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Japan had plundered 6000 tons of gold from China during the WWII

Japan also destory many historic buildings in China,like one of the buildings in Shanghai 豫园
But what Liang sicheng does showes the differences between China and Japan.T_T

Our chemistry teacher told us that Japanese went to one of the cities in Hubei and plundered mineral here.And I think the total loss must be horrible.
Some datas about the cultural relic loss showed that Japanese did a lot of terrible things.Maybe they put them under the ground,and then..oh it's our relics!
Japan also destory many historic buildings in China,like one of the buildings in Shanghai 豫园
But what Liang sicheng does showes the differences between China and Japan.T_T

Our chemistry teacher told us that Japanese went to one of the cities in Hubei and plundered mineral here.And I think the total loss must be horrible.
Some datas about the cultural relic loss showed that Japanese did a lot of terrible things.Maybe they put them under the ground,and then..oh it's our relics!

The Japanese will deny all as they always did.
The point is that Japan will be put under larger pressure each passing year, not less, for the payment of the moral and material costs they inflicted on China.

There is no running away from it.


‪#‎Japanese‬ aggressors looted some 100,000 precious cultural relics, 3 million precious books and manuscripts, alongside at least 6,000 tons of gold from ‪#‎China‬ during World War II.

Japanese museums label looted Chinese relics as 'national treasures'


Chinese relics looted by Japanese aggressors during World War II are displayed at the Tokyo National Museum. (Photo/Guangzhou Daily)

Japanese aggressors looted some 100,000 precious cultural relics as well as 3 million precious books and manuscripts, alongside at least 6,000 tons of gold from China during World War II, some of which have been labeled "Japan's national treasures" by certain museums, the Guangzhou Daily reported on Thursday.

Chinese official data shows that Japan seized 1,879 cases containing cultural property, as well as numerous cultural relics from China from 1931 to 1945, while Japan's official statistics put the number of looted Chinese cultural relics at 3.6 million items, the paper reports.

Many of the Chinese cultural relics are at Japanese museums. At Tokyo National Museum, about 10,000 Chinese cultural relics are on display, with 11 labeled as "Japan's national treasures" and another 147 as important cultural property. Tourists are prohibited from taking photos of these "national treasures."

A professor from Kyoto University said China was robbed of several million cultural relics by Japan in the war.

A U.S. scholar also told the Guangzhou Daily that Japan looted at least 6,000 tons of gold from China, using shockingly cruel means, during the Nanjing Massacre period.

Both experts said the Japanese looting was not carried out randomly, but was highly organized and carefully plotted.

The Japanese professor added that Japan's looting of Asian countries involved both economic and cultural property, as well as taking people as prisoners, with the number of forced laborers from China hitting 1 million during each year of World War Two.

Japanese troops also ran opium farms and opium processing plants in Northeast and North China during the war, according to the report.

6000 tons is almost certainly an over exaggeration.

China only has 1658 tons in reserve right now.
Japanese museums label looted Chinese relics as 'national treasures'


Chinese relics looted by Japanese aggressors during World War II are displayed at the Tokyo National Museum. (Photo/Guangzhou Daily)

Japanese aggressors looted some 100,000 precious cultural relics as well as 3 million precious books and manuscripts, alongside at least 6,000 tons of gold from China during World War II, some of which have been labeled "Japan's national treasures" by certain museums, the Guangzhou Daily reported on Thursday.

Chinese official data shows that Japan seized 1,879 cases containing cultural property, as well as numerous cultural relics from China from 1931 to 1945, while Japan's official statistics put the number of looted Chinese cultural relics at 3.6 million items, the paper reports.

Many of the Chinese cultural relics are at Japanese museums. At Tokyo National Museum, about 10,000 Chinese cultural relics are on display, with 11 labeled as "Japan's national treasures" and another 147 as important cultural property. Tourists are prohibited from taking photos of these "national treasures."

A professor from Kyoto University said China was robbed of several million cultural relics by Japan in the war.

A U.S. scholar also told the Guangzhou Daily that Japan looted at least 6,000 tons of gold from China, using shockingly cruel means, during the Nanjing Massacre period.

Both experts said the Japanese looting was not carried out randomly, but was highly organized and carefully plotted.

The Japanese professor added that Japan's looting of Asian countries involved both economic and cultural property, as well as taking people as prisoners, with the number of forced laborers from China hitting 1 million during each year of World War Two.

Japanese troops also ran opium farms and opium processing plants in Northeast and North China during the war, according to the report.


Considering what happened to Chinese cultural relics during the cultural revolution, this is a blessing in disguise for the relics
Considering what happened to Chinese cultural relics during the cultural revolution, this is a blessing in disguise for the relics

This would make sense if one looks at history in a fractured manner (that's how propaganda works). But one could also argue that without the destruction of war and the ensuing destruction of society by the Japanese, China would never have gone the communist way and could have developed more smoothly.
Many of the Western powers and Japan, used the riches they looted from China to fund their industrial revolutions and help make them what they are today. China will always out-produce any other nation in production of raw wealth (not the paper currency wealth of the West) and we are seeing that again today. What was in the past, should be left in the past, but China should always remember that being the wealthiest country is nothing, if you allow yourself to become weak from internal corruption, and complacency in your military. May the Chinese people never forget the lessons of the past, which is that the World is dog-eat-dog, and it only respects the most powerful.

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