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Its Official: JXX is going to test fly in the next few days

Oh , then what does that mean for the J-XX .

I do not know, you never know what the Chinese are doing. They are very very secretive. This plane might be ready to fly or there might not be such a project and no one knows. So its almost pointless to discuss the capability of Chinese military. They never make any public announcement and the ones that are made cannot be completely trusted.

But what India can do is to prepare for China if it regards China as a core enemy that must its military must be defeated in 96 hours. The only plausible to accomplish that is by using US military hardware. Otherwise, India can be defeated in 96 hours. It that happens, India would become the laughing stock of the world history as it made threats that others can carry out against India. So if you want to talk big, you better be able to back it up.
sound like a rumor , chinese havent been able to make a good quality - 4 th gen fighter yet --- they are stuggling with j-10 .

but lets see may be they - got to steal the technology from aliens :D loool ( j.k)

a fifht gen fighter with canards seems like a rumour.


Last time i check PLAAF had 150 J-10s and were testing FC-20 with there indegenous engine?
Anyways nice trolling.
I do not know, you never know what the Chinese are doing. They are very very secretive. This plane might be ready to fly or there might not be such a project and no one knows. So its almost pointless to discuss the capability of Chinese military. They never make any public announcement and the ones that are made cannot be completely trusted.

Are you suggesting that China can have its stealth systems , before Russia/India .

You have been critical enough about my country and it allies.

Making audacious claims and constantly stating we can't accomplish anything :what:

Simply because of the fact we are not America.

And China is exempt from your judgement because it is so secretive. :disagree:
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Relax fellas, no need to bring up pak-fa or India vs China. What are the chances that the Chinese release images of the aircraft if it actually takes to the sky, slim i'm guessing?
Relax fellas, no need to bring up pak-fa or India vs China. What are the chances that the Chinese release images of the aircraft if it actually takes to the sky, slim i'm guessing?

That is IF the design takes to the skies. Creating such a LO design is not an easy task. There would be a whole lot of other variables to be taken into account. And given the fact that almost all of Chinese 'indigenous' aircraft are either stolen airframes or of Russian origin, they would find it really difficult to create a VLO airframe and make it fly.
That is IF the design takes to the skies. Creating such a LO design is not an easy task. There would be a whole lot of other variables to be taken into account. And given the fact that almost all of Chinese 'indigenous' aircraft are either stolen airframes or of Russian origin, they would find it really difficult to create a VLO airframe and make it fly.

yeah, the LCA is not stolen. it is 100% pure indian tech. if you claimed india stole it, the original owner may be very offended. it is a plane truly worthy to represent the apex of indian engineering.
yeah, the LCA is not stolen. it is 100% pure indian tech. if you claimed india stole it, the original owner may be very offended. it is a plane truly worthy to represent the apex of indian engineering.

Prove that LCA has stolen technologies or else I will refer to you henceforth as Mr. Mental case/Liar - one among the numerous 50 cent herd.

There is a world of difference between stealing technologies, renegading on contractual obligations and putting minds together in collaborations or buying technologies. You, mister, happen to know squat about LCA or the technologies it incorporates or for that matter even what goes into the J-10 program.

So either post reliable source to back up your claim or take a hike mister. Oh yes, if you dont post a proper source, I shall refer to you henceforth as Mental Case or Mr Troll. Oh wait, better still, you shall be, plain and simple, ignored as one who knoweth nothing!.
nope i said that LCA is completely indigenous 100% indian technology.

if it was stolen, i'd be offended to be called the originating country.
The current pic is a fan art. It is in no way a stealthy design. Its rcs is probably more than 1-2 square meter.

JXX needs time. It is the first plane that China would be building on its own without any foreign input. It can only materialize soon if it is another stolen/copied design, but how many 5 th gen designs are there till date?

I expect a maiden flight no sooner than 2020. 5 gen plane are really tough to build, the tech were only available to US, even Russia can't build a proper stealth plane. China is a too far from US/Russia. India is not even in the game.

If it was another 4 gen plane, then I could believe the news, not for a 5 gen.
show russian the testing date of WS-15,we will have the temporary engine for testing modified J-10 ,they wouldn't miss the last 10 years to make more money from TG



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