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JI urges govt to end efforts at friendship with India!


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JI urges govt to end efforts at friendship with India
By Our Correspondent
Published: August 15, 2015


Jamaat-i-Islami general secretary. PHOTO: REUTERS


LAHORE: The Jamaat-i-Islami general secretary suggested on Friday that the federal government abandon the idea of friendship with India. He said national interests alone should guide the foreign policy.

He was speaking at a flag hoisting ceremony at JI headquarters in Mansoora.

He said India had never reconciled to the establishment of Pakistan. He said the United States and India wanted to destabilise the country.

He said Pakistan should seek support from Iran and Afghanistan to foil their designs.

The JI leader urged the United States to stop patronizing terrorist outfits and opt for peaceful resolution of its conflicts in the region.

Baloch said Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part of Pakistan. He said India had occupied the territory in violation of international agreements. He said rallies and processions held across Indian held Kashmir to celebrate the Independence Day of Pakistan should serve as a lesson for Indian government. He praised the services of Huriyyat Conference leader Syed Ali Gilani for the cause of Kashmir’s independence from India.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 15th, 2015.
JI urges govt to end efforts at friendship with India - The Express Tribune

Yes, its same Jamat-e-Islami whose leaders are hanged these days for committing massacres against their own people during East Pakistan's war for independence!
A very wise suggestion indeed. I would request Pakistan to pay heed immediately.
I dont like JI but i think they r right. Right now we seem to be on top and we should be aggressive with them on our demands and objectives Like how they were doing when their congress gov was in power.
I think we should simply ignore each other. We have nothing to do with Pakistan in any case.

It is just trying to manage the situation from blowing over. Why should we need to mollycoddle someone just so that they don't blow up in our markets!
I think we should simply ignore each other. We have nothing to do with Pakistan in any case.

It is just trying to manage the situation from blowing over. Why should we need to mollycoddle someone just so that they don't blow up in our markets!
Just reported your BS. Deal with your own terrorists first!

A very wise suggestion indeed. I would request Pakistan to pay heed immediately.
So pay heed and leave PDF immediately. You are not interested in building positive relations with Pakistan, only hating it.

There can be no good ties with Indians because of their full to support to terrorists, illegally occupied Kashmir & so on.
And what is Pakistan's role in supporting Kashmiri terrorists?

I dont like JI but i think they r right. Right now we seem to be on top and we should be aggressive with them on our demands and objectives Like how they were doing when their congress gov was in power.
Congress Party had no balls. BJP is not Congress!
Just reported your BS. Deal with your own terrorists first!

I agree, we should deal with our terrorists. We just don't need those coming from the West.

I have nothing against Pakistan or a normal civilized relationship with it. It is just that it is not practical now.

Read Christina Fair's extremely well researched book on the Pakistan army and how it views the relationship with India. It will be obvious why I said what I said.
Read Christina Fair's extremely well researched book on the Pakistan army and how it views the relationship with India. It will be obvious why I said what I said.
Our Army's attitude towards India can change anytime, depending on the COAS in charge atm. Pakistan's Defense Establishment has never been suicidal regarding India.
Our Army's attitude towards India can change anytime, depending on the COAS in charge atm. Pakistan's Defense Establishment has never been suicidal regarding India.

May be. It has not happened so far but one can always hope for a better future.

Till that time, it is a good suggestion that we remain aloof from each other. We have chosen different destinies as a natural outcome of the partition and the TNT.

It doesn't mean we have to be eternal enemies.
We have been enemies for the past 68 years? You think that's gonna change for 68 next years? Do not think so!

As an Indian, I can tell you that I don't think of Pakistan as an enemy. It is a nuisance, yes, because of it's terrorist activities and obsession with us but no more.

This feeling is something that I see with most Indians. Of course, there are Indians of all spectrum, from mombattiwalas to "hate Pakistan" kind and that is quite natural given our history.

Most Indians would be happy to just ignore Pakistan till things change and it seems to be the view of the GOI as well for a long time now.

Pakistan can take its time making up its mind and we are fine if it takes an eternity. Till that time, we need to spend some energy managing the nuisance (hopefully in decreasing quanity).
We have been enemies for the past 68 years? You think that's gonna change for 68 next years? Do not think so!
i think it can be, who hates peace and love, i have a lot of indian friends here in states but some of the members here from Pak and India are like ready to kill each other what a shame :angry::angry:
Kashmiri freedom fighters. Some of them have links with TTP, ISIS.
Son im also a Kashmiri and that Kashmiri whose forefathers fought for its liberation. Yr buying too much into indian propaganda here They dont have no links with TTP and ISIS. ISIS in south asia is a new version of Indian proxy game to replace TTP. Pakistan wont allow anything related to Pakistan join its alliance.

That ISIS drama was orchased by RAW in Kashmir to divert attention and misguide Kashmiris as well as world opinion abt latest uprisings. Do u even know they forcefully shut the communications in Kashmir? yes these ISIS people did that. They made them close the mobile shops mobile towers etc etc?

Because these lines of communications r the ones which can tell the world thats happening in valley, Pakistan doesnt want that nor the freedom fighters because they want self determination by making their voices heard in international community not the otherway around, which is in indian interests, India has recently banned their media for the coverage of valley just when they hoisted our flag there because they were gaining more attention in their masses of whats going on.

Dont judge the book by its cover, same way a man is known by his deeds not oral claims. Just look what ISIS drama did in Kashmir and whose favor was it in, Pakistan's or India's, then u will know.
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