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'Kabul is less conservative than Pakistani cities'

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Just wait some! The Taliban will run amok soon after the American withdrawal, and Afghanistan will hurtle back into the age of the crusades! :undecided:

Don't worry, i heard manmoham singh is arranging to send more than 100,000 indian troops to Afghanistan to replace the American/NATO troops in the country.

India to deploy 100k troops in Afghanistan after NATO withdrawal

Also, i read that manmohan singh has arranged to send 500,000 luxury mobile homes to the Wagah border to take all of Pakistan's 5 million Afghan refugees.

India to take in Pakistan's 5 million Afghan refugees.
Sher Malang is a fool he will take the word a shoddy foreign white man journalist about social trends (conservative vs liberalism) in the region over people who actually live there and know the ground reality better than he does. Although this journalist is in Islo his conclusion is just rubbish no one would seriously suggest Kabul is less conservative or more trendy and up beat than Islamabad, Lahore, or Karachi.

The truth taste bitter, you should try digesting some superiority from Afghanistan now! The journalist have made the right conclusion of his visits to Kabul and cities in Pakistan so what's a big deal about it?
i'm not sure why Pakistanis are ticked off . so they are more liberal in parts of their country or simply one part of it... what's the big deal- why you guys are getting pissed off about it?
The truth taste bitter, you should try digesting some superiority from Afghanistan now! The journalist have made the right conclusion of his visits to Kabul and cities in Pakistan so what's a big deal about it?

This is how some of them react when anything positive is said about their neighbours . This may be new for you but we have been dealing with this for a long time . Don't worry just sit back and enjoy their little show :pop:
I also hear the afghan taliban used amrikan stingers- salute to their level or less conservativness-:rofl:-

Not only that, but instead of AK's they are now using captured M4's and M16's+ laptops and cameras to upload propaganda, damn the TTP, how i wish they were just as liberal as the Afghan Talibs.:frown::sad::cry:

Well, in that case, it's changes everything. So writer has tried to convey a wrong message about Afghanistan that its becoming less religious. I believe Indian will be disappointed after this post, Sher. :)

Nothing changes what the writer has written is all true perhaps if Pakistanis rejected Arab riyals today he might have also called you guys less conservative! Afghanistan is not becoming less religious he just made a comparison between mosques in Pakistan and Afghanistan which in numbers are more than Afghanistan what's so hard for you to understand?
Look at the Pakistanis seething with anger and frustration on this thread . They wanted Afghanistan to remain backward forever it seems and now at the slightest hint of modernity coming to Afghanistan , their fuses go out .
This is how some of them react when anything positive is said about their neighbours . This may be new for you but we have been dealing with this for a long time . Don't worry just sit back and enjoy their little show :pop:

Lol- you assuming the position of big brother here?- give me a break- forgetting the history about the real big brother in mood attacking and invading hindustan for centuries- so lay low wanna be big bro- you aremthe battered and bruised one here-
The truth taste bitter

Surely it does , only if it is there ! ... Why didn't the author just declare that the sound of Azaan and modestly dressed women got on his nerves so much that he had to compare Pakistani cities to Kabul and declare it less conservative ? :azn: ... There's a famous saying here in Pakistan in Urdu " As you cross the Khyber Pass , you will be one century back in time " :rofl: ...
Look at the Pakistanis seething with anger and frustration on this thread . They wanted Afghanistan to remain backward forever it seems and now at the slightest hint of modernity coming to Afghanistan , their fuses go out .

well fuses are going out -mostly only among the most backward of their posters here...
Surely it does , only if it is there ! ... Why didn't the author just declare that the sound of Azaan got on his nerves so much that he had to compare Pakistani cities to Kabul ? :azn: ... There's a famous saying here in Pakistan in Urdu " As soon as you cross the Khyber Pass , you will be one century back in time " :rofl: ...

Don't make your self a laugh stock have you traveled by car from Peshawar to Jalalabad? have you noticed the condition of your roads and infrastructure in the customs? the behavior of your people? the dress of your guards? tell this fairy tale stories to miles away Indians and others.
If you compare Kabul with Peshawar then I can't comment on it but you can simply not compare Kabul with Lahore or Karachi.

I have seen girls walking on the street of Lahore at 2am of night all alone. I have seen thousands of girls dancing in the park all alone during the one of the musical show in Lahore. That happened around 8-10pm of night and you had an atmosphere as you were somewhere in London.

People are not conservative at all... You can start dancing anywhere you want. Alcohol is also available if you know where to get it from :D...
Nothing changes what the writer has written is all true perhaps if Pakistanis rejected Arab riyals today he might have also called you guys less conservative! Afghanistan is not becoming less religious he just made a comparison between mosques in Pakistan and Afghanistan which in numbers are more than Afghanistan what's so hard for you to understand?

It's understood. What wrong if Arabs build some Masjid and Madrasa in Pakistan or elsewhere. Many Masjids are being build in western country with the help of Arabs. It's all for spreading the messages of Din. Afghanistan can seek some assistance if desire. I am sure they will come forward. :) :tup:
Lol- you assuming the position of big brother here?- give me a break- forgetting the history about the real big brother in mood attacking and invading hindustan for centuries- so lay low wanna be big bro- you aremthe battered and bruised one here-

Are you referring to those invaders who came and slaughtered , raped your ancestors first and then proceeded into modern India if they could ?

Find a better , neutral history book then perhaps we can talk .

Btw , no I am not being any big brother .I don't know what gave you that feeling .
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