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It’s time for the United States to let Afghanistan go

Last time I checked it is the Afghan flag that is flying over Kunduz as speak :) in greater scheme of things this back and forth is fine with us as we have achieved a strategic goal of control all major population centers,they have the watches and we have the time as continue to rebuild institutions and millions in school.

Last time I checked the percentage of deaths regarding civilians and military personnel in Afghanistan has increased. But you are delusional as usual, yet I can hardly blame you @A-Team. Smoking that Hashish has made you think that the ANA is invincible. In reality the institution is a paper tiger:)
As a resident of KP the difference for me is daylight between the two governments . have a look at this . Police in KP giving challan to his own boss for over speeding .

Afghan national giving bribe to KP police only to fall in trouble

@A-Team something afghan government should learn from KP government .

Its reforms like these that has won the hearts of people . Then there are reforms and projects in Tourism , Climate , education , Good governance etc .

Good job and well done.
Last time I checked it is the Afghan flag that is flying over Kunduz as speak :) in greater scheme of things this back and forth is fine with us as we have achieved a strategic goal of control all major population centers,they have the watches and we have the time as continue to rebuild institutions and millions in school.

US doesn't seem to think so since you seem to love them alot have a look at what they are saying .


The war in Afghanistan is at an “eroding stalemate” after more than 15 years of war, “tipping in the Taliban’s favor,” an unnamed senior administration official told The Washington Post (WaPo).
Pentagon officials have given similar assessments.

The evaluations come as the Taliban expands its influence across the country. By some accounts, the jihadist group controls more territory now than at any time since it was removed from power by the U.S. military in 2001.

WaPo reports:

Despite the widening of U.S. air support, the White House believes that the war in Afghanistan is tipping in the Taliban’s favor. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly about Afghanistan’s deteriorating security situation, a senior administration official called the situation in the country an “eroding stalemate.”

President Barack Obama has reportedly decided to extend the time U.S. airstrikes will be assisting the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), which includes police and army units, in their fight against the Taliban.

The Post notes:

Though unannounced at the time, the new strike permissions were meant to be a temporary boost for the Afghan security forces as they fought into the fall, however, according to senior military and administration officials, the airstrikes will continue into the future.

The Taliban has been widening its offensive across Afghanistan, acknowledges the newspaper.

It reports:

The newfound Western presence [of the Taliban] in Farah comes roughly a week after Taliban fighters began making concerted efforts to seize the city of Farah, the capital of the province. Around the same time, the Taliban began offensives near Helmand’s provincial capital of Lashkar Gah and also managed to enter the northern city of Kunduz before being pushed back to the city’s outskirts after more than a week of heavy fighting.

“What we believe we’re seeing right now is the Taliban trying to make an effort before the end of the year to achieve their 2016 strategic objective of capturing a provincial capital,” said Brig. Gen. Charles Cleveland, the spokesman for the U.S. mission in Afghanistan, toldThe Post in an email.

Last month, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described the situation in Afghanistan as a stalemate.

A 108-page Pentagon report submitted to Congress in June also noted, that the ANDSF, which continues to face capability challenges, “will need to demonstrate resiliency and steady improvement to achieve more than a stalemate against the insurgency in the year ahead.”

Citing U.S. Forces in Afghanistan (USFOR-A), the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR,) a watchdog agency appointed by Congress, reported at the end of July that the Afghan government had lost control of nearly one-third of the country, primarily to the Taliban.

All of Helmand, a southern Afghan province that borders Pakistan and has been a traditional Taliban stronghold, is close to falling into the hands of the terrorist group.
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As a resident of KP the difference for me is daylight between the two governments . have a look at this . Police in KP giving challan to his own boss for over speeding .

Haha, I couldn't stop laughing when that driver was surprised to see that the policeman didn't accept the bribe. Punjab can learn from KPK police. The local government has succeeded in implementing social reforms, however, I wish their attention toward the economy and projects were more fine tuned. For example we have a million people working in the mining sector, yet no progress has been made in the last three years. Our technology, education on mining and faceting a gem is primitive. Its quite pathetic really, because Pakistan has the fourth largest mineral deposits yet we don't even export more than $300 million a year. Maybe things can change in the future.

Good job and well done.

Oh my days, somebody has kidnapped @A-Team:) For once has has said something nice about Pakistan:)
Haha, I couldn't stop laughing when that driver was surprised to see that the policeman didn't accept the bribe. Punjab can learn from KPK police. The local government has succeeded in implementing social reforms, however, I wish their attention toward the economy and projects were more fine tuned. For example we have a million people working in the mining sector, yet no progress has been made in the last three years. Our technology, education on mining and faceting a gem is primitive. Its quite pathetic really, because Pakistan has the fourth largest mineral deposits yet we don't even export more than $300 million a year. Maybe things can change in the future.

Oh my days, somebody has kidnapped @A-Team:) For once has has said something nice about Pakistan

I had a personal experience with KP police when coming back from Malaysia to Peshawar . the moment I went outside the airport I got a 1500 fine for having Black tinted windows in my car .

@A-Team is a nice chap I usually tell him to focus on 50 positive things in Pakistan rather than only GHQ :)
I agree US/NATO troops should leave and they should send their engineers and scientists and build our infrastructure and keep providing funds for Afghan Army and Police. After they leave, they should build minimum two state of the art universities in each province at a minimum and build sewage systems and metros for all our cities.

I forgot they should also give us f35 and Abrams with TOT. Thanks Uncle Same the best friend of Afghanistan.

And after they do all this- some lunatic warlord gets pissed on some petty issue and the whole country burns back to stone age-

Have some honor and strive to develop your own country by your own hard work and not some dollars from outside- may be little help here and there and some guidance but no one is going to built a modern Afghanistan for you-

I would say the same thing to Pakistan but then they would start feeling bad about it and report me-
And after they do all this- some lunatic warlord gets pissed on some petty issue and the whole country burns back to stone age-

Have some honor and strive to develop your own country by your own hard work and not some dollars from outside- may be little help here and there and some guidance but no one is going to built a modern Afghanistan for you-

I would say the same thing to Pakistan but then they would start feeling bad about it and report me-

I couldn't agree with you more -- but India too got here by accepting a lot of handouts or is that now kosher?
And after they do all this- some lunatic warlord gets pissed on some petty issue and the whole country burns back to stone age-

Have some honor and strive to develop your own country by your own hard work and not some dollars from outside- may be little help here and there and some guidance but no one is going to built a modern Afghanistan for you-

I would say the same thing to Pakistan but then they would start feeling bad about it and report me-

India has been the largest recipient of US aid in 70 years .
Currently Obama is in the lame duck period of his presidency and thus it will be for the next president to change course.
Afghanistan will continue to build institutions, because unless the institution are strong, today it maybe Pakistan, the next day it will be Iran or China that will interfere in Afghanistan unless Afghans create strong insituation.
Right now as things are and continue to be like that for the next 5 years, I see the Afghan state winning this albeit with significant pain.

Good question and they have been rooting that for decades on why the left and besides there was significant opposition to that war by american public in general, have you seen any mass protest regarding the Afghan conflict? How many senators protest or speak up against the Afghan conflict? But on the contrary Ashraf Ghani got an impressive standing ovation while visiting the US?

How many super powers are assisting the Talis as opposed to viet congs?
Do you forget that interference into Afghanistan was as a reponse to inital interference by Afghanistan? Do yoy forget?

Perhaps if the NUG remebered this and took heed, it may succor Afghanistan?
I had a personal experience with KP police when coming back from Malaysia to Peshawar . the moment I went outside the airport I got a 1500 fine for having Black tinted windows in my car .

@A-Team is a nice chap I usually tell him to focus on 50 positive things in Pakistan rather than only GHQ :)

Frankly I want Pakistan to develop, I feel happy that our neighbour is improving each day but in the same time as an I Afghan I will raise my voice against any policy that Pakistan may have that are contrary to Afghan interests.

So in other words I hope you and wish that you become the Japan of South asia as it will positively impact Afghanistan but in the same time I hope that Pakistan changes her policies of supporting Talis and until then we will continue to disagree :)

I think its fair.

Do you forget that interference into Afghanistan was as a reponse to inital interference by Afghanistan? Do yoy forget?

Perhaps if the NUG remebered this and took heed, it may succor Afghanistan?

There are no white doves in our part of the world, but that doesn't give you a pretext of continuing to support Talis because something happened half a century ago, we need to move on, you are nuclear and should be more confident in your abilites to defend Pakistan and not via Talis.
Frankly I want Pakistan to develop, I feel happy that our neighbour is improving each day but in the same time as an I Afghan I will raise my voice against any policy that Pakistan may have that are contrary to Afghan interests.

So in other words I hope you and wish that you become the Japan of South asia as it will positively impact Afghanistan but in the same time I hope that Pakistan changes her policies of supporting Talis and until then we will continue to disagree :)

I think its fair.

My dad is of the view if you surround Afghanistan with Japan , China , USA , France , UK they still wont change and develop:D .
Sopen by a person who lives happily in the UK.

Yeah, the poor Afghan should get rid of vultures while you enjoy strolling through trafalgar square.
ahahahahahah........:rofl: Bro you took the words out of my mouth. :tup:

Sopen by a person who lives happily in the UK.

Yeah, the poor Afghan should get rid of vultures while you enjoy strolling through trafalgar square.
ahahahahahah........:rofl: Bro you took the words out of my mouth. :tup:
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