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'Kabul is less conservative than Pakistani cities'

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Look at the Pakistanis seething with anger and frustration on this thread . They wanted Afghanistan to remain backward forever it seems and now at the slightest hint of modernity coming to Afghanistan , their fuses go out .

Us, jealous??? But why????

We want Kabul to retain its "less conservatism":-)rofl:).

We just fear for our Afghan "less conservative" brethren that once NATO withdraws bulk of its forces after 2014 perhaps Kabul won't retain its "less conservativeness" once the "less conservative" Afghan Taliban (who use Toyota trucks, cameras, laptops, and other modern technology) move in.

But, i have good news, indian gov.t has promised Karzai and his government officials that india will deploy 100,000+ indian troops to Afghanistan in replacement of the NATO troops.

So looks like Afghans can continue to enjoy a "less conservative" Kabul for another decade or less (depending upon how long the indian economy can sustain its military presence in Afghanistan to protect "less conservative" Kabul from "less conservative" Afghan Taliban).
If you compare Kabul with Peshawar then I can't comment on it but you can simply not compare Kabul with Lahore or Karachi.

I have seen girls walking on the street of Lahore at 2am of night all alone. I have seen thousands of girls dancing in the park all alone during the one of the musical show in Lahore. That happened around 8-10pm of night and you had an atmosphere as you were somewhere in London.

People are not conservative at all... You can start dancing anywhere you want. Alcohol is also available if you know where to get it from :D...

Exactly - He is comparing Kabul with Peshawar. What an unfair comparison. Try comparing Kabul with Islamabad and then we'll see which is 'less conservative'.
If you compare Kabul with Peshawar then I can't comment on it but you can simply not compare Kabul with Lahore or Karachi.

I have seen girls walking on the street of Lahore at 2am of night all alone. I have seen thousands of girls dancing in the park all alone during the one of the musical show in Lahore. That happened around 8-10pm of night and you had an atmosphere as you were somewhere in London.

People are not conservative at all... You can start dancing anywhere you want. Alcohol is also available if you know where to get it from :D...

Oye, Zaki Bhai, are you trying to receive some thanks from you know who. Man you are cheap and sold out. :angel::P
Don't make your self a laugh stock have you traveled by car from Peshawar to Jalalabad? have you noticed the condition of your roads and infrastructure in the customs? the behavior of your people? the dress of your guards? tell this fairy tale stories to miles away Indians and others.

You guys made yourself a laughing stock by fighting within yourselves for hundreds of years , why blame me ? :azn: ... I very well know the condition and infrastructure of my country's roads , highways and motorways , I am just not mad to dwell on the other side of the Durand Line ... :lol: So , the ANA got some new dresses from the US ? Kind of explains the recent surge in attacks on the Americans , they both now look alike so much being liberal and less conservatives that it is hard to distinguish and hence they are able to get close to NATO personnels and perform a " green on blue " :rofl:
Are you referring to those invaders who came and slaughtered , raped your ancestors first and then proceeded into modern India if they could ?

Find a better , neutral history book then perhaps we can talk .

Btw , no I am not being any big brother .I don't know what gave you that feeling .

Unless you can say your ancestors doesnt belong to hindustan- you are wrong- where is somnath btw?- outskirts of modern india somewhere?-
Ḥashshāshīn;3505048 said:
Exactly - He is comparing Kabul with Peshawar. What an unfair comparison. Try comparing Kabul with Islamabad and then we'll see which is 'less conservative'.

He clearly suggests , he found Kabul more modern than all major Pakistani cities and not just Peshawar .

He is also sitting in Islamabad as Sher Malang just pointed out .
Its funny that everyone is getting all up in arms about the authors comments:

a. Its one mans position....not the holy koran
b. Its comparing the most liberal part of Afghanistan to some parts of Pakistan (Peshawar) and in those terms, Kabul may very well be more liberal
c. Karachi and Islamabad probably fall in a different category....so not even a point of comparison with any part of Afghanistan
d. Its a positive news story...lets look at the larger picture of a changing face of Afghanistan...a view of hope that not all is lost...
Focussing on the part of comparison with Pakistan is muddying this discussion and limiting the scope of it..

My recommendation to Sher Malang, please start a thread about ongoing and completed developments in Afghanistan in line with ones running for India and Pakistan. This will help educate audiences..
Unless you can say your ancestors doesnt belong to hindustan- you are wrong- where is somnath btw?- outskirts of modern india somewhere?-

You obviously need to read better history books than the crap you we re taught in your Pakistan studies text books . Look you are a reasonable guy . I don't wish to argue with you . This has been discussed in detail in many other threads and this thread has nothing to do with this topic .
Its funny that everyone is getting all up in arms about the authors comments:

a. Its one mans position....not the holy koran
b. Its comparing the most liberal part of Afghanistan to some parts of Pakistan (Peshawar) and in those terms, Kabul may very well be more liberal
c. Karachi and Islamabad probably fall in a different category....so not even a point of comparison with any part of Afghanistan
d. Its a positive news story...lets look at the larger picture of a changing face of Afghanistan...a view of hope that not all is lost...
Focussing on the part of comparison with Pakistan is muddying this discussion and limiting the scope of it..

My recommendation to Sher Malang, please start a thread about ongoing and completed developments in Afghanistan in line with ones running for India and Pakistan. This will help educate audiences..

Very good idea . Sher Malang should start this thread and if possible have more Afghan members join to contribute . Where has Ahmad that Tajik dude gone ?
Its funny that everyone is getting all up in arms about the authors comments:

a. Its one mans position....not the holy koran
b. Its comparing the most liberal part of Afghanistan to some parts of Pakistan (Peshawar) and in those terms, Kabul may very well be more liberal
c. Karachi and Islamabad probably fall in a different category....so not even a point of comparison with any part of Afghanistan
d. Its a positive news story...lets look at the larger picture of a changing face of Afghanistan...a view of hope that not all is lost...
Focussing on the part of comparison with Pakistan is muddying this discussion and limiting the scope of it..

My recommendation to Sher Malang, please start a thread about ongoing and completed developments in Afghanistan in line with ones running for India and Pakistan. This will help educate audiences..

That has been tried before but they will fail to see their support in it and will directly label me Indian agent because most of infrastructure is being constructed by our partners who Pakistanis hate and consider them their enemies! hola that thread will be a troll feast just like this one.

These people are born to be in an acute state of denial as long as they live so why to give ourselves headache?
Knowing you, you probably took photos of them as well. lol just kidding. What's up yaar haven't chatted with you in awhile, I haven't been active on the forum lately.

Hello Umar,

I was busy myself and no sorry I didn't take pictures of anybody as I didn't own a DSLR camera those days.

Going to Pakistan in few days/weeks so may be this time :D
so wat u were doing there at night?


Bigger cities never sleeps, you know. It's like a day time if you go to Food Street in Lahore during the late night. I don't live in Lahore but it's not far from my city
Off topic: I am planning to buy a new camera, maybe a DSLR or a level below that, PM me I will show you cameras I'm interested in. Will be vacationing in a few months or sometime next year.

visit the holy "Your Photography" thread and all of us will be happy to help you out!

We can communicate in PM if you prefer but then only myself will be able to reply back
I dont understand why Afghans have such a grudge against us? they are very thankless people indeed. About 3 million of theirs are still in Pakistan and yet their ungratefulness is spectacular.

Afghan blaming Pakistan is nothing but denial. They were the ones who started infighting. They plunged their country into civil war.

Afghanistan was the only country in 1947 which did not recognize Pakistan. So Pakistan always had serious reservations to their attitude towards us. We never had anything sinister against them because they are our brothers and our relationship with them transcend centuries what to talk about physical borders!

When the civil war broke out, Pakistan had to take sides. With the history we had with them of constant acrimony, Pakistan had to fend for its interests there. Blaming Pakistan is a serious flaw in Afghan thinking.

I know Kabul is a very progressive city. I know because my uncles used to visit Kabul in early and mid seventies. The city was much more 'liberal' than Pakistani cities. But Pakistan is no way backward or in dark ages as the original post makes it out to be.

Like everywhere, Pakistan has its social problems too but Afghanistan has more of them because of constant conflict for the past three decades.

I wish you Afghans well and pray for peace and prosperity of your country. But just dont be so ungrateful as you always have been. you need to change your attitude towards Pakistan.
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