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Japan to grant ODA to Vietnam to build patrol ships


May 29, 2014
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United States
Japan is proceeding with steps to provide an ODA sum for Vietnam to build new patrol ships for its law enforcement forces, President of the Japanese House of Representatives Committee on Security Eto Akinori said on Monday.

The Japanese official made the statement at a meeting with Vietnamese Deputy Defense Minister, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh in Hanoi on July 7, the Vietnam News Agency reported.

Eto Akinori, who is a congressman from the Liberal Democratic Party, also expressed high expectations for bilateral defense ties to continue developing in line with the two countries’ strategic partnership.

He congratulated Vietnam on launching a peacekeeping center in the Vietnamese capital and promised assistance through personnel training.

Meanwhile, Deputy Defense Minister Vinh suggested better joint work to realize a memorandum of understanding on bilateral defense cooperation and exchange signed between the two sides in 2011.

He also thanked Japan for protesting China’s illegal placement of oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

The Vietnamese official expressed his hope that Japan will continue supporting Vietnam in the latter’s fight against China’s violation of its sovereignty.

Japan to grant ODA to Vietnam to build patrol ships

Japan is completing legal procedures to grand aids for a Vietnamese government’s project to build patrol ships for law enforcement forces, President of the Japanese House of Representatives Committee on Security Eto Akinori said on Monday.
During his visit to Hanoi, Akinori's Committee on Security and the Vietnamese parliament's Committee for Defence and Security have also agreed to work together in enhancing the capacity of Vietnamese coast guard

Akinori met his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Kim Khoa, Chairman of the Vietnamese parliament's Committee for Defence and Security, as well as Deputy Defence Minister, Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Chi Vinh in separate meetings.

In their meetings, he praised Vietnam’s efforts in solving disputes in the South China Sea peacefully and in line with international law.

He said Japan is willing to cooperate with the ASEAN member nations in safeguarding sea and air security and peace and maintaining maritime and aviation freedom.

The Vietnamese hosts thanks Japan for raising voice against China’s illegal move of installing its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou - 981 in Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone

They expressed hope that Japan would continue backing Vietnam's protest against China’s wrongful acts.

Japan promises aids for Vietnam's building of patrol ships | Politics | Thanh Nien Daily
The Vietnamese official expressed his hope that Japan will continue supporting Vietnam in the latter’s fight against China’s violation of its sovereignty.
VN and JP alone r small nations, can not counter big countries like US-China in long time, so I hope JP will help VN to unite sub-Mekong region, and VN will support JP to acquire nuke bomb. Then we will not afraid of any big enemies any more :cheers:
Just make sure to take care of the corruption, my friend. We really are serious about graft/ corruption. :astagh:

Viet-Nam has a lot to contribute to ASEAN economy, and also to Japan. So a stable and prosperous Viet Nam is good for entire Asia-Pacific.
I doubt that this will happen here in the Philippines - being granted to build ships with Japanese support due to corruption now at all time high (again) and there is too much bureaucracy in the military.
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Giving beggars pistol is not charity. It's a gesture of encouraging robbery. Japan played a very evil role In this trade. It pushes Vietnam into hell.
I hardly think it will be pushing any nation, let alone Viet Nam, into any sort of hell. First of all, the Viet Namese have a large maritime domain, and considering the status of their Coast Guard, it is quite deficient. These coast guard ships are for maritime interdiction and have limited offensive capability. There is no reason why China or any other countries would take this as a threat; but rather, welcome the Viet Namese Government's ability to control her own maritime activity. Plus, one has to understand that Viet Nam also shares a maritime boundary with Cambodia, and has interests into the Gulf of Thailand. They should and would probably be used to assess her southern corridor, not necessarily around the Gulf of Tonkin.

I doubt that this will happen here in the Philippines - being granted to build ships with Japanese support due to corruption now at all time high (again) and there is too much bureaucracy in the military.

Japan is donating 10 coast guard cutters to the Philippine Coast Guard. Our government has a softer heart for the Philippines, and considering the need of your country in maritime interdiction. Afterall, the Philippines is home to thousands of Japanese businesses ; and we have plans to make the Philippines the industrial hub of ASEAN. :-)

Japan sending 10 vessels for PCG patrols | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com


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Thank you Japan

It's just the beginning of a long way. We urgently not only need more and powerful patrol vessels but advanced warships. Japan should fund our military build up. China under Xi Jinping seems determined to seek hegemony in Asia by force.
I hardly think it will be pushing any nation, let alone Viet Nam, into any sort of hell. First of all, the Viet Namese have a large maritime domain, and considering the status of their Coast Guard, it is quite deficient. These coast guard ships are for maritime interdiction and have limited offensive capability. There is no reason why China or any other countries would take this as a threat; but rather, welcome the Viet Namese Government's ability to control her own maritime activity. Plus, one has to understand that Viet Nam also shares a maritime boundary with Cambodia, and has interests into the Gulf of Thailand. They should and would probably be used to assess her southern corridor, not necessarily around the Gulf of Tonkin.

Japan is donating 10 coast guard cutters to the Philippine Coast Guard. Our government has a softer heart for the Philippines, and considering the need of your country in maritime interdiction. Afterall, the Philippines is home to thousands of Japanese businesses ; and we have plans to make the Philippines the industrial hub of ASEAN. :-)

Japan sending 10 vessels for PCG patrols | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com



It's not a threat, far from it. But you can see, how it looks. Japan giving Vietnam ships makes no difference, in terms of those ships, they are so limited in ability, all it is, it may waste a couple millions of dollars worth of missiles and ammo, if that.

If Abe truly wants to negotiate, negotiate. You can give the ships anytime, but to do it now is bad timing.

You said this is no threat, neither is ADIZ, but you guys still made a fuss. By itself, it's just a line on a map, it has no practical value, unless we place practical value on top, by that I mean actually shooting things down, which we didn't.

But over all, it's this Japan isn't doing enough to help Vietnam and Philippines, you really can't give enough, unless you give them your entire arsenal of weapons, and the F-35 coming in, so why do it right now? Either go all the way or not at all, otherwise you are really just sabotaging yourself. Not enough to deter and not enough good will to negotiate.
It's not a threat, far from it. But you can see, how it looks. Japan giving Vietnam ships makes no difference, in terms of those ships, they are so limited in ability, all it is, it may waste a couple millions of dollars worth of missiles and ammo, if that.

If Abe truly wants to negotiate, negotiate. You can give the ships anytime, but to do it now is bad timing.

You said this is no threat, neither is ADIZ, but you guys still made a fuss. By itself, it's just a line on a map, it has no practical value, unless we place practical value on top, by that I mean actually shooting things down, which we didn't.

But over all, it's this Japan isn't doing enough to help Vietnam and Philippines, you really can't give enough, unless you give them your entire arsenal of weapons, and the F-35 coming in, so why do it right now? Either go all the way or not at all, otherwise you are really just sabotaging yourself. Not enough to deter and not enough good will to negotiate.

Do you know that even South Korea , a vested friend of the Peoples Republic of China , too, gave the Philippines military hardware. In fact, South Korea donated a Pohang Class Corvette, with its military arsenal included. Now, also, South Korea is selling the Philippines 12 of its FA-50 Eagle , trainer fighters. These acquisitions will be the first time the Philippine Air Force will have jet fighters to cover her air domain in 10 years since they mothballed their F-5 Tigers.

Yet, you do not hear any news about this do you? South Korea is not demonized at all. But Japan, is. Japan is always put in a negative light in Chinese media, as i read it. Unfortunately.

We are not selling offensive weaponry or vehicles, but Coast Guard Ships.


Korea Navy Donates Pohang-Class Corvette to Philippine Navy >> Naval Today

Philippines Orders South Korean TA-50 Jets | Defense Update:

Deal to buy 12 fighters jets from South Korea reached | Inquirer Global Nation
Do you know that even South Korea , a vested friend of the Peoples Republic of China , too, gave the Philippines military hardware. In fact, South Korea donated a Pohang Class Corvette, with its military arsenal included. Now, also, South Korea is selling the Philippines 12 of its FA-50 Eagle , trainer fighters. These acquisitions will be the first time the Philippine Air Force will have jet fighters to cover her air domain in 10 years since they mothballed their F-5 Tigers.

Yet, you do not hear any news about this do you? South Korea is not demonized at all. But Japan, is. Japan is always put in a negative light in Chinese media, as i read it. Unfortunately.

We are not selling offensive weaponry or vehicles, but Coast Guard Ships.


Korea Navy Donates Pohang-Class Corvette to Philippine Navy >> Naval Today

Philippines Orders South Korean TA-50 Jets | Defense Update:

Deal to buy 12 fighters jets from South Korea reached | Inquirer Global Nation

You know why you are different? You are not SK. Why is Japan demonizing China and not Russia? Russia had more fly bys from history and now. Why is Japan and US talking war with China, but not Russia?

Different people have different reactions. SK has no apparent need for an alliance, especially to counter China, Japan, whether you think you do or not, has.

It's like if your friend and me were both looking at your bike and touching the lock, you will go talk to your friend and have a conversation, but you might think I'm stealing it. Same action, different reaction.
You know why you are different? You are not SK. Why is Japan demonizing China and not Russia? Russia had more fly bys from history and now. Why is Japan and US talking war with China, but not Russia?

We are not demonizing China. If you look at any Japanese media outlet, be it NHK, Japan Times, Shimbun, Sapporo Times, et al, none of these are ever using negative terms for China. They only express concern on Chinese fly by to Senkakus. I would even deign to say that Japanese media in smaller prefecures even write articles that are sympathetic to China, and remind readers of the importance of China and Japan friendship.

What you read in your state media does not necessarily portray the absolute obtuse picture.

Different people have different reactions. SK has no apparent need for an alliance, especially to counter China, Japan, whether you think you do or not, has.

Are you sure? Last I remember, South Korea also hosts United States military bases , and conducts annual naval and air exercises, which are targeted for threat(s) to her sovereignty.
Giving beggars pistol is not charity. It's a gesture of encouraging robbery. Japan played a very evil role In this trade. It pushes Vietnam into hell.
ha ha ha just keep up your rant and propaganda. It is useless as everyone outside China knows the truth. Australia foreign minister names you as enemy. China is a country that doesn't respect weakness, nor rule of international law.

We are beggar?

Oh yes, we are. Wait until we get the means and we will slap your dirty face as we had done in the last 1,000 years. Everything comes in due time.
We are not demonizing China. If you look at any Japanese media outlet, be it NHK, Japan Times, Shimbun, Sapporo Times, et al, none of these are ever using negative terms for China. They only express concern on Chinese fly by to Senkakus. I would even deign to say that Japanese media in smaller prefecures even write articles that are sympathetic to China, and remind readers of the importance of China and Japan friendship.

What you read in your state media does not necessarily portray the absolute obtuse picture.

Are you sure? Last I remember, South Korea also hosts United States military bases , and conducts annual naval and air exercises, which are targeted for threat(s) to her sovereignty.
I read nothing in state media, what I watch on Chinese tv is human interest stories, and some comedy.

Please don't go to the "state media" argument, it's not a good one. I can almost be certain that no Chinese poster on this forum cannot read foreign news.

Let me finish off by just asking you one thing, do you think in terms of reaction Japan and Korea would be the same? If not then it doesn't matter what SK is doing, what matters is what Japan is doing.

Just like it doesn't matter what Russia is doing, but what China is doing. Russia is invading Ukraine but apparently China is the one that's provocative and a threat to world peace and stability.

Frankly it doesn't matter what SK is doing, since nobody in China cares. Japan and China have a difficult relationship, for our generation of you and I, that's just the hand we get dealt. Either accept it and move on to solutions, or we can argue some more on what SK is doing.
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