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Israeli Army signifies direct warning to Iran with satellite images


Mar 9, 2018
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United States

Israeli Army signifies direct warning to Iran with satellite images
THESE pictures may not look like much, but they signify an escalating crisis in the Middle East that may have devastating consequences.

THE ISRAELI Army has issued a direct warning to Iran by releasing images showing the latter country’s military base locations.

The satellite images, published by Fox News, pinpoint numerous Syrian military bases being used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces.

This appears to be Israel’s way of threatening Iran, by acknowledging that they know where Iran’s bases are and where they can drop bombs if tensions escalate.

There are fears that worsening tensions between the two countries could spark a dangerous new phase of the war in Syria involving other countries.

According to Fox, Iran’s air force presence is located in five airports in Syria, including Damascus International Airport and an addition airfield southeast of the capital.

Israeli intelligence now believes Iran is planning an attack in retaliation to a strike on an Iranian drone base in Syria earlier this month.

They believe Iran plans to build its own independent infrastructure in Syria for the purpose of striking Israel, the Times reports.

Israel has not publicly admitted to striking Iran last week, but the White House said Israel had told it to the attack before it took place.

Likewise an unnamed senior military official told New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman that the strike marked “the first time we attacked live Iranian targets, both facilities and people”.

“This is the first time we saw Iran do something against Israel — not by proxy,” the source said. “This opened a new period.”

While this was never confirmed officially, the Iranian government vowed to take revenge.

“The Zionist entity will sooner or later receive the necessary response and will regret its misdeeds,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi.


Israel has issued a warning to Iran amid rising tensions in the Middle East.Source:AFP

Tensions in the region remain high after the United States launched air strikes against Assad chemical weapons facilities last week.

The US and allies fired missiles into the Syrian capital in an hour-long strike aimed at chemical weapons operations on Saturday.

The bombardment was in retaliation to a suspected chemical attack on Douma, that the US President Donald Trump called an “evil and despicable attack” on Syrian civilians.

READ MORE: Trump’s air strikes on Syria sparks backlash

Israel has previously warned Iran that establishing bases in Syria that threaten the country will not be tolerated.

In February, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to take action against his adversaries, after Israeli intelligence claimed to have spotted an Iranian drone approaching Israel’s airspace from Syria.

He said his country would defend itself at all costs against Tehran, warning Israel’s policy of self-defence against “any attempt to harm our sovereignty” was “absolutely clear”.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a direct warning to Iran back in February.Source:AP

Israel and Iran have had a tense relationship since the latter’s Islamic revolution of 1979.

Since then, Syria has been one of Iran’s key allies.

When Syrians began protesting the al-Assad government in 2011, there were reports that the Iranian government was assisting the regime to quell the protests.

In mid-2013, Iran sent 4000 troops in to aid the al-Assad government forces, and from that point onward it continued to step up its support.

Israel, meanwhile, has remained relatively neutral in the conflict, and has mostly kept a low profile. However, it has long held concerns about Iran’s influence in the region.

The February confrontation marked the most serious clash between Iran and Israel since Syria’s civil war began seven years ago.

Both countries are key figures in the region, and there are fears an open conflict between them will risk dragging neighboring Lebanon and other surrounding countries into a new war.
They did show this on purpose , they wanted to send some message and they did send it ... the question is : " what was the message "

LOL! There is no hidden message! The Israeli just made a humiliating mistake!

Showing pictures of Mahrabad in Tehran and claiming that this is a base in Syria just makes you look like an absolute idiot! ONLY a delusional fool would think that making yourself look like an idiot has some kind of hidden message behind it!

Yes I'm going to send a clear message to Tehran by making myself look like an Idiot! LOL!
there was no hidden message. the message was very explicit. this was a (failed) Israeli warning to try and deter/scare iran into not retaliating.

if you hit us, we have all these targets to hit type of warning.

unfortunately for them this will not work. Iran will respond. Not responding would mean losing your deterrence and giving a green light to the enemy to strike more.
there was no hidden message. the message was very explicit. this was a (failed) Israeli warning to try and deter/scare iran into not retaliating.

if you hit us, we have all these targets to hit type of warning.

unfortunately for them this will not work. Iran will respond. Not responding would mean losing your deterrence and giving a green light to the enemy to strike more.

Israel will continue striking. They killed The Brigadier General of IRGC Syrian Operations and Iran didn’t anything. Not to mention the dozens of attacks on Iranian weapon depots, Shipments, and convoys throughout the war. Not to mention the attack on the IRGC rocket facility in Sudan (maybe a couple years ago).

The reality is Iran has no deterrence for attacks on its personnel on foreign soil. If US (the global superpower) did not have deterrence to stop Iranian attacks on US soldiers during the Iraq war. What makes you think Iran can achieve deterrence?

Iran will continue absorbing strikes, it really has no other choice. The only area Iran can retaliate in is the Golan Heights because that is technically Syrian territory that Israel is illegally occupy even against UN declarations.
Israel will continue striking. They killed The Brigadier General of IRGC Syrian Operations and Iran didn’t anything. Not to mention the dozens of attacks on Iranian weapon depots, Shipments, and convoys throughout the war. Not to mention the attack on the IRGC rocket facility in Sudan (maybe a couple years ago).

The reality is Iran has no deterrence for attacks on its personnel on foreign soil. If US (the global superpower) did not have deterrence to stop Iranian attacks on US soldiers during the Iraq war. What makes you think Iran can achieve deterrence?

Iran will continue absorbing strikes, it really has no other choice. The only area Iran can retaliate in is the Golan Heights because that is technically Syrian territory that Israel is illegally occupy even against UN declarations.

what are you talking about? are we seriously living in alternate universes or something? did you completely miss irans response of walking up to the Israeli border and killing a couple of Israeli troops as a direct retaliation to that. and openly claiming it as well?

this was a direct shot into Israeli territory. Israel has never fired a direct shot into Iranian territory. and by their own admission this was their very first direct targeting of Iranians.

they had earlier denied publicly that they had targeted Iranians in that strike that killed the Iranian general. This "accidental" killing didn't deter a direct Iranian response. so this deliberate attack will certainly not be left unanswered either. regardless of what imaginary alternate israel stronk fanatasy universe you are living in my friend.

and about those previous strikes on supposed Iranian targets. those were attacks taken against people supposedly serving iran, not Iranians. and not on Iranian soil. Israel has never fired a firecracker directly at Iranian soil. while iran has imposed several bloody wars on the Israeli border. and remains by far the biggest security threat facing Israel. who see armed Iranian influence/army opposition on 3 sides of their tiny artificial state.
what are you talking about? are we seriously living in alternate universes or something? did you completely miss irans response of walking up to the Israeli border and killing a couple of Israeli troops as a direct retaliation to that. and openly claiming it as well?

this was a direct shot into Israeli territory. Israel has never fired a direct shot into Iranian territory. and by their own admission this was their very first direct targeting of Iranians.

they had earlier denied publicly that they had targeted Iranians in that strike that killed the Iranian general. This "accidental" killing didn't deter a direct Iranian response. so this deliberate attack will certainly not be left unanswered either. regardless of what imaginary alternate israel stronk fanatasy universe you are living in my friend.

and about those previous strikes on supposed Iranian targets. those were attacks taken against people supposedly serving iran, not Iranians. and not on Iranian soil. Israel has never fired a firecracker directly at Iranian soil. while iran has imposed several bloody wars on the Israeli border. and remains by far the biggest security threat facing Israel. who see armed Iranian influence/army opposition on 3 sides of their tiny artificial state.

If you think Israel didn’t know the Brigadier General was in that convoy along with other high level Hezbollah operatives you are dense.

And that Iranian response was not an iranian response but a Hezbollah one. And it was stupid rather cowardly attack on unsuspecting border patrol soldiers. Hezbollah lost high level operatives and the son of a infamous leader and Iran lost a high ranking general and Iran’s retaliation is to attack border patrol troops? Israel won that outcome.

Since then Israel has continued targeting high level Hezbollah operatives. Just because Iran and Hezbollah don’t publicize it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. They have rules of engagement with Israel and if strikes happen most of the time no side publicly responds as its within the their rules of war.

The Israeli attack on T-4 had no plausible deniability (unlike the previous attacks) and was specifically attacking Iran’s drone capability. Iran felt that crossed a red line in their unspoken rules of conflict and right fully so. Hence why the Iranians immed. Responded by downing a F-16 which is a important symbolic attack.

I never said that Israel military attacked Iran on Iranian soil so I don’t know what you are rambling about.

And while Israel’s military has not attacked Iranian soil, Israel has conducted several attacks on Iranian soil, unless you think those Iranian nuclear scientists were killed by the Iranian government?

And your last point is exactly why Israel will continue attacking, Iran is moving in on another border with israel. Israel doesn’t want another hezbollah on its border. It views this as existential threat, thus they will continue to violate Iranian red lines. Hard for Iran to get deterrence in this situation.Or else the alternative for Israel would be to watch Iran militarize the Syrian border and then enter war on iran’s terms.
what are you talking about? are we seriously living in alternate universes or something? did you completely miss irans response of walking up to the Israeli border and killing a couple of Israeli troops as a direct retaliation to that. and openly claiming it as well?

this was a direct shot into Israeli territory. Israel has never fired a direct shot into Iranian territory. and by their own admission this was their very first direct targeting of Iranians.

they had earlier denied publicly that they had targeted Iranians in that strike that killed the Iranian general. This "accidental" killing didn't deter a direct Iranian response. so this deliberate attack will certainly not be left unanswered either. regardless of what imaginary alternate israel stronk fanatasy universe you are living in my friend.

and about those previous strikes on supposed Iranian targets. those were attacks taken against people supposedly serving iran, not Iranians. and not on Iranian soil. Israel has never fired a firecracker directly at Iranian soil. while iran has imposed several bloody wars on the Israeli border. and remains by far the biggest security threat facing Israel. who see armed Iranian influence/army opposition on 3 sides of their tiny artificial state.
There were no "accidental" killing ..in both cases whether in Imad Mughniyah in 2008 or general Allahdadi in 2015 Solemani was presence in both places too.
If you think Israel didn’t know the Brigadier General was in that convoy along with other high level Hezbollah operatives you are dense.

And that Iranian response was not an iranian response but a Hezbollah one. And it was stupid rather cowardly attack on unsuspecting border patrol soldiers. Hezbollah lost high level operatives and the son of a infamous leader and Iran lost a high ranking general and Iran’s retaliation is to attack border patrol troops? Israel won that outcome.

Since then Israel has continued targeting high level Hezbollah operatives. Just because Iran and Hezbollah don’t publicize it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. They have rules of engagement with Israel and if strikes happen most of the time no side publicly responds as its within the their rules of war.

I did put "accident" in quotation marks. meaning I'm fully aware it wasn't it an accident. Israel knew exactly what it was doing. it tried to deescalate the situation thinking it could prevent an Iranian response. IT failed in scenario where they descalated and gave iran a face saving out.

and whether Hezbollah or Iranian special forces did the actual attack doesn't matter. it was an Iranian response. iran publicly announced as such. There was no question where it came from

in a scenario like this where they have openly boasted about it. you would have to be very dense to think iran isn't going to respond. and I couldn't care less if you do to be honest.

The Israeli attack on T-4 had no plausible deniability (unlike the previous attacks) and was specifically attacking Iran’s drone capability. Iran felt that crossed a red line in their unspoken rules of conflict and right fully so. Hence why the Iranians immed. Responded by downing a F-16 which is a important symbolic attack.

I never said that Israel military attacked Iran on Iranian soil so I don’t know what you are rambling about.

And while Israel’s military has not attacked Iranian soil, Israel has conducted several attacks on Iranian soil, unless you think those Iranian nuclear scientists were killed by the Iranian government?

they have never imposed a war on Iranian borders. they have never managed to arm any signifincnt anti-iran army despite efforts with Kurdish and Balochi terrorists.

they have never fired a firecracker towards iran despite decades of threats and bluster. Iran has made their life a living hell. If it wasn't for iran, they would have amost 0 security threats today. Today they are surrounded by Iranian allies

quote] And your last point is exactly why Israel will continue attacking, Iran is moving in on another border with israel. Israel doesn’t want another hezbollah on its border. It views this as existential threat, thus they will continue to violate Iranian red lines. Hard for Iran to get deterrence in this situation.Or else the alternative for Israel would be to watch Iran militarize the Syrian border and then enter war on iran’s terms.[/QUOTE]

maybe in your fetish fantasy Zionist stronk world like I said. in reality and geopolitics the world is a little different.

Iran is making geopolitical gains. Its iran that's winning its region. its iran that's surrounding the tiny Zionist entity.

your propaganda has a hard time staying consistent. in 1 breath they admit iran is winning and are tearing themselves up from rage. on the other breath they go stronk mode for their population/internal propaganda to try and show strength.. which is it?

educate yourself
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