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Israel would inform, not ask US before hitting Iran

Israel has one of the largest crypto-nuclear stockpiles in the World, some intelligence report that the Israelis possess over 250 war quality nuclear weapons. It is in their interest to be the region's only Nuclear weapon's state, as this will assure their existence and regional supremacy.

Iran the sons of the Ancient Persians, one of the world's great sophisticated civilizations naturally challenges Israel. Though officially the Iranian's claim they do not have a Nuclear weapons program and only a civilian nuclear program, Israeli policymakers want to assure us they feel threaten, even while possessing a large Nuclear weapon stockpile themselves.

Now let's look at the issue from two perspectives, the Israeli and the Iranian.

The Israelis see Iran's nuclear program as a great threat to their national security and existence. Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad on several occasions has made controversial remarks about Israel's right to exist in the Middle East, and has been one of the World's largest critic and outspoken leader against Israel's inhumane and controversial operations and conduct in the region, mainly Gaza and West Bank not to mention Lebanon.

The Israelis believe that if Iran acquired Nukes, that the "hard-line" leadership in Iran will be eager to use them against Israel in a Middle East conflict involving the two countries. So it is in their interest to destroy or hinder Iran's Nuclear technological progress, before they acquire the bomb.

From the Iranian side, they see their neighbors on all side having Nuclear weapons and technology. They see themselves surrounded by the US, to the West in Iraq and to the East in Afghanistan. They also see a small but powerful military state and aggressor to their West, Israel. The Iranians, view Israel as a "cancer" to Middle East peace, they view Israel as many in the region view Israel as an illegal country as a country whose fundamental existence is rooted in a bloody and brutal oppression, apartheid, and occupation.

The Israelis pose a regional threat to Iran, the Israelis also act as a US-Satellite state in the Middle East. Iran understands the US-Israel axis, and it has formed it's own ties and defense plans, and key resistant groups.

Understanding this, the Israelis today are eager to strike Iran as soon as possible, they don't want to see Iran as a Nuclear Weapons state, they believe it will threaten their existence and regional supremacy.

The Iranians, militarily it is in their interest to become a Nuclear Weapons state, this will provide them greater power and regional influence to counter foreign influences, and will assure their sovereignty. The Iranians, have seen the bloody mess in Iraq, they understand that if Saddam truly did possess Nuclear Weapons, the regional outcome of the Iraq invasion could have been prevented, and other channels to solve fiery issues would have been pursued.

I have long warned, an Israeli strike on Iran will be a truly epic War. My conjecture is that Iran will mobilize and exercise it's proxies to resist and fight Israel, distracting and bogging Israel down, while the Iranian Air Force goes nose to nose and pilot to pilot with the Israeli Air Force, over the skies of the Middle East.
Heres my take..

I've met alot of Iranians and when i say alot i mean ALOT.. and they are some of the most intelligent and nicest people i have met. Well aware, well spoken, and generally decent people. Its sad that an idiot like Ahmadinajad represents some of the most smartest and decent people in the world. Unfortunately i can't say the same for Arabs especially those from Saudia Arabia. I could be wrong but they are just loud and obnoxious. Some Iranians who come to the Universities actually worked back home, saved up money and came here.. unlike the Saudis.

It would be very unfortunate if Israel attacks Iran and would only sink their image in the world further down. The whole attack on Iran seems a lot more Political than it is needed. Iranians are already tired of Ahmadinajad and won't be in power for ever.. Israel should wait for the next elections and see the political outcome first.

If Israel does go ahead and attacks Iran they will be on their own and i don't think any respectable country would step in to help Israel. Definately not the US under Obama's administration because Obama is alot more rational than bush. Count Britain out completely and other European countries. I am sure Israel has enough firepower to cripple Iran but is it necessary? It will further diminish their status in the World.

I do have respect for Israelis though.. some are very very nice folks and one of my best professors is a Jew from Israel and Israeli's are generally very well educated and good decent people.. your government's action shouldn't represent the people of your country

Your take on this is very delusional. Allow me to explain.

"The whole attack on Iran seems a lot more Political than it is needed. Iranians are already tired of Ahmadinajad and won't be in power for ever.. Israel should wait for the next elections and see the political outcome first. "-Durran3

Whether it is political or the mere addiction to total regional supremacy and full control over other stated is debatable...:lol: Also you are forgetting the fact, that it doesn't matter what Iranians think about Pres. Ahamadinejad as a leader, because almost every Iranian supports Iran's right to a Nuclear Program, and they even agree with Pres. Ahmadinejad on this issue, it doesn't matter whose the leader of Iran or what kind of Government and political philosophy the Iranians will follow in the future, the point is nearly every Iranian believes strongly in Iran's right to a civilian Nuclear Program and many a Nuclear Weapons Program.

"If Israel does go ahead and attacks Iran they will be on their own and i don't think any respectable country would step in to help Israel. Definately not the US under Obama's administration because Obama is alot more rational than bush."-Durran3

These comments really make me question your intelligence on the history of Middle East and Geo-Politics. It doesn't matter what you find "respectable". We have found that even "respectable" countries will support dictatorships, terrorist, wars, and other menaces as long as they will benefit from the outcome! Also your views on Pres. Obama are inaccurate, you must think Pres. Obama is a friend of the Muslims...:disagree: It doesn't matter if Obama proposes the same plans as Bush but conveys them differently, because ultimately Pres. Obama and most U.S Presidents are guided by greater powers then themselves.

"I do have respect for Israelis though.. some are very very nice folks and one of my best professors is a Jew from Israel and Israeli's are generally very well educated and good decent people.. your government's action shouldn't represent the people of your country"-Durran3

You've made me laugh enough already...Please stop.:lol:
My conjecture is that Iran will mobilize and exercise it's proxies to resist and fight Israel, distracting and bogging Israel down, while the Iranian Air Force goes nose to nose and pilot to pilot with the Israeli Air Force, over the skies of the Middle East.

Is there a Sunni Mosque in Tehran ?

I think there are 15 - 18 synagogues in Tehran.

Does that tell you something.
Israel is capable of doing any thing...they won't care anybody...
think of operation thunderbolt...
If Israel does overfly US Forces in Iraq to attack Iran, I hope the US shoots down the Israeli planes. We should call it a "mistake" and say "sorry". It would be a fitting payback for the USS Liberty and might avert even more crazy behavior from the Persians. If the Israelis do attack Iran, I hope the US stops all military aid and co-operation with Israel.

MOD EDIT Abusive text removed

Israel is capable of doing any thing...they won't care anybody...
think of operation thunderbolt...

What you going on about? Israel got owned by Hizbollah fighters... Iran is a different piece of cake.
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Your take on this is very delusional. Allow me to explain.

Whether it is political or the mere addiction to total regional supremacy and full control over other stated is debatable...:lol: Also you are forgetting the fact, that it doesn't matter what Iranians think about Pres. Ahamadinejad as a leader, because almost every Iranian supports Iran's right to a Nuclear Program, and they even agree with Pres. Ahmadinejad on this issue, it doesn't matter whose the leader of Iran or what kind of Government and political philosophy the Iranians will follow in the future, the point is nearly every Iranian believes strongly in Iran's right to a civilian Nuclear Program and many a Nuclear Weapons Program.

Fair enough, i am not going to argue here..

These comments really make me question your intelligence on the history of Middle East and Geo-Politics. It doesn't matter what you find "respectable". We have found that even "respectable" countries will support dictatorships, terrorist, wars, and other menaces as long as they will benefit from the outcome! Also your views on Pres. Obama are inaccurate, you must think Pres. Obama is a friend of the Muslims...:disagree: It doesn't matter if Obama proposes the same plans as Bush but conveys them differently, because ultimately Pres. Obama and most U.S Presidents are guided by greater powers then themselves.

Me thinking President Obama is a friend of the Muslims has nothing to do with Religion. I believe his approach to the middle east is far more rational than Bush. His first interview with with the Arab Countries, his trip to Istanbul shows he wants to work with the people of the middle east and built ties that have been loosened under GWB. Of course America's interest comes first before anything else but the way to approach this could be less militaristic and more diplomatic under Obama.

Also i fail to understand what your trying to say here!! are you implying that if Israel was to go head on against Iran that the United States would immediately without any objection throw blind support to the Israeli's..... Maybe, possibly, very likely, .. but NOT so easily. There were 27 non US countries who went in and supported the Iraq war by sending in their troops and 34 who just have military personal there whether they supported the war or not. As it stands more than 25 them have already withdrawn their forces and stopped supporting the War completely including Britain.

There have been Ample worldwide protests against an attack like this and no government would send their troops to help the Israeli's anytime soon especially given the current political situation, the world economic crisis and two failed wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I do believe some people are still intelligent enough to not interfere in War with Iran. Also the last thing the United States wants is another country in the Middle East being a complete anarchy as it poses a massive threat not only to the region but THEIR national security as well...

You've made me laugh enough already...Please stop.:lol:

Am glad it gave you chuckle.. please enlighten me as to whats so hilarious about someone expressing his opinions and why he needs to stop...
Well our relations with Iran are not good.So i am all for Israeli action on Iranian Nuclear Reactor.I don't want to see nuclear armed countries on all sides of Pakistan when they are somewhat hostile to Pakistan.

Could you elaborate on the poor relations between Pak - Iran ?
If Israel does overfly US Forces in Iraq to attack Iran, I hope the US shoots down the Israeli planes. We should call it a "mistake" and say "sorry". It would be a fitting payback for the USS Liberty and might avert even more crazy behavior from the Persians. If the Israelis do attack Iran, I hope the US stops all military aid and co-operation with Israel.

You (the americans) did not think twice about attacking Iraq because they purportedly had WMDs (which you never could find). Even if they did they were no threat to the US anyways. But you attacked them nonetheless.
So why the animosity towards Israel? Iran is a lot closer to having nukes than Iraq was and they probably already have the capability to deliver them against israel. Add to this the famous speech by Ahmadinejad about "wiping israel off the map..".

I dont want an Iran-Israel war any more than you do, but your comments seemed amusing coming from an American.
Well Israel is not that stupid but Israel make this mistake there will be hell to pay.
Israel would probably do it, if not for the US holding them back.

Iran could close the Strait of Hormuz so easily and no amount of US air or naval power could prevent it. The ensuing economic morass is exactly why Bush told Israel no back when the global economy was looking pretty good and why the US will block any such Israeli attempt now.

Israel can say they would do it without US approval, but they won't. ANd frankly this looks like a tit for tat with the US - the Obama administration is taking a much tougher position on Israeli settlements and a 2 state solution than Bush ever has and this might be Israel's way of telling them to back off.
You (the americans) did not think twice about attacking Iraq because they purportedly had WMDs (which you never could find). Even if they did they were no threat to the US anyways. But you attacked them nonetheless.
So why the animosity towards Israel? Iran is a lot closer to having nukes than Iraq was and they probably already have the capability to deliver them against israel. Add to this the famous speech by Ahmadinejad about "wiping israel off the map..".

I dont want an Iran-Israel war any more than you do, but your comments seemed amusing coming from an American.

There were many reasons for the US action in Iraq. The belief that Saddam possessed WMD and might give them to stateless terrorists was only one reason. We were having to maintain a force in KSA to protect against another move by Saddam, the economic sanctions were breaking down and causing a lot of pain to the ordinary Iraqi, and, al Qaeda said that they attacked because we infidels were on the soil of the land of the two Mosques. We couldn't meet this so-called fundamental cause/demand of the al Qaeda 9/11 attack without first dealing with Saddam. Now that our troops are out of the KSA , al Qaeda has shifted it's rationale (its beef with us) to other causes. Also, the US was trying to make the "neighborhood" safer for Israel so that a solution to the Palestinian problem might be achieved. As it has worked out, the Iraqi invasion has caused us tremendous loss in lives and financial resources and political capital, with very little benefit to the USA, if any.

Who do you think would have to clean up the mess of an Israeli attack on Iran? Not the Israelis, they don't have the capacity to deal with the aftermath. That would fall on us. I am one American who does not think that Israel is a true friend to the US. They have done absolutely nothing for us in spite of the tremendous cost, to us, of our support for 60 years. I can't think of a single thing that our "ally" has done for the USA. Therefore, we should actively try to prevent them from making our life even more miserable by their attacking Iran. If they do attack Iran, it would be completely for their own interest and completely against ours.
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Well our relations with Iran are not good.So i am all for Israeli action on Iranian Nuclear Reactor.I don't want to see nuclear armed countries on all sides of Pakistan when they are somewhat hostile to Pakistan.

Glad to see you wishing well for a Muslim nation excellent.
You (the americans) did not think twice about attacking Iraq because they purportedly had WMDs (which you never could find). Even if they did they were no threat to the US anyways. But you attacked them nonetheless.
So why the animosity towards Israel? Iran is a lot closer to having nukes than Iraq was and they probably already have the capability to deliver them against israel. Add to this the famous speech by Ahmadinejad about "wiping israel off the map..".

I dont want an Iran-Israel war any more than you do, but your comments seemed amusing coming from an American.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejads speech was taking out of context he was basically saying that eventually Palestinian population living with in israel will grow enough that they will simply change the name of the country from Israel to Palestine he never threatened to nuke Israel.
1000s of Jews live peacefully in Iran and travel back and forth freely between Israel and Iran if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wanted to kill Jews do U think he would let the Jews live in Iran.but telling the truth specially by newyorker would be a miracle their habit of making things out of thin air might be the reason they are going belly up as they have lost any or all credibility.
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