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Israel is the biggest terrorist in the middle east.

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Try substituting "Pakistan" for "Israel". It is Pakistan that generates terrorists who prey upon its own citizens, neighbors, and allies; and it was Pakistan who killed more civilians and damaged the lives of Palestinians with state terrorism (General Zia in 1970.) The number of Palestinian civilians killed by Israel is miniscule by comparison.

So what do you think your duty should be, Raja? To abuse Israel and Jews? Or to forgo lying and actually work towards creating moral good in the world?
This topic is not about Pakistan so don't drag Pakistan here and i am not abusing anyone. I am speaking against the abuse of Palestinians in the hands of Israel. I am just stating the facts and Israel has committed terrorism on Palestinians. Can you provide me total numbers of innocent Palestinians killed by Israel?

Even your isreali soldiers admits killing of innocent peoples

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except some dillusional people and israel and american govt, all guys, even chinese, japanese, koreans, central asians, russians know what israel is

Japanese, koreans, central asians, russians, indians, americans also believe that pakistan is worlds biggest terrorist nations. Whats your opinion on that ?
Japanese, koreans, central asians, russians, indians, americans also believe that pakistan is worlds biggest terrorist nations. Whats your opinion on that ?

Is this topic about Pakistan? Or you Indians have nothing better to do than dragging Pakistan in every topic.. You can create another topic and can speak on behalf of Japanese, koreans, central asians, russians, americans etc
Since when? Terrorism has been a part of Pakistani state policy for years, culminating, perhaps, in the 1971 state-sponsored massacre of Bangladeshi civilians. As far as I can tell Pakistan's legacy of state-sponsored terror continues today, from Kandahar to Mumbai.
Since when? And certainly not now. Take a close look at some of the photos posted of Arab civilians adjacent to Israeli "occupation" soldiers. Do they look terrified to you? No, these Arabs look bored.

For a truer perspective of the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict that the biased one Pakistanis are usually fed, see Michael Totten's Darkness in Palestine.

So start a new thread rather than distract from the subject at hand.

You know Solomon or shall we say sholomo for more historic accuracy (from your POV) We will never accept this intruder Israel those Euro lot who decided to come here just because they belonged to a certain race (and they intend to keep it that way apparently) so you can rest on spreading your propaganda in here.

By saying that Israel is good simply for restraining itself from massacring every (arab) they see is disgusting. those Israeli want a "jewish state" and will not risk anything changing that. yet they say they are a democracy. How do these two things come together I will never know I guess.

A democracy for a single race and religion now that is something else isn't it? And you tell me they are treated better than any other place in the middle east I tell you try to sell your propaganda some place else sholomo or more accurately שלמה and I am pretty sure you can read this and for your information I can too.
This topic is not about Pakistan so don't drag Pakistan here and i am not abusing anyone. I am speaking against the abuse of Palestinians in the hands of Israel. I am just stating the facts and Israel has committed terrorism on Palestinians. Can you provide me total numbers of innocent Palestinians killed by Israel?
Does anyone else care to draw Raja through the mud? If in doubt, just pretend you are me when you analyze his response.
Does anyone else care to draw Raja through the mud? If in doubt, just pretend you are me when you analyze his response.
Did you watched the videos of your brother soldiers? :D Better you contribute something other than your sarcasm
Irony is- Pakistan and Israel got their land on the same premise in some ways. 3rd party granted it to them against the will of the original land owners. what I also don't get really is- okay , if you take the author on face value and say fine Israel is the biggest terrorist state as per some pakistani posters here- then how do they justify Pakistan best all weather friend having good relations with whom they consider a terrorist?

I'm not trying to be cheeky- just showing the other side of the argument..
Since when? Terrorism has been a part of Pakistani state policy for years, culminating, perhaps, in the 1971 state-sponsored massacre of Bangladeshi civilians. As far as I can tell Pakistan's legacy of state-sponsored terror continues today, from Kandahar to Mumbai.
Since when? And certainly not now. Take a close look at some of the photos posted of Arab civilians adjacent to Israeli "occupation" soldiers. Do they look terrified to you? No, these Arabs look bored.

For a truer perspective of the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict that the biased one Pakistanis are usually fed, see Michael Totten's Darkness in Palestine.

So start a new thread rather than distract from the subject at hand.

lollzzzz man, you are completely dillusioned arnt you, smelling the rose with lillies and smelling lillies on roses :rofl::rofl:
Japanese, koreans, central asians, russians, indians, americans also believe that pakistan is worlds biggest terrorist nations. Whats your opinion on that ?

give the link where they say that, except ofcourse chidumbaram infected indian govt
No wonder some day some one will post a blog with title "Human are biggest terrorists of World" :taz:
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