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Japanese TV fosters pointless prejudice towards Korea

Koreas don't like Japan it is well known fact , and Japan does not likes Koreans

When Korea plays Japan in football Korea generally owns Japan , becasue they are much better team, Just a constant struggle to define own culture better then others , and this goes beyond to
WW2 or Prior time due to conflict of war

Rivalry exists in Corporate world
Social surroundings
Sports Team based (Football , Volleyball, Basket ball , any regional team sport)
Single Events

Even debate on best combat form Korean like their Taekwondo
Japanese , favor their own Judo / Samurai - Sumo / Karate

Even the foot debate is high as Japanese like the raw/ low fat food while Korean typically like
extra Hot spicy food
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I think Modern Day South Korea is perhaps , a nation that would have been the outcome of Pakistan had we not been embroiled in meaningless War in Afghanistan

Korea developed their Auto Sector and various industries Just 25-30 years ago , initially their cars lacked quality but they have Copied the latest design from all auto sector and continued to grow their own Engineering Sector rather then buy from outside and today the Korean cars are even sold in Continental USA

Hyundai cars bringing lot of $$ to Korean economy and employing local Engineer force

While Japan keeps selling us

Also Japanese were mostly more richer in comparison so they had this chip on the shoulders being better economically , better in Education , and better corporations not only local but global corporation - So when Korea emerged on the scene they challenged that Japanese Dominance in market

Which is why even in the commercial we can see folks complaining why their products are being copied in Korea i.e Chocolate boxes (instead of importing local Koreans making their own local brand)
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Don't think there needs to be Fostering of prejudice towards Korean in Japan.
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