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Jinnah of Modern India

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Do you want me to remember this as the last thread of the forum I should remember? The other option is the expletive filled name calling I'm currently indulging in. If you know anything about me at all, you know what my choice is. If I survive a ban with just a warning (highly unlikely), I promise to come to this thread later.


ban this idiot n cose the thread.

:lol: truth hurts.
Owaisi is no Jinnah.

I am inclined to agree with you. Mr Jinnah had the strength and (with respect to the great man) the b@lls to articulate his policy and his vision without candy coating it. As for Owaisi, I cannot but lament on this man's disgusting habit of playing communal politics purely to thicken the butter on his bread and for no other reason. The words "policy" and "vision" are non-existent in his vocabulary which mostly consists of the words "begging bowl for Muslims". I must therefore agree with @Spring Onion that to compare Owaisi to Mr Jinnah is an insult and a slur on everything that Mr Jinnah stood for
Jinnah was a man of vision, strong grit, he captivated millions by his energy, his old fragile fingers had an effect no less than a magic wand on the hearts of our people, he was soft spoken, dressed like a celeb, he not only had the ability to chalk out plans but also to see them become a reality. He was equally loved by the rich, the poor and minorities.

Drawing a comparison between one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century and a loud mouth rug seller is utterly stupid.
Jinnah was a man of vision, strong grit, he captivated millions by his energy, his old fragile fingers had an effect no less than a magic wand on the hearts of our people, he was soft spoken, dressed like a celeb, he not only had the ability to chalk out plans but also to see them become a reality. He was equally loved by the rich, the poor and minorities.

Drawing a comparison between one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century and a loud mouth rug seller is utterly stupid.

He was a lawyer, a statesman, a populist politician and a visionary who was internationally respected during his time. To compare such a man to Mr Owaisi just simply makes me sick to the stomach. The comparison is as hilarious as comparing Saddam for example to George Washington. When will people stop throwing names around just to sell an article remains beyond me !
If India did have a Muslim leader of Jinnah's stature, it would've been an enviable democracy.
Jinnah was a man of vision, strong grit,
No doubt in that he had vision and his grit helped him achieve that. But you must not overlook the fact that he had massive muslim population support .
he captivated millions by his energy,
You have no ideas of crowd's strength which Owaisi pulls.
his old fragile fingers had an effect no less than a magic wand on the hearts of our people, he was soft spoken, dressed like a celeb,
Even Owaisi dresses like celeb.
he not only had the ability to chalk out plans but also to see them become a reality.
Again muslim population was his strength.
He was equally loved by the rich, the poor and minorities.

Drawing a comparison between one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century and a loud mouth rug seller is utterly stupid.

Their is one very stark similarity, I don't know how you are overlooking that.

If India did have a Muslim leader of Jinnah's stature, it would've been an enviable democracy.
Then why did Jinnah broke away ?? If India already had Jinnah to make her enviable democracy then why did he brought two nation theory ??

@Horus take care of this troll.

:lol: It's you who is name calling and posting nothing on topic and I am trolling ???
If India did have a Muslim leader of Jinnah's stature, it would've been an enviable democracy.

But India is an enviable democracy :D

I am however inclined to state that the demands of Mr Jinnah initially were reasonable and that the only reason why Congress dismissed them was to ensure that Congress remained safe without any formidable opposition to its governance of India. Ironically, some of Mr Jinnah's demands were adopted by the Congress in its later years of rule to safeguard its vote bank amongst the Muslims of India. I also hold the view that had partition not occurred then by the 1970s there would have been a good chance of the Muslim League taking over the government of India, subject however to the condition that Mr Jinnah's demands were accepted as a prerequisite to partition not taking place. That however is a story for another thread and another day :undecided:
Jinnah was a man of vision, strong grit, he captivated millions by his energy, his old fragile fingers had an effect no less than a magic wand on the hearts of our people, he was soft spoken, dressed like a celeb, he not only had the ability to chalk out plans but also to see them become a reality. He was equally loved by the rich, the poor and minorities.

Drawing a comparison between one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century and a loud mouth rug seller is utterly stupid.
If India did have a Muslim leader of Jinnah's stature, it would've been an enviable democracy.

You have in my opinion done two things - Given a tongue in the cheek compliment to Indian democracy and in a way contradicted your first post.

If I were Owasi instead of anything else I would demand free education for Muslims till any level they wished to study provided they scored good marks and competed with all for admission on a level playing field based on merit alone.

@ Subject, it is possible Owasi sees himself as a Jinnah or his followers would like to project himself as one. Not a good idea as neither does India need a Jinnah nor shall one be accepted.

BTW , does Owasi have TB as well ? India missed it last time.
If you have followed me till now you will realize i do not debate with people of a certain type. this discussion is futile.

Did you read OP ?? Don't discuss it fine, but think over it as it involves your Hyderabad.


Since it was you who closed down my earlier thread, would you at least give me the credit of being ahead of the curve here and point out the thread I started long before this article was even conceived?

Which thread ??
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