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ISPR song reveals position of Indian Submarine detected off Karachi

You mean the Gujarat incident? Please clarify. If it was that, there was a very touching letter from the Pakistani pilot involved, expressing his condolences to the daughter of the Chief Minister, explaining that under military discipline, he had no choice.

Now I am thoroughly confused. Can you please recap? I'm kind of lost in the thread.
Yes Sir, the very same incident but from all point of views. And yes I am aware of the letter from the PAF officer, as it happened recently.

Sorry. If it was the Gujarat incident, Wikipedia has a quick and dirty account:

I went through it but it is just scratch of the information source.
On this above mentioned Date ; Indian Navy was already FULLY battle ready

SO if you had attacked our submarine ; we would have launched
an all out attack
Navy conducts a major operational exercise in the Arabian Sea

You don't launch an "All out attack" when your own media says Pakistani BAT units pulled livers and guts out of the Indian soldiers they killed.
Pakistan has good defenses in the sea and Indian Navy knows that. You keyboard warriors will keep writing ignorant comments.
Navigation through International waters is not restricted. Even you can launch a blue water capable ship and go thorough the straits of malacca, no one would stop you. But the fact remains that any and all vessels going through our backyard are tracked and logged.

The real question is, if it infact was IN sub surface fleet that was detected inside Pakistani Territorial waters, what was Pakistan doing ? Why did not it intercepted it? We are lead to believe that PN has all required pieces of hardware needed to do that. Why was it not intercepted?

it was detected but we never wanted to destroy it because you already want to do something terrible near our coastal waters so that you can cry to the whole world and try to interfere our sea lanes who are used by Cpec project.it's very simple dude.i agree that you track most of the submarines but only if they are close enough of our coastal waters.you can't track a submarine who is playing hide and seek in indian ocean and recent chinese submarines use different technology to reduce noise.it's not easy dude.
I think otherwise remember Atlantique incident.

Already discussed earlier in the thread.

Yes Sir, the very same incident but from all point of views. And yes I am aware of the letter from the PAF officer, as it happened recently.

I went through it but it is just scratch of the information source.

Have you read the letters?
On this above mentioned Date ; Indian Navy was already FULLY battle ready

SO if you had attacked our submarine ; we would have launched
an all out attack
Navy conducts a major operational exercise in the Arabian Sea


Pakistan is waiting for you to "actually" do it instead of spreading fake news and keeping general public calm.
In 65, a civilian aircraft, carrying the then Gujarat Chief Minister and his entourage, was shot down in Indian airspace. Admittedly it was during hostilities, but the pilot tried to signal the Pakistani pilot by waggling his wings. However, under instructions from ground control, the Pakistani pilot attacked and brought the plane down.
The pilot was a professional and that's why he later apologized to the daughter of the victim for his mistake.
The pilot was a professional and that's why he later apologized to the daughter of the victim for his mistake.


Let me explain my point of view as best as I can.

The pilot was a professional, but even more than that, he was a sensitive human being. As a professional, as a uniformed man, he was then under military discipline and he had no choice. It was not, in fact, a mistake; he was ordered, without the possibility of exercising his personal judgement in the matter, and he followed orders. He knew while doing that that the chances of the Beechcraft being a civilian aircraft and being unarmed were very high, very very high, and that, in effect, he was shooting down an unarmed civilian plane. That is why, as a sensitive human being, he reached out to the lady.

If you were to get in touch with him and ask him, he would probably tell you that if he had to do it again, very reluctantly, he would follow orders, just as he did before. Even at the cost of suffering huge individual pain.

This was an excruciating position to be in. My deepest respect to the pilot that he did not lose his self-discipline and that he continued to do his duty afterwards even under that awful strain.
The Indian submarine was detected on 18th November 2016 and was forced to change course and return.
This new ISPR song revels further details. The submarine was detected at 165.6 Nautical Miles (306 Km) at bearing 231.8 degrees off Manora point Karachi. Good range of detection by Pakistani shore based radars for a submarine only snorkeling.

View attachment 423841

This is ECDIS display which are commercially available Navigation charts conveniently made for Microsoft Window.
The Military systems may not be on windows.


I think neither should u guys nor the ISPR should be disclosing this and this should stay classified to preserve national security. It should be disclosed after 25 or 50 years when Indians cannot use this info for anything.

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