Afghan troops and tribal elders.

Now, if you can only see it immediately in terms of me preferring a greater profit as materialism and judge whilst claiming I can do the same and it all good.. sure and may Allah bless your ability and confidence to judge if he sees fit. However, I would invite you to read into the history of BCCI and Aga hasan Abidi and how he is villified in the west. I wont say his hands were clean or unclean but what he did do was start playing the economics game with the ones who controlled it(and still do today). He also established financial institutions in Pakistan and a University along with many philanthropist organizations- someone like you based on your posts would probably judge him as materialistic.
He attacked the very lifeline of today’s Quraysh and they responded back to finish his legacy off the best they could.
Economics isn’t some dirty subject that makes you a murtid as some seem to imply nor is growing economically forbidden - the only ask Allah does if to balance it with Zakat and Sadqah so you take many along with you. The day muslims understand this, that is the day the wolves will really howl and tuck their tails in a mix of anger and fear.
Without a source - that is your opinion only and that too a lazy one not addressing your core allegations that somehow I am materialistic by recommending that use and understanding of economics always gives the upper hand.

You are nit picking my words where based on my observation and past interaction I believe you are materialistic, why? As I said you need to self reflect your own posts to understand that, As for judgment I've said it many times that everyone judges, you yourself has made a lot of judgements on Pakistanis or Indians on this very forum so do I, If you are so offended by others judgements than you yourself stop judging others.

Now, my source is “Sirat Rasul Allah” by Ibn Ishaq - edited by Ibn Hisham known to be one of the(if not the) earliest fully compiled seerat of the prophet.
A good reference is the translation by Alfred Guillame but if you wish to reverify in any other translation you are welcome to.

I already told you digging up material using Ibn Ishaq or Tabrani would be time consuming as this is not a debate between a Christian and Muslim over the validity of Badr or the Seerat of Rasool Allah, you read my posts and events I mentioned at summarized versions of the seerat of Prophet which is consist of various sources, as I said what is accepted by widely Ahle Sunnah known as Sunni's. If you believe there is a error in my post Point it out.

events which we can agree on are documented that precede the revelation of the Surah
1. Seizure of muslim properties .. also known as material possessions

2. Exile -including complete economic(stressed upon in the accounts listed) and social sanctions

3. Prohibition from pilgrimage

Actually you are wrong, Economic Possession comes much later, but the physical oppression and harassments comes before, Hazart Hamza RA wanted to fight the Pagan since the days of Mecca boycotted the Muslims but as Allah never allowed Muslims to fight, why you ask me? It was Allah's wisdom. The seizure of the properties would not have made a major difference if not for the amount of Prosecution of Muslims faced happen, and lets not forget the night Rasool Allah escape there was a assassination attempt on Prophet Himself where they found Ali RA in his bed, So you saying here that Economic or Material things were major cause of Badr is wrong, and I doubt Tabri , Ishaq or any early Seerat writers have mentioned it to be the Primary cause of Badr.
You are distorting the events to suite your cause which is wrong. And that has nothing to do with a random person on forum being materialistic, there is nothing wrong with it as we all are in same shape or form I don't know why you are taking it as a offense when its not.

Right after that, another economically important Caravan was heard of traveling and it is reported the prophet himself authorized it by saying “This is the Quraysh caravan coming with all their property (materialistic things, economic gains). Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey”.

It was a tit for tat reaction which once again has nothing to do with Prophet or companions been materialists themselves, Trust me they would have given their most precious things which is their lives for Prophet you really think they really care for some war booty? Yes money and booty is essential but the whole message of Islam to submit and live a simple life is not lost on them but it sure lost on our generation, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RA too all they were rich and hence they gave to prophet from their share, yet they were not Materialists, why? because the wealth they matters to them to a extent that they used it for the cause of Allah, other than that, there are countless Narrations of Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar going hungry and have barely anything to eat for themselves, so according to you even they are misunderstood?

Economics is what the lesson of Badr was and the Quran guides muslims all along on how to manage it and the socioeconomic landscape overall.

Oh No No, that is one of the most absurd conclusion one can come with the battle of Badr, Badr was the Defining moment for Muslims it was do or die, Yes Raids on Caravan's and Property seizures is what leads to it but there was much more to that, it was years of prosecution and Injustice that pushed Muslims to a extend where they have no choice but to fight, not for maal-e-Ganimat or Caravan but for their survival and the continuation of the message.

As for this topic, I already mentioned it. The Taliban did not use force to conquer Afghanistan - they simply met the materialistic needs of the Afghan troops and tribal elders.

That I agree with, given the fact Afghans are so deprived of basic things like food and shelter in life, its not hard to have the majority of Afghans to your side, Taliban does not have to use force to take over in fact they would be stupid to use force when the whole Afghanistan was falling in their jhooli like a rotten fruit falls from a tree.

He attacked the very lifeline of today’s Quraysh and they responded back to finish his legacy off the best they could.
Economics isn’t some dirty subject that makes you a murtid as some seem to imply nor is growing economically forbidden - the only ask Allah does if to balance it with Zakat and Sadqah so you take many along with you. The day muslims understand this, that is the day the wolves will really howl and tuck their tails in a mix of anger and fear.

Of course not, I never say you are murtid for being materialist, you can do halal business or trade and earn Halal Income from which you can do a lot of good deeds from, As I mentioned Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RA to all are examples of being top of the line and yet rich to a time period, but the difference is that a time comes when they were out of their wealth and whatever they earn that riches were never part of their pride, For them money serves a very specific purpose and that purpose is only to go on with your mortal life, but what we see in Today is that we have made Money our Prime motivation which drives our lives, ask yourself this thing you mentioned on this very forum on how your education and positions you worked for (May Allah increase in your education & Wealth) and America has helped you to be in a position where you are today, how many times you on here has mentioned that Allah has bless you with all that? how many times you mentioned the creators help and blessing, I bet you do it in every Namaz but if your words are here means something for those who see you as someone to look at, don't you think it is imperative for someone as successful as you not to forget that behind anyone and everyone success it is Allah and one should thank him for it?

Charity and Sadaqa are good no doubt, but that is not the only thing Allah ask, you did not mentioned the Zakat which is obligatory in comparison of Charity and Sadaqa, secondly having wealth is no point, but making your life decision solely based on achieving a social economic status is indeed not in line with Islam, if having a economic success in life was so important Quran would be filled with Business Ideas, which last I checked is not. Education, Money and Status means nothing if we are not aligning our life with how Allah has prescribed us via Prophet.

From your Post #38 this is what I understand that economical benefits and worldly benefits is something which drives your motivation and life major or minor decision, which in itself is not fully wrong as you are entitled to it, its your life after all and it is you who have to answer Allah and not me, we are just two mere imperfect human beings who see, process, observe and pass judgments based on our own correct or faulty understandings.
As for this topic, I already mentioned it. The Taliban did not use force to conquer Afghanistan - they simply met the materialistic needs of the Afghan troops and tribal elders.

I agree with you on meeting the needs of the people first. Allah swt wouldn't want us to strike the scriptures on the heads of the people or sieze and confiscate their govts and properties in His Holy Name that's not how Dawah/preaching is done if we go by the Scriptures

"no compulsion in the deen/religion".

Because if forceful conversions had any place in Islam Allah swt could have made everybody obedient but no He Swt gave humans and jins free will

Theres a reason The Prophet pbuh declared Surah Al Qahaf a shield against antichrist and urged the believers to recite it every Friday ---------- This chapter addresses almost every challenge which may befall a believer and offers practical solutions on how to serve Toheed . For example it contains the first journey of Zulqarnain A.s to the east where he met a group of primitive people devoid of rationale , nobody enforced their way of life upon the natives to make them civilized instead he left them in Allah swt grace and went onto some other place . But the issue lies with the human ego when we start telling The Lord

" o.k I'm gonna do this for you and this and afterwards this, watch me do all this and this"

No one gets to tell Allah swt how it would/should/could be as all we can do is pray and ask for guidance/mercy.

Likewise Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq A.s advised a new convert to not to break his conversion news to his mother as she might be shocked and could feel agitated instead serve her with every thing at his disposal for Allah swt sake --------.

Dawah like charity always begins at home . If your wife (immediate neighbour) , extended neighbours, community etc aren't happy over your mischievous conduct they shall not believe a single word coming out of your mouth no matter even if they witness you levitating in the air.

@Big Tank @Muhammed45 @Verve @fitpOsitive @jamahir
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The NRI who are educated and represented the top 10% of US tech leadership. Unlike the narrow minded Pakistani immigrants who at best can buy petrol stations and look for loopholes - the Indian immigrants from the higher educated middle class( there is a class engaged in fraud and loopholes from NRIs too and it would be surprising if you deny it) are talking the talk and walking the white walk, intermarrying with them and laughing on the borderline racist jokes without batting an eye because they know they will run the company in 8 years so long as they keep their mouth shut. They are good subordinates (not to fellow desis incl Indians) to the structures and then work as expected for the firms. But, they are now also in the state department, in local governments and with businesses doing fundraising and contributing to politicians. They will influence what despite all the naysayers is still the most powerful conventional military and scientific powerhouse along with essentially controlling the United Nations. So tomorrow if this diaspora is able to plant enough seeds, connect and be in the US circles of power while happily throwing colors of holi and yoga; they can push for sanctions against Pakistan, cut it off from its primary export markets and play havoc with the elite and “religious” class moles the United States already has now. Or they can launch an attack on China in coordination with the Indian military and make that battlefield the Pakistani geography.

Your comments are true for first generation immigrants. The second and third generation Indian immigrants have little political or religious affinity to India - and are, for the most part Americans. If they display any distrust towards Pakistan, it is more due to the current US policy and news cycle than any grand Hindu masterplan.
LOL Stop acting like a fool. How can any Pakistani be unhappy when India got evicted from Afghanistan? It is funny you are so active on PDF. Today is an official mourning day for Hindustan.
So what does this “eviction” help you achieve?
I agree with you on meeting the needs of the people first. Allah swt wouldn't want us to strike the scriptures on the heads of the people or sieze and confiscate their govts and properties in His Holy Name that's not how Dawah/preaching is done if we go by the Scriptures

"no compulsion in the deen/religion".

Because if forceful conversions had any place in Islam Allah swt could have made everybody obedient but no He Swt gave humans and jins free will

Theres a reason The Prophet pbuh declared Surah Al Qahaf a shield against antichrist and urged the believers to recite it every Friday ---------- This chapter addresses almost every challenge which may befall a believer and offers practical solutions on how to serve Toheed . For example it contains the first journey of Zulqarnain A.s to the east where he met a group of primitive people devoid of rationale , nobody enforced their way of life upon the natives to make them civilized instead he left them in Allah swt grace and went onto some other place . But the issue lies with the human ego when we start telling The Lord

" o.k I'm gonna do this for you and this and afterwards this, watch me do all this and this"

No one gets to tell Allah swt how it would/should/could be as all we can do is to pray and ask for guidance/mercy.

Likewise Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq A.s advised a new convert to not to break his conversion news to his mother as she might be shocked and could feel agitated instead serve her with every thing at his disposal for Allah swt sake --------.

Dawah like charity always begins at home . If your wife (immediate neighbour) , extended neighbours, community etc aren't happy over your mischievous conduct they shall not believe a single word coming out of your mouth no matter even if they witness you levitating in the air.

@Big Tank @Muhammed45 @Verve @fitpOsitive @jamahir

Well written.
I agree with you on meeting the needs of the people first. Allah swt wouldn't want us to strike the scriptures on the heads of the people or sieze and confiscate their govts and properties in His Holy Name that's not how Dawah/preaching is done if we go by the Scriptures

"no compulsion in the deen/religion".

Because if forceful conversions had any place in Islam Allah swt could have made everybody obedient but no He Swt gave humans and jins free will

Theres a reason The Prophet pbuh declared Surah Al Qahaf a shield against antichrist and urged the believers to recite it every Friday ---------- This chapter addresses almost every challenge which may befall a believer and offers practical solutions on how to serve Toheed . For example it contains the first journey of Zulqarnain A.s to the east where he met a group of primitive people devoid of rationale , nobody enforced their way of life upon the natives to make them civilized instead he left them in Allah swt grace and went onto some other place . But the issue lies with the human ego when we start telling The Lord

" o.k I'm gonna do this for you and this and afterwards this, watch me do all this and this"

No one gets to tell Allah swt how it would/should/could be as all we can do is pray and ask for guidance/mercy.

Likewise Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq A.s advised a new convert to not to break his conversion news to his mother as she might be shocked and could feel agitated instead serve her with every thing at his disposal for Allah swt sake --------.

Dawah like charity always begins at home . If your wife (immediate neighbour) , extended neighbours, community etc aren't happy over your mischievous conduct they shall not believe a single word coming out of your mouth no matter even if they witness you levitating in the air.

@Big Tank @Muhammed45 @Verve @fitpOsitive @jamahir
Charity begins at home. This is true.
To honest, from Arab takeover of Indias parts, to mughals takeover of India, from Maratha rise to British takeover of India to the rise of taliban. One thing is damn clear: system under Kufr can work, but under oppression its impossible.

So ashraf Ghani and her allies were so corrupt and incapable that people welcomed talibs instead.
To liberals and secularists in Pakistan their crying.
To real Pakistani patriots or Muslims who care about the ummah it’s a day to celebrate.
Liberals and secularists already fear shariah in Pakistan. But in Pakistan in sha Allah shariah will be implemented peacefully after Pakistan sees Taliban successfully implement shariah.
In sha Allah army and imran khan implement shariah in Pakistan.
TTP won’t be a threat anymore theyll be eliminated by Taliban.
All of that can actually be done without violence like Hindutva did with changing laws in India and I bet the result will not be as hardline or harsh like BJP/RSS or Iranian Khomeinis.

Pakistanis in general are chill people.
You observed in a public forum - I can say that it is my observation that being in the United States you are touched and participate in interest and usury. Regardless of it being “an observation” you judge me and no matter what you tell yourself to sleep comfortably feeling as some self righteous muslim - you did judge.

The muslim account - and since neither you and I were there why don’t you provide what source(s) you used

Sorry for jumping in between you two, and apologies for being off topic. Maybe we could take this conv to a relevant thread?

I always wondered why "usury" / "interest" is Haram. If so, then why would a financial institution lend money? After speaking to a lot of people, and researching, I have arrived at the conclusion, that it is loan sharking that is absolutely Haram, and "interest" some what acceptable?

I'm no scholar, by any yardstick, just by humble opinion.
Taliban asking all employees of the financial institutions and police officers back to work ... but people are scared. It will take a while for the dust to settle down. Taliban are more worried about having no resistance from anyone. But Karzai and Gulbateen the two traitors are in interim govt ...
Gulbadeen Hikmatyar? He is like this guy, Soomro . Doesn't matter who is in power, he is there.
Both Flights came back last evening.
3 Flts expected today
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