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JNU sedition case: Meet the family of the student who is a ‘danger to Mother India’

These bastards shouted "bharat ki barbadi tak".. am sure his mother or family didnt want what plans their son is making..not their fault. But if their intentions are such against India then they dont deserve to be in India.
how about nato terrorism against libya, syria, venezuela, cuba, dprk, russia, iraq and china??

four million north koreans killed in the nato invasion of the korean peninsula in the korea war of 1950-53... a million in iraq... 250,000+ in syria... 150,000+ in libya... many in venezuela, with assassination attempts against the socialist leadership... we need not speak about cuba... etc etc.
NATO terror against Russia & China??? kuchh bhi bolte ho.
so you wanted simi acted against but not abvp?? and not rss??
Yes, as a student and a muslim I was privy to what was going on in the SIMI meetings. They deserved to be banned in early 90s. And the same fate should await ABVP or RSS or anyone should they too organize violence and go against the established law.
@jamahir Opposing on everything does not make anyone right. Do you have any affection towards India? Nothing to worry, not everyone has time to think about nation. If not then you shouldn't care a single bit this news. It does not affect you in anyway. Its humble advice.
when socialists like me present simple and practical solutions and present example from actually progressive countries, why are we immediately insulted, without any intellectual engagement??

the phenomenon of mass suicides by farmers is india-specific... what do you think is the reason??
If I give the example of a rich country with very high per capita income and very high happiness index and expect my country people to adopt the systems followed in that country, I am sure my people will throw me in a mad house without debating with me. Well the country I am referring to is Saudi Arabia.
Thanks to Moderator who changed the "Thread Tittle". :tup:

The Presttitues at work. The Family's son is Threat to the Nation and not the Son. Indian law doesn't hold Family for the Sin committed by "Son". :tsk:
Pathetic attempt to save face. These as$holes are given free college education , subsidized goods and a pay scale 2x greater than other indian states , they mooch off of Indian tax payers money ,after doing all their outrageous acts they still play the victim minority card .
And here comes the emotional blackmailing from our MEDIA.

@MilSpec Sir, this is what i was talking about :)
My simplest request is people who spite the nation, the judiciary, the constitution of India, should just go and lead a happy life in the country of there choosing.

In this twisted politically charged environment, opposing capital punishment is hailing Afzal Guru and Maqbool Butt as a hero.
@jamahir can go on ranting about center, BJP Abvp etc. But not a single word about these scums who are hailing Afzal guru and Maqbool Butt as hero. In this democracy selective outrage is well within his right and shows his convictions and beliefs, which is fine. If there is a reply to this comment I am sure it wont address either of these Seperatist but some other case.... Just like not a single leader of left addressed anything to do with Afzal guru or Maqbool butt but dragged nathuram godse into the debate.

The problem is , we see straight through this facade of Psuedo-Socalism and see exactly what it is for.....

The Left disappeared during Kargil invasion, during Mumbai Attacks, during LOC Be-headings, during Parliament attacks, but look who are taking the lead to denounce the constitution of India hailing terrorists as heroes. Mind well this is the same student organisation that merged with Student wing of Muslim league to become a mouth piece of AIML...
Left people are very hypocritical of the lot. They criticize Hinduism and Brahminism (My father hates Brahmins since he was discriminated in his youngster days) like if as that is food. That's too much. Brahmins are also people.
But if someone talks about Hindutva or something they jump like idiots claiming intolerance. I am asking them. Is Hindu the only religion intolerant? Do they even have the balls to talk about other religion?

Hypocritical lots. I hope JNU is saved by something like Lal Masjid cleaning operation. Strict laws enforced. Minimum criteria of marks below which scholarship should be cut off. We are not paying taxes for their stupid protests.

I wonder if all of them are asked to pay 3 lakhs how many will be in student politics? Worst university in the country now. JNU- gateway to politics. Bodes well even for ABVP. There is a professor with a Maoist ideology poisoning students. Saw that guy in tv. Make the campus apolitical. For God's sake.
If he has this family back ground then why this Kanhaiya was doing politics ?

Instead of that he should be concentrating on studies. If he is playing politics, then welcome to the game and plz for gods sake don't play the victim card whenever your @$$ gets whipped.
jamahir's comment : enough of fascism and terrorism by bjp, abvp, rss and the rest of the sangh... the innocents and the oppressed in india wish for a bjp-mukt-india... this would be also good for the world.

You should be grateful to BJP for this "innocent and oppressed" Kanhaiya Kumar of Begusarai will become CM of Bihar in due course.

If you have any doubt then ask Lallu or Kejri, or any socialist or congress leader
He had started the below mentioned thread. :lol:

a small announcement

Today, he Altered the "Tittle of this Thread" per his political affiliation - though his intention of Altering it was "Non Partisan". :tsk: However, when I reported this thread - The Tittle was changed to the one reported by Newspaper. :lol:
He had started the below mentioned thread. :lol:

a small announcement

Today, he Altered the "Tittle of this Thread" per his political affiliation - though his intention of Altering it was "Non Partisan". :tsk: However, when I reported this thread - The Tittle was changed to the one reported by Newspaper. :lol:
LOL ....so what was the original "non partisan" Title of this thread?
LOL ....so what was the original "non partisan" Title of this thread?

Here is the "Original" Non Partisan Tittle of this thread: :lol:
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