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Israel is the biggest terrorist in the middle east.

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We know quite well that the essence of the conflict in occupied Palestine is the illegal and illegitimate occupation of Palestine by Zionist Jews who are supported and backed by the West. We also know that Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestinians and stealing their land since the evil entity's birth more than 60 years ago. In the course of these years, numerous atrocities were perpetrated and tens of thousands of people were killed mercilessly by the very regime which now invokes the bestiality of killing children & people.
wasnt it israel who attacked first! not trolling but just want to know the fact!
No. Egypt declared naval blockade against Israel. Accoridng to UN its act of aggression.

Israel is involved in killing of Palestinian people...
Arabs killed more Palestinians than Israel.
Arabs killed more Palestinians than Israel.

in other words, you have admitted that Israel is killing Palestinians



Sure. When they attack us we attack them back.

Who can forget Moshe Dayan?? after all it is his legacy.

The best way to make them stop fighting us is to put a price tag so high they will have to reconsider.

When he would send the IDF to massacre an entire village because a single jew died. collective punishment. What one palastenian does every palastenian will pay for it.

One jew = 1000 goyam right?
Who can forget Moshe Dayan?? after all it is his legacy.

The best way to make them stop fighting us is to put a price tag so high they will have to reconsider.

When he would send the IDF to massacre an entire village because a single jew died. collective punishment. What one palastenian does every palastenian will pay for it.
Arab myths.

One jew = 1000 goyam right?
Thats what Hamas says.
Sure. When they attack us we attack them back.

Palestine: Freedom Is What They Want

The ratio of Israelis killed by Palestinians is small in comparison with Palestinians killed by Israelis. In the year 2006, according to B'Tselem, a respected Israeli human-rights organization, 660 Palestinians, including 141 children, were killed by Israelis, while only 23 Israelis were killed.

Try to visualize, if you can, 141 children. That's about the population of four average classrooms. Now visualize a heap of dead children. Those shot in the head are probably not recognizable, but you can see the bullet holes in the young, tender bodies of the others. If you can visualize this, then maybe you will get an inkling of the suffering inflicted on Palestinians by the Israelis.
They want destruction of Israel. So called freedom they could get long time ago.

Here is the reason:


this clearly shows that Israel is the buggest terroriest state of the world,
first they took over Palestine country , then they start killing people everywhere and when they pay back they call them terroriest,
just leave their country and everything will be fine ... they wont attack you anymore.... why cant you as person see this, that you first took thier country ?????

History tells us when ever jews have a state they create issues for all others, even jews claims that thier best part of lives when they used to live in spain under muslims govs.

One Jew cannot take interest from other jew ? why is that? but one jew can take interest from others as much as he/she can :)
jews thinks that they are God fav nation and one jew is equal to 10 muslim people ... this is what creating issues, jews need to change thier mindset to live peacefully

What you want to say??? The soldier gun is not pointed at the Kid, If you look closely you can observe that the gun is pointed extreem left of soldier. The Soldier is looking in different direction , so its obvious that he is trying to convince the women rather than threatening her...

No soldier in world can target enemy with the positioning of hand where soldier has positioned his hand and more ever picture not always tell truth

Look at this picture, It shows that Sir Baraak obama is doing wrong, but the truth was "it was just an illusion due to positioning of camera"..

They want destruction of Israel. So called freedom they could get long time ago.

Here is the reason:


If you steal their land, degrade them, destroy their economy, terrorize their children and still think you are normal. Jews have learned everything from Hitler. Terrorizing, deporting, lebensraum, massive military actions... Sorry, Hitler was a jew so it must be in the family.
They want destruction of Israel. So called freedom they could get long time ago.

Here is the reason:


ok now tell me

this is real???

or this??


and this???

@ Black Widow

What you want to say??? The soldier gun is not pointed at the Kid, If you look closely you can observe that the gun is pointed extreem left of soldier. The Soldier is looking in different direction , so its obvious that he is trying to convince the women rather than threatening her...

Israel soldiers give a damn...who's in front of them...they are just "killers"
What you want to say??? The soldier gun is not pointed at the Kid, If you look closely you can observe that the gun is pointed extreem left of soldier. The Soldier is looking in different direction , so its obvious that he is trying to convince the women rather than threatening her...

No soldier in world can target enemy with the positioning of hand where soldier has positioned his hand and more ever picture not always tell truth

Look at this picture, It shows that Sir Baraak obama is doing wrong, but the truth was "it was just an illusion due to positioning of camera"..


why cant the soldier point the gun upwards or something, why is he pointing in the direction of innocent kids???, dont give your illusion crap

is he pointing on the far left too, and looking some where else??


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