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Islam is the ultimate defender of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

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Why some are saying this thread be closed?. As long as proper arguments are given and no attempt for bigotry. Problem when people are carried away on both sides of the isle then those people should be straightened.

before bangladesh separated from west Pakistan we were using nationalism to keep nation united but it failed to keep us united then gen zia realized that only way to keep Pakistan united is to promote Islamic ideology otherwise in few years we may lose other parts of nation so I agree with poster of this thread that Islam comes first and is basis for keeping Pakistan united
You need to correct yourself! Gen Zia used Islam for his end. He didn't betray the country but he wasn't that of a thinker to know Islam.
This entire Thread goes around Pakistanis living outside of Pakistan speaking about How Pakistanis living IN Pakistan aren't perfect Muslims WHILE themselves being Openly NON-Muslims...

The Indecency is off the chart...

But that isn't surprising... It's the main motto on such related threads... be it with Arabs/Pakistanis/Turks etc... Seems that flag or "Muslim" name is THE universal key to legitimate their "opinions" on such topics...

If I could get a penny for every time I read or heard this non-sense, I would be a millionaire already.
Who will define indecency? You! it seems that you have no understanding of your own religion, even surface level. People like you seems to be more worried about such "indecencies" instead of seeing how the state failed and continues to fail in providing basic necessities to its citizens, such as security of life, security of wealth and an equal opportunity of prosperity to its citizens. Education is down the drain, healthcare is already in ICU, corruption is wide spread but you are worried about what one wears or eats.
You cant add any thing to discourse, in a civilised world, people will question your believes, your ideas and will challenge you if you try to enforce them. Now I am sure you will be itching to come up with some ghisa pitta response on how west isnt civilised or some other BS, regardless we need to do serious course correction. This nation had been lead ofcourse by the halwa khour brigade, the so called guardians of Pakistan Ideology, infact they are the biggest enemy of this beautiful land and its people.
Factually incorrect. British left their colonies to their local leaders based on their ethinicity. Not based on religion.

Furtheemore what is pur national identity? Foe the argument sake if we are not muslim then why a sindhi should live with pathan who are having a totaly different ethinicty ? And why did we get separated from india in first place ? We could have been biggest nation in the world

Hats off to this statement. If it was never meant to be islamic republic then quaid was idiot to lost millions if lifes for muslim nation ? How do u explain his speech on creation of state bank of Pakistan which clearly state islamic principles of economy to be implemented ?

And why did we create Pakistan if it is not a land for muslims of sub continent? Provines of Pakistan were never in a history functioned as a single state. They dont even understand the language of each other

Where does islam stops u from being welfare state or getting education. Infact on the contrary it was islam that introduces the concept of modern day welfare state and for your information the current democracy to which secularists hold as a bible is itself much older than islam.

Not making a welfare state and falling behind is our failure and has nothing to do with us.

My one question to all of u anti religion guys. What is the unity factor in Pakistan if not Islam. Iran is united as they r proud persian. GCC is united as they are arabs. Iraq and syria has a rich history.

If u remove islam on what basis u will ask a pathan to share his land with punjabi when ethinically they were enemies?

@mods this is not a religious discussion but debate on our national identity. So i suggest this should be allowed to continue just like any other secular discussion.

This is not about islam only but identifying the bond that is holding us togather otherwise we r 7 to 8 different ethinically diversed region and if we continue that path we are bound to disintegrate.

So its important to realize that i want to share my land resources with pathan as he is a muslim otherwise as a pathan he is unknown to me.

With regards to minorities we do have respect and care for them as per islamic principles

Exactly, this is the problem. We have always tried to define our identity based on religion and not land. Your land also has a history..rich history, problem is we don't want to acknowledge it as it runs deep with episodes of great empires/kings who were not Muslims...we just want to acknowledge, see, hear Islam/Muslim side of things related to us....because as I said before, we want to justify two nation theory.
Land/ history/time are not subject a religion...religions,civilisation evolve and die in them.....Start associating everything that has been part of Pakistan's land....open up, be inclusive to other religions/culture....things will fall in place.

What is common in people of free world in current times. Take US...it's a mixture of various religion, races around the world....why it is intact?... India has been a good example of unity in diversity (don't bring current government stuff in picture...I am talking of it's history).....If Malaysia declare itself, non-Islamic state..you mean it will disintegrate?
We have to first make uniform policies for the country, uniform education system that teaches new generation about country first concept (than religion).....
Our elites have deliberately kept our people less aware and uneducated...so that they could be manipulated easily. Bring in modern education system, free from bias/hate against any religion, emphasise on science and tech...and you will see the benefits in 10-15 years from now.
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Please read our (Pakistani) constitution. It is sufficiently mentioned there. Even the preamble says enough.
I don't have a copy handy, could you tell me please? would it be one of the mazhahib or one of the sects run from dehli, deoband, breli, qom, qadian and so on and on and on?
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