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JNU sedition case: Meet the family of the student who is a ‘danger to Mother India’

yeah, got back to the design after my break from pdf a few days ago... the portable computer in which the processor must sit, i made the design more universal and simpler so the processor design will have lesser number of pins and will have some image processing built-in.

as for prototype, am gathering a small team ( through a friend ) to build a emulator... though if i am able to gather some money i will go for a fpga-based prototype... i have spoken to my bank ( a private one ) for loan three times, and well... **shrug**

the establishment keeps talking of "start-ups" and there is great flurry of this among the techies here but when it comes to fund the really useful things ( not the cell phone apps and the exam-preparation sites and the e-commerce sites ) it is so frustrating in not being able to find working capital.

Getting grants from US research institutions are much easier, but don't know about them funding an Indian startup. Our research group recently got a grant for $275,000 per year for 3 years from NIH on low cost Cancer/AIDS detection devices.
ever the indian nationalist, eh razia?? :)

i have never seen you voice out a single time against the ridiculous indian political/social/economic system.

you want kanhaiya jailed but you never said the same about the many colonel purohits or the "shareef" employees of private/government capitalist finance institutions who compelled 300,000 indian farmers to suicide just between 1995 and 2015.
Thats because I largely support the existing political system of India. However a lot is desired on socio-economic fronts that has shown a slower growth vis-a-vis other political system but our political system has ability and acceptability to address any issues. I am not with it 100% and do comment on the issues i disagree.
For your info, col. purohit is in jail and i find it unfortunate that Kanhaiya has to go to jail. He and his likes in JNU have shown vulnerability at a time when terrorism poses a big threat to civilization worldwide. When I was student, I expected the govt. to take action against SIMI but they did not nip it in the bud only to ban it later.
Farmers' suicide indeed is a big issue but everyone uses it for political mileage rather than coming out with a concrete solution.
The family back ground should not come in the way of justice. poor Kanhaiya allowed himself to be used by some anti India elements. while raising slogans can not be a crime but people who shout "bharat ki barbaadi tak..... " must be probed for their suicidal tendencies.

Raising slogans can be a crime under Hate speech. What if the slogan was against prophet muhammed ? double standards ?

Let the court decide. I agree that hiding your sins behind family background is pointless except to confuse the feeble minded.

When in college or university they should concentrate on their studies instead of petty politics.

They are studying petty politics which will give them handsome returns in the future as a "neta" or his side kick.

There is always a method to the madness.

Thats because I largely support the existing political system of India. However a lot is desired on socio-economic fronts that has shown a slower growth vis-a-vis other political system but our political system has ability and acceptability to address any issues. I am not with it 100% and do comment on the issues i disagree.
For your info, col. purohit is in jail and i find it unfortunate that Kanhaiya has to go to jail. He and his likes in JNU have shown vulnerability at a time when terrorism poses a big threat to civilization worldwide. When I was student, I expected the govt. to take action against SIMI but they did not nip it in the bud only to ban it later.
Farmers' suicide indeed is a big issue but everyone uses it for political mileage rather than coming out with a concrete solution.

Do you also find it "unfortunate" that Kamlesh Tiwari had to go to jail ?

Lucknow: Man arrested for ‘derogatory remark’ against Prophet | The Indian Express

Housewives suicide is also a bigger issue, much larger than farmer suicide. No worries about concrete solutions for that ?
What is so special in this family ? There are thousands and lacs of such families in india.
Their kids dont go on nurtutring a seditious and secessionist ideologies in their colleges or workplace.

Criminal is a criminal, irrespective of its economical background.
Tommorrow you will come in defence of those rapers just becoz they are poor.
Just for the information..

Hafiz Saeed's father was farmer.
Dawood Ibrahim's father was constable.
Kasab's father sold dahi wada.

Be kind to them because they're poor.. Let them go...

However they can also choose to become Abdul Kalam, Manmohan singh, Modi but alas. they choose to become secular :)
JNU sedition case: Meet the family of the student who is a ‘danger to Mother India’

Santosh Singh
The Indian Express
14 February 2016


In an old brick house in Bihat village in Bihar’s Begusarai district, the home of arrested JNU students’ union president Kanhaiya Kumar, his parents are stunned by the sedition charge slapped on him. They say he can never be “a danger to Mother India” as he is being called.

Confined to his bed since 2013 when the left side of his body was paralysed, 65-year-old Jaishankar Singh maintains: “I could study only up to Class X but I ensured my children received good education. Education is the biggest capital for poor people like us. No video or audio footage has shown my son saying anything anti-national. He has been framed.” Turning to a crowd that has gathered at his home, he asks, “What do you think will happen? Only God knows...”

Kanhaiya’s mother Meena Devi puts on a brave face. “This phase will pass... Nothing shall happen to my son because he can never say or do anything against the country... There is a court. I have full faith in my son and God.” An anganwadi worker, she supports the family with her earnings of Rs 3,000 a month — the eldest of three sons too works.

Struggling to raise himself on the bed to catch TV updates on his son, Singh believes his son has been “framed because JNU is a Left stronghold”. He thinks Kanhaiya landed in trouble because “he had campaigned for the CPI candidate” during the Bihar polls last year.

Bihat is part of the Teghra assembly constituency, now held by the JD(U) but known as the “Leningrad of Bihar” because it was the Left citadel for four decades, witness to many a vicious battle with non-Left parties.

“Kanhaiya has been with the All India Students Federation (the student arm of the CPI) since high school,” says younger brother Prince, preparing for competitive entrance examinations in Delhi. “I too am in student politics. My entire family is Communist.”

From the R K C High School in Barauni, Kanhaiya graduated from Magadh University. Kanhaiya’s father is a Class X-dropout who used to work in supply of stones. Meena Devi is a matriculate. Their eldest son, Manikant, works as a supervisor with a company in Assam.

The Begusarai units of the All India Students Federation and All India Youth Federation protested against Union Ministers Rajnath Singh and Smriti Irani Saturday.

“There has been a sustained attempt at saffronisation of JNU and Kanhaiya has become a pawn in the battle between Left and others,” claims AISF leader Ramkrishna. Prahlad Singh of the AIYF leader joins him: \”The NDA found nothing anti-national in Nathuram Godse’s supporters, but arrested Kanhaiya for saying nothing.”


source - JNU sedition case: Meet the family of the student who is a ‘danger to Mother India’


jamahir's comment : enough of fascism and terrorism by bjp, abvp, rss and the rest of the sangh... the innocents and the oppressed in india wish for a bjp-mukt-india... this would be also good for the world.

and some cynical members were talking about the low-cost of hosteling in the jnu campus, which they said is a reason for the agitating students to not "continue their studies" but prolong their stay in jnu by "indulging in political activity"... they should read the highlighted section above about the poverty conditions of the family of the student leader.

and the article mentions "the leningrad of bihar"... i have posted a thread on this place in october 2015 :

in bihar flies the flag of socialism

long live rohith vemula !!
long live govind pansare !!
long live gajendra singh !!
long live mohammad akhlaq !!
long live humanism !!

laal salaam and green flag.
I am a leftist too, but dont paint your anti-india hatred as left. People like you is why communism got bad name in India. Communism never meant to be anti-nation, your lot is just plain "Terrorist", branding itself with an ideology.
The family back ground should not come in the way of justice. poor Kanhaiya allowed himself to be used by some anti India elements. while raising slogans can not be a crime but people who shout "bharat ki barbaadi tak..... " must be probed for their suicidal tendencies.

One can clearly see that leftists ideology has no future in this country, it is going to die a natural death.
I am a leftist too, but dont paint your anti-india hatred as left. People like you is why communism got bad name in India. Communism never meant to be anti-nation, your lot is just plain "Terrorist", branding itself with an ideology.

Communism in India is nothing but anti-national. Prove it otherwise right from 1960s before challenging me.
I am a leftist too, but dont paint your anti-india hatred as left. People like you is why communism got bad name in India. Communism never meant to be anti-nation, your lot is just plain "Terrorist", branding itself with an ideology.

"when governments have fallen, militaries have been disbanded, and people rule themselves"

"workers of the world unite !!"

popular sayings the two are in context of communism... they are against the concept of nation, going against what you said above. :)

i want to know why you described yourself as a leftist?? which stream of leftism do you feel most close to??

besides, only a anti-social or psychopath would stand against socialism.
"when governments have fallen, militaries have been disbanded, and people rule themselves"

"workers of the world unite !!"

popular sayings the two are in context of communism... they are against the concept of nation, going against what you said above. :)

i want to know why you described yourself as a leftist?? which stream of leftism do you feel most close to??

besides, only a anti-social or psychopath would stand against socialism.

Bring socialism in India the Gaddafi way

Revealed: Muammar Gaddafi's dirty, secret sexual encounters with women - Oneindia

Yay !!
Thats because I largely support the existing political system of India. However a lot is desired on socio-economic fronts that has shown a slower growth vis-a-vis other political system but our political system has ability and acceptability to address any issues. I am not with it 100% and do comment on the issues i disagree.

you must make that simpler... i am a simple person and do not understand these mba wordings. :)

For your info, col. purohit is in jail

there are many more where he came from... one can see this in the number of retirees of his type, sitting on tv talk show panels or writing war-mongering and pro-sangh articles in newspapers or sitting in nationalist "think tanks". :)

give me the steps in which these types are removed.

and i find it unfortunate that Kanhaiya has to go to jail. He and his likes in JNU have shown vulnerability at a time when terrorism poses a big threat to civilization worldwide.

how about nato terrorism against libya, syria, venezuela, cuba, dprk, russia, iraq and china??

four million north koreans killed in the nato invasion of the korean peninsula in the korea war of 1950-53... a million in iraq... 250,000+ in syria... 150,000+ in libya... many in venezuela, with assassination attempts against the socialist leadership... we need not speak about cuba... etc etc.

When I was student, I expected the govt. to take action against SIMI but they did not nip it in the bud only to ban it later.

so you wanted simi acted against but not abvp?? and not rss??

Farmers' suicide indeed is a big issue but everyone uses it for political mileage rather than coming out with a concrete solution.

when socialists like me present simple and practical solutions and present example from actually progressive countries, why are we immediately insulted, without any intellectual engagement??

the phenomenon of mass suicides by farmers is india-specific... what do you think is the reason??
you must make that simpler... i am a simple person and do not understand these mba wordings. :)
You have a tendency to dig into each word and letter. Try to get the essence. In simple words I support the Indian constitution and parliamentary democracy. I prefer democracy over dictatorship of a king, military general or proletariat. Having said that, there are systems and laws that needs to be written afresh or amended as the society progresses. Also the parliamentary democracy has not been very effective in bringing about fast socio-economic changes that a dictatorship would have done but I still favour democracy.

there are many more where he came from... one can see this in the number of retirees of his type, sitting on tv talk show panels or writing war-mongering and pro-sangh articles in newspapers or sitting in nationalist "think tanks". :)

give me the steps in which these types are removed.
Nationalism is not a bad word first of all. A nation is a collective word representing a whole lot of people within a geographical boundary. Until we are able to abolish national boundaries, nations are the best units for governance.
Next, all creativity, thought and ideology should be allowed to be debated in a society but if such an ideology favours violence and undermines basics of humanitarian values like liberty and equality then it should be checked.
Col Purohit may have an ideology but he resorted to violence and terror. Others having similar ideology but refraining from abetting any violence should be heard in a debate.
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