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Japan to grant ODA to Vietnam to build patrol ships

@NiceGuy , Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, so is Cambodia. Whereas Laos and Vietnam are Communist. It would be easier, perhaps, if Laos and Vietnam were to do union. But Cambodia and Thailand? Do you think so? I welcome your input to my query.
VN control Camb military after the war with Pol Pot. Mr Hun Sen, Mr, Tea Banh-Minister of Defense for Cambodia r pro VN. General Meas Sophea, Commander of the Royal Cambodian Army is VNese .
Lt. Gen. Tea Banh, Co-minister of defence born in Koh Kong province, Tea Banh joined the communist underground as company commander in the so-called militia unit of Koh Kong province. He was stationed in Koh Kong and along the Cambodian-Thai border until sometimes before the Vietnamese invasion in Cambodia in 1979. He was trained in Hanoi, and is very fluent in Vietnamese. He is also fluent in Thai and still maintains a huge house in Bangna, Bangkok. Most of his relatives have their second houses in Thailand and also hold Thai identification cards. He was a strong connection with Say Phou Thang, the most senior and powerful figure within the CPP. Say Phou Thang is widely believed to directly report and receives orders from the Vietnamese communist party. Tea Banh who speaks Khmer very bad, was interviewed with Radio Free Asia early 2002. If some of us-Khmers didnt learn to speak Khmer properly, we would not understand what he was talking about. Its terrible accent he uses on Radio Free Asia.

Lt. Gen. Chay Saing Yun, Co-secretary of state widely believed as a Vietnamese national, Chay Saing Yun rarely appears in public meeting, especially with the press. He does not want to be questioned about his background. He is one of the hard-liners and difficult to deal with. During the so-called aborted coup of July 1994 sin song and prince Chrapong, Chay Saing Yun fled to Vietnam.

Lt. Gen. Meas Sophea, Deputy chief of the general staff widely believed as a Vietnamese national, Meas Sophea has a strong connection with Hun Sen. His father was known to be a north Vietnamese (Vietcong) Colonel. He played a major role during the 5-6 July coup.

Thailand after 1979 border war and after the border conflict with Camb, they r so tired to fight with VN now (they know VN behind Camb in the border conflict), so some of Thai Gen turn to support VN against China now(like Major General Surasit Thanadtang from Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute). Thats show a clear sign of unification between VN and Thailand to create a stronger sub-Mekong region.:P
@NiceGuy ,

Thanks for your answer. Whilst I think that it is a good idea for both Thailand and Viet Nam to do away with military provocation since both countries are largely intertwined now through ASEAN. I don't really know much about the local politics in Thailand or Viet Nam, so I welcome reading more news in political development. Thanks again, my friend.
@NiceGuy ,

Thanks for your answer. Whilst I think that it is a good idea for both Thailand and Viet Nam to do away with military provocation since both countries are largely intertwined now through ASEAN. I don't really know much about the local politics in Thailand or Viet Nam, so I welcome reading more news in political development. Thanks again, my friend.
Sub-Mekong region ,specially Thailand-VN have a very important geopolitical position to China-SK-JP-US, as a JPese, u should know clearly abt it.

To avoid US base in Singapore, China is going to build another sea lane in Kra Cannal-Thailand, and to protect that Cannal, China also build a new air base in Spratly island to provide air patrol over that cannal.


Unfortunately, in this case China-Thailand will create a pincer to contain VN from North-East and West. If VN fall, then the important sea lane pass through SCS(east sea) will fall into China's hands too and JP-US base in Okinawa-SK will put under serious threat.

Thats why, ur Govt and US turn to help VN now, and to break the pincer of China-Thailand , we must unite with Thai before they fall into China's hands.

Bcz Thailand dont share the border with China but VN, and bcz Thái generals r so tired to keep fighting with VN, so we have an advantage in unite with Thailand than China.:P
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Do you know that even South Korea , a vested friend of the Peoples Republic of China , too, gave the Philippines military hardware. In fact, South Korea donated a Pohang Class Corvette, with its military arsenal included. Now, also, South Korea is selling the Philippines 12 of its FA-50 Eagle , trainer fighters. These acquisitions will be the first time the Philippine Air Force will have jet fighters to cover her air domain in 10 years since they mothballed their F-5 Tigers.

Yet, you do not hear any news about this do you? South Korea is not demonized at all. But Japan, is. Japan is always put in a negative light in Chinese media, as i read it. Unfortunately.

We are not selling offensive weaponry or vehicles, but Coast Guard Ships.

Well China tried to stop South Korea in allowing the Philippines to buy the FA-50 and there was a thread about it which was made back in 2013. Though I wished we have chosen the Rafale or Gripen...
Don't give money to rat, they will just waste it. LOL

Thank you Japan

It's just the beginning of a long way. We urgently not only need more and powerful patrol vessels but advanced warships. Japan should fund our military build up. China under Xi Jinping seems determined to seek hegemony in Asia by force.
A rat beggar cannot be choosy. LOL
this is actually holding us from joining ASEAN even though we have been asked multiple times .
we are NAM member and no interest in joining military alliance, if it is only about economy then we though join but there is a hint of military alliance in there.

it will because this time china will not help :D

only Laos to support your country cause to joint ASEAN, the rest like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia doesn't agree with that with economic concern, and Geographical area became our main reasons. And then with Laos plea, then we actually giving observer status only in 2011. Don't thinking too high about your country lads. Your GDP per capita is comparable only with our Cambodian, only adding problems if Bangladesh wanna to joint ASEAN
only Laos to support your country cause to joint ASEAN, the rest like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia doesn't agree with that with economic concern, and Geographical area became our main reasons. And then with Laos plea, then we actually giving observer status only in 2011. Don't thinking too high about your country lads. Your GDP per capita is comparable only with our Cambodian, only adding problems if Bangladesh wanna to joint ASEAN
Malaysia supported too :haha:
anyway whatever makes you feel happy:pleasantry:
give me the proof? or you only talking rubbish here
it came in Newspaper long time ago, anyway Our economy is growing at 6% average with Big population.
if you keep info about BD economy, then you will know then BD is going to be big economic hub
Since Japan grants money to Vietnam to build patrol ships, will these be used to patrol the area where the 981 Oil rig is located?
@madokafc check this out, ASEAN seriousness about BD

Dhaka sees it as a rare move by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) because such committees are usually formed in countries that are its dialogue partners.

The Committee formally started its journey on Wednesday at a reception joined by ministers, politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and officials of the foreign ministry.

Malaysian High Commissioner Norlin Othman has been made the Chair of the ‘Dhaka Committee’.

All ASEAN countries, except Cambodia and Laos, have missions in Dhaka.

Though Bangladesh is not yet a dialogue partner of the ASEAN, its secretariat has already approved the 'Dhaka Committee'.

Foreign ministry officials in Dhaka feel this is probably a prelude to making Bangladesh a dialogue partner of the ASEAN, which is one of Asia's economic powerhouse.

source: ASEAN's 'Dhaka committee' -
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