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It’s time for the United States to let Afghanistan go

Sadly your dad is mistaken ;)

Sadly he's right .. Change comes from within... Americans and EU has pumped trillions in fighting and hundreds of billions in aid .. Even Pak has spent almost 1.5 billion.. What's the result ?

Same goes for Pak .. No matter whom we balance for your shortfalls .. We are the real ones to be blames for our problems nobody else.
I couldn't agree with you more -- but India too got here by accepting a lot of handouts or is that now kosher?

India have had the help no doubt- But certainly not on the scale or type of Pakistan(SEATO, and other American grants), India did get help from British and Soviets but most of It was in Institution building like IITs, some Refineries were built from Soviet help-

And India paid back in massive agricultural exports, Rubber, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Milk, Rice, Wheat etc- What I am saying is Afghanistan has to be careful about the help and the extent of such help- They should focus on Institution building- and developing themselves on their own- Expecting other countries to built their own country because they feel they have some strategic value is nonsensical-

India has been the largest recipient of US aid in 70 years .

I don't know- could be true- However I don't see that aid as Abrams, Vipers, Raptors, M109s etc- What is do see is IITs, Bangalore, Institutions for Scientific research-

Perhaps the reason why in spite of being largest recipient of US aid US couldn't stop Indian offensive in East Pakistan- compared that to the Chinook landing in Abbottabad- and all those TPS77 radar and F-16s could do was watch-
India have had the help no doubt- But certainly not on the scale or type of Pakistan(SEATO, and other American grants), India did get help from British and Soviets but most of It was in Institution building like IITs, some Refineries were built from Soviet help-

And India paid back in massive agricultural exports, Rubber, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Milk, Rice, Wheat etc- What I am saying is Afghanistan has to be careful about the help and the extent of such help- They should focus on Institution building- and developing themselves on their own- Expecting other countries to built their own country because they feel they have some strategic value is nonsensical-

I don't know- could be true- However I don't see that aid as Abrams, Vipers, Raptors, M109s etc- What is do see is IITs, Bangalore, Institutions for Scientific research-

Perhaps the reason why in spite of being largest recipient of US aid US couldn't stop Indian offensive in East Pakistan- compared that to the Chinook landing in Abbottabad- and all those TPS77 radar and F-16s could do was watch-


Does that even matter if your assitance has been in the shape of IIT and ours in F-16 ?
India is 7x compared to Pakistan
Pakistan totals do not include CSF money from 2002-

Doesnt matter if India is 7x or 10x compared to Pakistan . dont flip flop on comparing per capita or overall whenever the agenda suits you .

Country that has pocketed $65 billion shouldnt be talking about aid.
Doesnt matter if India is 7x or 10x compared to Pakistan . dont flip flop on comparing per capita or overall whenever the agenda suits you .

Country that has pocketed $65 billion shouldnt be talking about aid.
Who is receiving aid these days ?
Who made use of past assistance better ?
Who sold their soul to get aid ?
Who is receiving aid these days ?
Who made use of past assistance better ?
Who sold their soul to get aid ?

Your original post was about recieving thr most aid. which you are . the rest is irrelavant .

Does that even matter if your assitance has been in the shape of IIT and ours in F-16 ?

Yes It definitely matters- try to think of It- use your brain- How many Kalashnikovs were distributed in Pakistan- at the same price several books or computers could have been distributed and imagine what would have that done to the average Pakistanis and compare It with what those distributed Kalashnikovs have been doing to Pakistanis today- And to make It worse- those guns and ammo was bought mainly from Israel's captured stock- similar case applies with F-16s and Institutions like IITs-

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