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Jibran Nasir need govt protection

I am talking about all western puppets including Jibran Nasir

By taking funds from west by doing propaganda they want you to do.

So what do you want people to do? Not protest against that mad man ? . If i was in islamabad in those days i would have went and joined to protest . Does that make me a western puppet ? . I doubt any sane man will want to be on any extremist organizations hit list . he got a threat call from ehsanullah ehsan that day which is available on internet .

If he was a stooge he would have applied for a refugee status or went abroad he is still here and facing threats .
I am talking about all western puppets including Jibran Nasir
The thread is about Jibran Nasir so let's stick to that.

Zarvan is it possible that the logic you are using may be flawed? Like I said before, explaining everything as a yahoodi sazish is not an argument, it is paranoid schizophrenia.

EVEN IF he is a western stooge I think we can use a lot of such stooges to stand up to the likes of abdul aziz.

Also I don't see how he is a stooge. Did he say something inaccurate about important issues? Did he run away? I would have if I had such threats.

When I think western stooge I think Hussain haqqani, not Jibran Nasir.
So what do you want people to do? Not protest against that mad man ? . If i was in islamabad in those days i would have went and joined to protest . Does that make me a western puppet ? . I doubt any sane man will want to be on any extremist organizations hit list . he got a threat call from ehsanullah ehsan that day which is available on internet .

If he was a stooge he would have applied for a refugee status or went abroad he is still here and facing threats .
People hate Mullah Aziz and he was loosing support until these known western stooges started protesting against him and since than I have seen many people started supporting this Mullah Aziz again. Now I am not talking specifically related to Lal Masjid I am talking Generally. These NGOs goons are funded by USA and west and do propaganda and other crap on west's behalf

Hopefully news like this will act as a deterrent to would be killers of Nasir

Let's hope so !!!! but death sentence hardly deters ideological militants.
Your denial won't change reality. Reality is Jibran Nasir and other NGOs and their heads are known western stooges funded and directed by west and these western pets carry out dirty work of west. Your denial is amusing
absolutely unbelievable. you still stick your garbage. do you have any proof to show that jibran nasir is a western stooge? the credentials of some ngos are very dubious i agree, but we're talking about this particular person right now. he's just a man with a conscience who doesn't want extremism to spread in society, and you're calling him west funded agent.
that's as outlandish as saying that you zarvan are a saudi funded wahabi mullah who supports taliban version of islam (on second thought that might just be true) without having any evidence to prove it.
get how ignorant your pov is?
absolutely unbelievable. you still stick your garbage. do you have any proof to show that jibran nasir is a western stooge? the credentials of some ngos are very dubious i agree, but we're talking about this particular person right now. he's just a man with a conscience who doesn't want extremism to spread in society, and you're calling him west funded agent.
that's as outlandish as saying that you zarvan are a saudi funded wahabi mullah who supports taliban version of islam (on second thought that might just be true) without having any evidence to prove it.
get how ignorant your pov is?
Jibran Nadir is funded by USA just like other NGOs and agencies have proof. I am a Muslim and proud of it unlike these western paid stooges one of them is Jibran Nasir. Don't worry soon Zarb e Azb against these western puppets is going to start. Army is already busy making list of all USA and West and Indian paid liberal jokers.
Only Jibran stand and face the Maulana Burqa face to face infront Lal Masjid ....anyone has guts ?????? He said, he is constantly receiving threats from Taliban....Plus, he is only person who lodged FIR against Lal Masjid Maulana. Do you guys think that was an easy task???? When present Govt of PMLn has open case against Musharraf on Lal Masjid uprising.

Mullah aziz should be captured. I think LEAs are waiting for right time, when time will come, he will be sorted out too....
Mullah aziz should be captured. I think LEAs are waiting for right time, when time will come, he will be sorted out too....
Its easier said than done he has 1000,s of brain dead supporters in twin cities we need a realistic approach arresting him will aet twin cities on fire again its a sad reality but he has grass root level support among the masses he was able to summon a crowd of 1000,s just in one day

So what can we do about the nine zero of Islamabad i say places catch fire right so ac kay compressor phatney say ag lag gaye agey ap samjhdaar hain :D
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