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Israel to ‘punish’ Turkey.

Israel was also supposed to punish Iran,no?:unsure:
I think Erdogan could have been more subtle in his response.Should have kept the diplomats,yes.
Maybe Pakistani circus clowns can also volunteer for the Turkish navy, eh?
Sorry, only 3 perhaps 4 countries at the moment can hope to defeat Israel, and not without WW3 consuming the world.
You regard yourselves too highly i believe, besides, Pakistan has one very powerful and very large enemy right next to it.

Why do you people delude yourselves is beyond me, how can you ever hope to defeat Israel without facing reality...

Dear petex don’t get involved with emotional people too much. (Relax and be Calm)

I have read some of your concerns about pak and other countries. (Which is understandable)

Pak sent pilots in 67 and 73 but learned this lesson in kargil 99 when Israel supplied India advanced state of the art satellite/spy technology. After that pak leader ship decided not to interfere in Israeli matters aside from publications. And Israel decided to limit and remove some of its lethal weapons to India.

Let me say this though :::::

Pakistan as a state is not and will not be the enemy of Israel; Pakistani nukes will not be used to defend Arabs or Palestinians who don’t even give a toss about Pak or our issues.)

However that aside Some Pakistanis are a threat to Israel, mainly these people are extremists who will fall for jihadi propaganda and go on to do terrorist stuff. Then there are others who are educated and professional but will hold very negative views about Israel.

Most of the Pakistani people are poor folks who are working day and night just to put food on their table they don’t have the time to faceoff with Israeli log.

The ones on here who may not share your view are not a threat to you/Israel, however they have the right to say what they want as long as its in a consistent way.

And lastly I don’t speak for all Pakistanis here….. I just know that are others out there that will wish to focus on our country 1st by eliminating poverty, illiteracy, improving education /health etc. rather than worry about what happens in a distant land.

The concept of Islamic union or whatever; we tried this in 1971 Bangladesh it didn’t work the Bengalis didn’t stay with us and the concept of union between the groups failed utterly.

What there needs to be is a political solution to the conflict rather than a religious 1 or a pointless war.

evil does not deserve freedom.

Do you see the irrationality in your argument? If anyone from the muslim faith labelled all jews as "evil" and used this argument, what would your reaction be? Might seem self satisfying to you, but not good enough to use in the international community which mostly consists of countries which are non jewish. The muslim rage is more about land than religion while the jewish state itself is a religious concept based on Judaism. Even some of the greatest Jewish intellectuals acknowledge the injustices faced by Palestinians and Israel being formed on rigid basis. Why not opt for a secular state?
Dear Ptex,

Please answer the question following without your zionist diatribe and propaganda:

Despite the fact US gives your so called country (my tax payer money) $3.075 billion annually, why are there 430,000 people protesting in the streets due to price hikes of fuel, food and basic services? If you people are in this position despite this enormous aid, imagine what would happen should the US no longer afford hand outs to you.

US aid to Israel to remain intact in 2012 - Israel News, Ynetnews
WASHINGTON – Our American friend: American aid to Israel will not be reduced in 2012 despite budgetary cutbacks, senior US officials said Wednesday.

The $3.075 billion in aid granted to Israel would remain intact under the 2012 State and Foreign Operations Act, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Appropriations Committee, Rep. Hal Rogers said in a joint statement with Rep. Kay Granger, chairwoman of the foreign operations subcommittee of Appropriations.

Israeli protests: 430,000 take to streets to demand social justice | World news | The Guardian
Dear Ptex,

Please answer the question following without your zionist diatribe and propaganda:

Despite the fact US gives your so called country (my tax payer money) $3.075 billion annually, why are there 430,000 people protesting in the streets due to price hikes of fuel, food and basic services? If you people are in this position despite this enormous aid, imagine what would happen should the US no longer afford hand outs to you.

US aid to Israel to remain intact in 2012 - Israel News, Ynetnews
WASHINGTON – Our American friend: American aid to Israel will not be reduced in 2012 despite budgetary cutbacks, senior US officials said Wednesday.

The $3.075 billion in aid granted to Israel would remain intact under the 2012 State and Foreign Operations Act, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Appropriations Committee, Rep. Hal Rogers said in a joint statement with Rep. Kay Granger, chairwoman of the foreign operations subcommittee of Appropriations.

Israeli protests: 430,000 take to streets to demand social justice | World news | The Guardian

one has nothing to do with the other.

Israel is a valued allie of the United States. We will continue to support them. That is a fact and will not change. And any country that tries to destroy them. Will in the end meet with failure just as they have in the past. And the upcoming UN vote will change nothing except the level of rehtoric.

Also considering Turkeys hostility towards Israel. NATO needs to remove any B61 bombs it still has positioned there.
one has nothing to do with the other.

Israel is a valued allie of the United States. We will continue to support them. That is a fact and will not change. And any country that tries to destroy them. Will in the end meet with failure just as they have in the past. And the upcoming UN vote will change nothing except the level of rehtoric.

Also considering Turkeys hostility towards Israel. NATO needs to remove any B61 bombs it still has positioned there.

Typical tea-bagger response! So support Israel at all costs, even at the expense of US interests. :lol:
one has nothing to do with the other.

Israel is a valued allie of the United States. We will continue to support them. That is a fact and will not change. And any country that tries to destroy them. Will in the end meet with failure just as they have in the past. And the upcoming UN vote will change nothing except the level of rehtoric.

Also considering Turkeys hostility towards Israel. NATO needs to remove any B61 bombs it still has positioned there.

This sort of rationale gives Israel the psychological assurance to cause any atrocities it wants. Every country in the world is accountable for their action which is why there is the UN. Unless Israel and the Palestinians know what is at stake, there is no chance of peace. Why will Israel seek peace when it knows it can easily occupy land and get away with it?
The magic word that brings so many Islamist Paks out of caves and into the bazars, burning flags, cursing, and going mad.

Such is our state of mind, that we have become rabbies infested animals who have nothing to say or do in order to improve our own Pak land. We just want to send a lot of hot air towards Israel.

Funny that Palistinians don't give a $hite to our issues and our concerns about issues such as Kashmir. They all would rather sit in the lap of India.

But we want to be the ARab lackies no matter what they say or do to us.

As the rising global superpower, India should punish both of them if they continue to act in such hostile manners that not only disrupt their own countries but also every other country in the region. I don't care if we have to put boots on the ground in both Turkey and Israel if they continue on this path. Frankly, I'd rather India take care of this problem itself rather than letting it spill on all the innocent nations in the region, thus creating a world problem.
As the rising global superpower, India should punish both of them if they continue to act in such hostile manners that not only disrupt their own countries but also every other country in the region. I don't care if we have to put boots on the ground in both Turkey and Israel if they continue on this path. Frankly, I'd rather India take care of this problem itself rather than letting it spill on all the innocent nations in the region; thus creating a world problem.

But that's America's job, and you know how sensitive Obama is right now about people stealing American jobs.
But that's America's job, and you know how sensitive Obama is right now about people stealing American jobs.

America, oh, you must mean the declining "superpower" of the beginning of the 21st century? Americans can not even handle Afghanistan and Iraq, what makes you think they can remedy the situation in Turkey and Israel? Fact of the matter is they can't, they are unable to. India will soon replace America, as I believe is just a natural course of action..
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