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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

"Never" is such a strong word, it implies either complete knowledge of the situation or that the facts and their context don't matter. Balanced knowledge of Israel is something Pakistanis clearly lack. That can be mended. But an attitude that, when all is said and done, the facts don't matter - that means one has committed to living a lie, doesn't it? And one lie leads to another, then more and bigger ones...
Never is also a word that can be taken out of context. The thing I was referring too was the "emotions" of people of Pakistan and the "track record" of Israel that will "always" hinder good relationship between the two countries.

While Pakistan owes Israel nothing comparable to the Jews, that psychic distortion is still there. Do you think you can really solve your country's problems without dealing with it?
As if all other problems are solved.
Wow its wrong that Iran can pursue peacefull nuclear technology but its justified that Israel could Nuke Iran just because they are perusing Nuclear Technology which might be used against the Jewish state, Hight of hypocrisy. Now which country on earth displays more will to use Nukes , Its of-course Israel which has indeed become a threat to this whole world.
A lofty goal but i wonder how? An Israeli air strike i admit would be a desperation measure but what alternative is there?

There seems no chance of peacefull change of goverment in Iran, the last time people tried they were shot raped and murdered with the survivors being put on show trial that would have made Stalin proud.
China has no intention of helping the situation, russia ignore the problem despite the fact that a peacefull and prosporous middle east would solve half its problems.

Israel feels threatened by a regiem that continues two proxy wars against it and the path of least harm is a conventional attack to try and prevent Iran getting a nuke.

The safe way of course would be for Isreal to wipe Iran off the map with the nukes but even Bibi is that much of a nutter.

We need to initially identify the nature and intention of the Iranian theocratic regime. Their ultimate goal is to reincarnate the old Parsian empire under an Islamic template which well extends from the Indus valley to all the way to the Levant including the Fertile Crescent. They are using Isreal only as pretext and to look safe in the eyes of the Muslim world.
The neighbouring countries of Iran are no safer than Israel and therefore they must line up a coalition against the Imperialist ambition of the Iranian regime which remain unchanged even after the fall of secular Shah. Everyone must act before it reaches the point of no return. BiBi is disliked by many because he speaks no non sense. However, The initiative must come from the 'naive' neighbours of Iran.
Wow its wrong that Iran can pursue peacefull nuclear technology but its justified that Israel could Nuke Iran just because they are perusing Nuclear Technology which might be used against the Jewish state, Hight of hypocrisy. Now which country on earth displays more will to use Nukes , Its of-course Israel which has indeed become a threat to this whole world.

Would you like a nuclear weaponed Iran on your border or not?

Its a simple question and i dont want the talk going anything related to India. Please answer in simple words.
@old school: even if we consider what you're saying as real, still a Persian Empire is way better than today's american empire. Cyrus the great, the king of the persian empire, issued the first human rights decleration and he let the occupied lands keep their culture but the US empire has caused nothing but dropping tens of depleted uranium bombs on Iraqis under the name of democratization and human rights and trying to impose its new-born culture with cultural imperialism.
@old school: even if we consider what you're saying as real, still a Persian Empire is way better than today's american empire. Cyrus the great, the king of the persian empire, issued the first human rights decleration and he let the occupied lands keep their culture but the US empire has caused nothing but dropping tens of depleted uranium bombs on Iraqis under the name of democratization and human rights and trying to impose its new-born culture with cultural imperialism.

As a Persian you would certainly love to see the reincarnation of the Empire.
American government does not terrorize, persecute, kill and rape it's own citizen. The Iranian migrants in USA travel in first class . Human rights has it's own definition in Iran than the bill of rights or the UDHR . However, you are right to say that Cyrus and Ahmedinejad share a common objective which is none but a Persian Empire which will definitely put the national security of the neighbouring countries in danger.
As a Persian you would certainly love to see the reincarnation of the Empire.
American government does not terrorize, persecute, kill and rape it's own citizen. The Iranian migrants in USA travel in first class . Human rights has it's own definition in Iran than the bill of rights or the UDHR . However, you are right to say that Cyrus and Ahmedinejad share a common objective which is none but a Persian Empire which will definitely put the national security of the neighbouring countries in danger.

yes, Iranian immigrant in USA live in a good situation but how much have they helped the US economy? they are one of the most well-educated and rich group of immigrants in the US.

how do you know the US doesn't persecute, kill and rape its own citizens? the foreign media can broadcast the reality inside Iran, but is there any powerful media out there to broadcast what the USA does to its own people? They possess the powerful media and they can show selectively whatever you're supposed to see.

what about the news of torture in the CIA? didn't they cover it up and said, if the national interests require, we would even torture? did you know the US is the 5th country of the world in terms of executions? what about the suppresion of the Californian students that they protested against Israel? why did they get attacked by the police?

but let me be exact, what the US does to its own people and what the US does in its own local affairs is not a matter of importance to me. so is Iran's affairs to others. as an Iranian I'm not in favor of our today's regime, but that doesn't mean I have to support the USA. It's not a case of my enemy's enemy is my friend for me.

plus, the current iranian regime doesn't know a word of persian things, they are the ones who want to vanish the persian culture, so they can't be the ones who want to establish a new persian empire.
plus, the current iranian regime doesn't know a word of persian things, they are the ones who want to vanish the persian culture, so they can't be the ones who want to establish a new persian empire.

I already wrote in my initial post that that Ahmedinjad wants a Persian empire in an' Islamic template' like a 'Khilafa'. Original Persian culture would be too 'unIslamic' for him. But for the neighbours, it is still the same imperialist attitude. Syria , Lebanon ( with Hezbollah proxy) are already under their influence. They are very much busy in Iraq and in Afghanistan . I always oppose any military strike on Iran as it would alienate people like you who are also against the mollahs.
I already wrote in my initial post that that Ahmedinjad wants a Persian empire in an' Islamic template' like a 'Khilafa'. Original Persian culture would be too 'unIslamic' for him. But for the neighbours, it is still the same imperialist attitude. Syria , Lebanon ( with Hezbollah proxy) are already under their influence. They are very much busy in Iraq and in Afghanistan . I always oppose any military strike on Iran as it would alienate people like you who are also against the mollahs.

personally am an atheist, but don't you think that the whole middle east region is kinda tied with Islam? Islam has influenced the culture of the middle east in a scale that can't be ignored. so an Islamic empire is in favor of many nations in the ME I guess. plus, they've called other islamic countries to join this new world order many times. despite all the rumors and facts we hear about the middle east, still the problems of the middle east should be solved by the middle eastern nations, not by a foreign military.

and about a possible US military strike on Iran, I should say that's completely impossible at least in the near future. and I shall explain why if you're interested.
Iran builds 3 types of Jet fighters as far as I know, Saeqe which is a reverse engineered version of F-5 that someone in the first posts said wrongly that Iranians claim it's more advanced than the US F-18's, Azarakhsh which its capabilities are uknown and Shafaq which is a copy of the US YF-17 manufactured by northrop and Iranians claim that it has the same capabilities or even more which can't be confirmed yet although the test flights have been performed.

unlike others, I think If Israel goes into war with Iran the consequences of the war would be interesting xD I personally welcome such a strike from Israel and I doubt that the west would like the consequences.

No one is going to like the consequences. But it still needs to be done if Iran doesn't back down and open up ALL it's facilities to the IAEA. And prove it's program is peaceful.
and about a possible US military strike on Iran, I should say that's completely impossible at least in the near future. and I shall explain why if you're interested.

As a Pakistani , I view everything in our immediate neighbourhood is our business. Let me make that clear to you.
Iran is Pakistan's neighbour and that makes everything in Iran our national security interests. We do not want anyone to rock the boat when the situation is already tense enough. My view is the same view as the view of the government of Pakistan which is not the same as you may find among some Pakistanis who believe in Ummah.
No one is going to like the consequences. But it still needs to be done if Iran doesn't back down and open up ALL it's facilities to the IAEA. And prove it's program is peaceful.

Iran's facilities are open for the agency experts and ALL Iranian facilities has been equipped with cameras by the agency to observe what's going on in there. you claim Iran is not cooperating with the agency, That's okay, the world has the right to be worrying about the proliferation of atomic weapons, but have you proved anything yet? saying someone is guilty of something isn't enough, you can't go to court with only claims.

if you're referring to the appendix of the NPT that it states Iran should open its weaponry factories which Iran didn't sign it, then I can promise you that Iran will never do that cause It's not reasonable and any country that thinks it has the ability to go into war with Iran is welcomed to do so.
As a Pakistani , I view everything in our immediate neighbourhood is our business. Let me make that clear to you.
Iran is Pakistan's neighbour and that makes everything in Iran our national security interests. We do not want anyone to rock the boat when the situation is already tense enough. My view is the same view as the view of the government of Pakistan which is not the same as you may find among some Pakistanis who believe in Ummah.

Last time I checked the pakistani government is showing a tendency toward Iran. Iran and pakistan both are growing economics and they share some common interests in the region. at least there's one thing that everyone is aware of it and that's the willingness of the pakistani government to consume Iran's gas as pakistan's need for energy is increasing.
Last time I checked the pakistani government is showing a tendency toward Iran. Iran and pakistan both are growing economics and they share some common interests in the region. at least there's one thing that everyone is aware of it and that's the willingness of the pakistani government to consume Iran's gas as pakistan's need for energy is increasing.

Economic interests can not out weigh the national security. Government of Pakistan has a very clear policy on this issue. Pakistan is open to all foreign economic co-operation as long as it does not interfere with the national security. Pakistan also knows very well which side it will choose should international community decides to go tough on Iran. The Saudis and Pakistani government will have synchronized stance in that case.
Economic interests can not out weigh the national security. Government of Pakistan has a very clear policy on this issue. Pakistan is open to all foreign economic co-operation as long as it does not interfere with the national security. Pakistan also knows very well which side it will choose should international community decides to go tough on Iran. The Saudis and Pakistani government will have synchronized stance in that case.

we're not talking about the saudis, but in case of Pakistan, I doubt that the pakistani government would side any one if It's wise.

national security without economic development is meaningless. you can't have national security when your industry is not doing fine and your industry needs energy to do fine. It's pretty simple to do the math.

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